513 Tasting Notes


I served this hot to go with after brunch conversation. Our guests are not generally tea drinkers, so I was looking for a few blends that would be fairly universally appealing. This one brewed up with tons of great watermelon flavour. I still think it really best suits cold steeping, but it was nice to try it hot for once.

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I have been going through this tea like crazy at work. It is such a nice easy to to drink while I am busy. It is not a fussy steep, it stays great as it cools down, and I love the chocolate mint combination. It might be labelled as a rooibos, but there is absolutely no rooibos taste to it that I can detect.

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drank Winter Berry Spice by Teavana
513 tasting notes

Apparently I had forgotten how ambivilant I was about this tea. I took it because it has such a lovely strong berry smell. Admittedly, I did drink it after a cup of the Chocolate Peppermint Rooibos, but all I got was vanilla. ALL I got was vanilla, no berries, no anise, nothing fun. I am willing to try this again and make sure that I am still not crazy but about the flavour, but what a let down after the awesome smelling leaves!!

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I started out work with a cup of this this morning. I love this tea and how naturally sweet it gets. I don’t love it’s oily thickness or the fact that it etches its flavour in my travel cups, but it is such an amazing treat once in awhile!! I have a bunch of this to get through still, but it was such a hit last Christmas that I wonder if it will be back again this year?

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This tea has become one of my hoarded irreplaceable favourites. I can usually brew an excellent cup with my eyes closed. Yesterday though, I broke it! I was busy when I tossed my leaves in to steep and I forgot to throw in some sugar. The brewed cup was good, but not great, and I was worried that new sugar would not fully dissolve properly, so I threw in a honey stick I had. A mint chocolate honey stick…. For future reference, Stormy Night and Mint Chocolate honey do not go well together! Next time, remember the sugar!

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drank Coffee Cake by DAVIDsTEA
513 tasting notes

This was a better note, but Steepster ate it.

I noted that I have been upping my tea consumption be bringing it to work with me. This tea ended up with a lower overall rating than I would have expected, but I really like it. The sweetness connotes more of a baking note to me than the more spice heavy blends like Sugar and Spice or Gingerbread. This isn’t the flashiest tea to look at, but I think it is a nice solid blend!

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I missed a day or two! Already!! But I am back to trying to get in at least time for one cup of tea a day. Today’s offering was Lemon French Macaron. It took me a while to decide which tea to pick tonight, I wanted a lighter tea and stumbled across this one while thumbing through my greens. I really like the lemon/almond combination in this tea. At first, I get the sharp tarter punch from the lemon, but then it is softened by the sweet, nutty undertones of the almond flavour. I adore the light, but surprisingly decadent resulting flavours in this tea.

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drank Poached Pear by DAVIDsTEA
513 tasting notes

I brewed this short and on a delicate heat today. The resulting brew was nice and heavy on the pear and spice flavours, and delightfully light on the rooibos base notes. Initially, the flavour was very spiced based and warming but, as the tea cooled, the pear notes became more and more apparent.

Overall, I was really impressed with this tea. I found it naturally sweet and a nice light blend. I could see myself drinking a lot of this one!

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drank Hello Sweetie by Butiki Teas
513 tasting notes

The weather is getting colder, I am finally settled into our new place and getting settled into my new job, thus, I think I am can try to commit to myself to drink and review at least one cup of tea per day. As per the joys of moving, the tea cupboard is in chaos, and I can hardly remember what we even brought. Thus, I can optimistically look at this as a rediscovery journey when it comes to me tea.

I thought I would start with this one, an old favourite of mine. Coconut, a great black tea base, a sprinkling of sugar, this tea is always a winner in my book. I hoard my stash of it and watch it like a hawk while it steeps, lest I waste even one cup of this tea. It is a good return to my tea cupboard.

On a side note, I am curious to see what the two new Pumpkin teas DavidsTea seems to be releasing tomorrow pan out like, but I would be even more excited to see Sweet Lime (or Poached Pear) available in store!

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drank Snickerdoodle by DAVIDsTEA
513 tasting notes

I got 50 grams of this to try out while we in David’s Tea last week. I was warned that it could be cloyingly sweet and to approach steeping it with caution, so I tossed it into more tepid water and only steeped for a minute and a half. I am a fan of cinnamon but not in huge quantities. I do, however, have a weakness for Snickerdoodles. The steeped brew was very sweet, I am glad I didn’t toss in sugar, but it was still enjoyable. I am not sure how often I would drink this, but once in a while I could see it being a nice, indulgent treat. I do get the cookie notes and there is almost no discernible rooibos flavour to the tea. Another tea that was not my favourite, but I am sure we will get through the fifty grams we have in the house.

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