183 Tasting Notes

drank Mom's Apple Pie by DAVIDsTEA
183 tasting notes

I like the fact this really tastes like apple. It’s nice that there’s no astringency to the green tea, so it goes down smoothly.

Not sure if I’ll buy more than the sample I already have, but if I have a craving for an apple tea, I’ll reach for this one.

180 °F / 82 °C 3 min, 15 sec

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I brewed this and Tealux’s Coconut Creme at the same time to compare them. The ingredients seemed very similar, and they looked the same, other than Persimmon’s tea being in smaller pieces.

Brewed at the same temp, same time, and in the same type of steeper, the results are: the Persimmon Tree’s has a creamier coconut taste and richer mouth feel. I really like both, but I think this one edges out the lighter Tealux’s by a bit.

I’m glad I compared them before I drank DTs Cinnamon Heart, as I tried them again after and all I could taste was cinnamon. I need something to cleanse my palate.

190 °F / 87 °C 2 min, 45 sec

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Not bad. This is one of the first teas with black tea in it I can actually drink. Mainly because it tastes like liquid cinnamon hearts, and not puerh or black tea.

I don’t think I’ll buy more, because I have lots of cinnamon herbal teas that I like more, but still, not bad.

Boiling 6 min, 0 sec

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drank Pistachio Cream by DAVIDsTEA
183 tasting notes

I was really looking forward to it, as I’ve developed a taste for Mulberry Magic (I started off disliking it), and love pistachios.

The smell from the bag is unbelievable. It reminds me of a liqueur – I’m just trying to nail down which one. Taste-wise, I’m not quite blown away. Its flavour is mild, and although it has a touch of creaminess to it, I don’t get pistachios.

I’ll keep trying, and maybe I’ll come to appreciate its subtle qualities. That’s what happened with Mulberry Magic. I think I have enough leaves for 2 or 3 more cups. That should be a fair trial.

Even if you never buy it, go into a DT and smell it. Wow.

Boiling 5 min, 0 sec

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The smell of this is really interesting. I really smell the lime. Hot, it doesn’t taste like much. It’s not bad, just kind of bland, with a hint of lime. I’ve added ice cubes and am waiting for it to cool down.

Cold, the lime and peppermint come out a bit more. Not bad, but not one I’m likely to crave in the morning, which is when I try to drink tea with caffeine in it.

185 °F / 85 °C 3 min, 0 sec

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drank Pu-erh Coconut Cacao by Tealux
183 tasting notes

I’ll freely admit I’ve been leery about trying pu-erhs. I’ve read about how they can have an earthy/fishy taste, and wondered why anyone would want that. I decided to go with a flavoured one to start with, hoping to ease in.

Verdict? It’s not bad. I had no idea whether I should rinse it or not, so I erred on the side of caution and rinsed the leaves for 20 sec before steeping it for 3 min. I can taste an earthy base note (relative to the oolongs and greens I drink), but it’s not overpowering. And not fishy, thank goodness. I don’t really taste coconut, but maybe it gives it a bit of creaminess that otherwise wouldn’t be there. I do get chocolate notes, which I like.

I’m glad I tried it. I don’t see myself drinking it all the time, but it was a good intro to Pu-erhs. My sample only has enough for 2 more cups, but I will try re-steeping this one and see how it changes.

200 °F / 93 °C 3 min, 0 sec

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I think my tastebuds are on vacation today. This is the third Butiki tea I’ve had today that barely tasted of anything (the last was Traditional Plum Pudding – I didn’t make a note for it). I get a hint of cinnamon and apple from this, but just a hint. And no potato.

I’m going to hold off rating this and Plum Pudding until another day to give them a fair shot.

180 °F / 82 °C 4 min, 0 sec

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drank Grapefruit Dragon by Butiki Teas
183 tasting notes

I was very careful to follow the brewing instructions exactly for this tea. It looked like such a tiny amount of tea leaves in the steeper, but I went with it. It brewed up to a very light golden colour.

I smelled the dry tea and it does smell like white grapefruit. I don’t get much of a smell from the hot tea. I guess from the reviews I read, I expected a strong grapefruit smell. Taste-wise, it seems very bland. I don’t taste grapefruit at all. I’m going to let it cool off and see if that helps.

As it cools, I’m getting grassy, vegetal notes, but still no grapefruit.
I poured half into another cup and added a touch of cane sugar to see if it would bring out more flavour. No go.

Hmm. I might try this again with more tea leaves to see if that helps (it’s new tea, so age isn’t an issue here).

180 °F / 82 °C 2 min, 30 sec

weird. i know mine is really smelly and drinking it leaves that tangy feeling on my tongue :) totally grapefruit


I’d mention it to stacy if the taste never materialises possibly..


It could just be my tastebuds today. I’ll try again in a few days.

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I’m so glad I ordered more of this. The more I drink it the more I like it. I drank it all day at work yesterday, and it just goes down so smoothly. And it smells so good. Love it.

190 °F / 87 °C 3 min, 45 sec

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drank Organic The Glow by DAVIDsTEA
183 tasting notes

I resisted trying this one for a long time because of the floral ingredients, but I’m running out of Davids Teas to try, so I bought a small sample.

It’s much better than I thought it would be. Cinnamon is the primary flavour I get, with apple following. It’s pretty good.

Boiling 7 min, 0 sec

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I’m a vegan, board-game playing, avid reader who likes to run and/or lift weights depending on my mood (and current injuries).

I’m fairly new to tea, but my collection seems to be growing at an exponential rate. Herbals, greens, whites, and now oolongs are my teas of choice at the moment. I haven’t developed a taste for black yet (if it’s something you can develop a taste for).



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