I had this iced today. The first time I tried it that way, I used the cold brew method… ie dumping the leaves in cold water and then leaving it in the fridge.
Well, I was highly disappointed. That plastic taste I get in greens came popping right out.
If I hadn’t been out n about I would have ditched it, but I was thirsty and needed a drink.
This time though, I made it hot and then let it cool. Better. But I let it sit for a bit too long thinking that because it was to be iced, it might be better that way. Boy was I wrong.
Next time, I make it my normal way (90 seconds) and ice it. Hopefully that will turn out better. I might even go with icing the second steep instead.
Oh and I’m lowering the rating a few points. To me, this is pretty similar to Long Life Oolong in the fruity aspect. It goes so much deeper in the flavour. With every sip, I kept thinking… not terrible, but LLO was so much better. Yeah, they are different species and all… green vs oolong, and I’m not typically a green girl so perhaps this is my bias coming out? or maybe I just had one of those randomly “bad” cups!
Methinks I just need to steep it again with my usual method. shrugs
Who knows.


I’ve never had much luck cold-steeping or sun-tea-ing green tea without it getting nasty and bitter.


same here! but then I rarely if ever enjoy greens cold or hot…

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I’ve never had much luck cold-steeping or sun-tea-ing green tea without it getting nasty and bitter.


same here! but then I rarely if ever enjoy greens cold or hot…

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