Earthy, mushroom-y goodness. I’m a fan of the citrus as well. Loved the first two steepings but it just sort of fell flat really quickly. Possibly needed less than boiling water.

It’s a cute novelty, it being in a dried tangerine and all. Huh. It’s a novel-tea.

Flavors: Citrus, Mushrooms, Wet Earth, Wet Wood

Boiling 0 min, 15 sec 6 g 3 OZ / 100 ML

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Hello! My name is Mateusz, or Mat for short. Started brewing gong fu style in January 2021. This is mostly for logging purposes; don’t expect fancy reviews as I’m not great at picking up every note and hint and I’m not too picky anyway.

Happy to exchange tea samples! I haven’t been great at updating my cupboard but feel free to ask about the teas that I log on here.


New York, NY

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