513 Tasting Notes
I think I finally worked out my why I can’t get behind this tea! I think it all boils down to me and my intense dislike of cardamom. I love so many of the flavours this tea promises (I am an almond nut), but I can’t seem to get over the cardamom. This one goes to my fiance, he is going to have to finish it off!
I have been neglecting this tea of late, which is ridiculous because it is one of my fall favourites, but maybe, for now, I have finally had my fill? I brewed a cup up last night and it was alright, it always brews into a good tea, but I just didn’t find myself as in awe over it as I usually am. Maybe it and I just need to take a bit of a break for a little while!
I am not sure what went wrong with me and this tea, possibly a simple case of bad timing? It came out right before we moved down south and I didn’t have time to really get into any teas. I know I liked it, I certainly stocked up on enough of it, but since then it has just sat on my shelf. Today I finally got around to brewing up a cup again. The resulting sweet, caramel tea reminds me a lot of movie night and like a buttery sort of version of Sleigh Ride. Given that I adore both of those teas, it is not surprising that this was initially such an easy sell with me. It was a great cup of tea today and I am glad I finally got around to trying it out again!
This tea can be great or it can be not so great. Happily, last night I brewed up an excellent cup. Both the banana and the grape flavours were present and they melded beautifully with the white teas base. This was a lovely cup to enjoy while we learned a new board game!
I was so excited to find this back and then I went and screwed up the steep! What a disappointment! I pulled the bag too soon, so I got a lot of the spice flavours but nowhere near the level of lovely berry or fruit flavours I had been hoping to get as well. Next time I will practice patience and hopefully that will result in a better cup!
I’ve gotten in the habit of setting a timer for the short end of the recommended steep time and then using a tiny cup or ceramic spoon to sample the tea before the whole cup cools. I often end up putting the steeping basket back in, and I get a cup that’s the right strength, instead of being disappointed when the cup cools enough to drink.
That is a good way of approaching them! I find I am much better when I am steeping at home, it is work tea that kills me. I tend to be pretty busy, so I often wind up either forgetting about the steeping tea or being so paranoid that I have left it too long that I pull the leaves early. I need to get better about watching the time I throw it in so at least I have some reference point for how long it might have sat.
Ah yeah I could never get a good cup at work. At my last office job I just drank my way through a box of chai tea bags, so I could just let it steep forever and add sugar and milk.
I gave this a shot after trying a sample in store. It wasn’t phenomenal when I tried it in store, but I thought it had some interesting notes so I brought a bit home to try brewing up myself. I am much more impressed with this tea at home. It is most definitely a ginger tea. There is a hint of sweetness from the pear, but the dominant flavour is definitely the ginger. However, I am coming around to ginger teas, so I didn’t necessarily find that a bad thing. Overall, I thought this was a great warming tea for fall and a nice, different white than many I have tried.
This tea has so much promise. I can actually really get behind the idea of roasted rice genmaicha notes on a strawberry tea. Unfortunately, every time I brew this the white base goes really flat on me. I think because of the base tea it doesn’t get a chance to steep long enough for the fruit flavours to really start to shine. It is disappointing, because this tea smells absolutely amazing!