526 Tasting Notes


This is very fruity! The pomegranate flavor has lost its sour taste and is replaced with a sweet rose flavor. The green base offers a nice calming effect. This brew is very fresh and floral. The aroma coming from my mug reminds me of watermelon ranchers. The aftertaste of this is somewhat stale. I can hint at an artificial syrup flavor. This isn’t my cup of tea, again, I believe this to be another blend that would do well if cold brewed.

Flavors: Floral, Green, Rose, Vegetal

175 °F / 79 °C 2 min, 15 sec 1 tsp 6 OZ / 177 ML

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mmmm :) This is always a classic. This particular brand of Ceylon has a very smooth flavor. The taste is still somewhat bold but quieted down. I love the aroma of the steeped leaves! They Have an uncanny wet forest smell, which I just enjoy so much! The liquor is a deep dark red and still has a slightly smoked flavor. This will always be a great everyday black. I like how this company keeps this going. :)

Flavors: Dark Wood, Earth, Smoke, Smooth

Boiling 3 min, 30 sec 1 tsp 6 OZ / 177 ML

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This brew was not what I expected. When I usually see “house blend” I think a malty and robust brew. If not that, then I think of something fruity and generic. This brew was quite different. It reminds me of “The Naught Vicar”, which is another blend from this company. The only difference is that it’s a lot softer. The flavors are somewhat muted and smooth. It has a quiet grape flavor with a slight tang to it. The woodsy taste of the black tea has been replaced by a sweet flavor. This is a very basic, yet enjoyable tea.

Flavors: Grapes, Jam, Wood

Boiling 3 min, 30 sec 1 tsp 6 OZ / 177 ML

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This is a very well rounded brew. The Congou gives it a smoky and bold flavor. This dark and rough taste is then smoothed out by roses. I did not taste lychee except for the slight sweet after taste. This is a very red floral tea. I can get behind this blend; I enjoy its florality without the chalkiness of pollen. Its very decent.

Flavors: Rose, Smoke, Smooth

Boiling 4 min, 0 sec 1 tsp 6 OZ / 177 ML

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This is a good brew. I can’t taste any “tropics” though. I can mostly taste a flowery spring flavor. I can only hint at what I think to be pineapple. This is a great green tea; its refreshing and calm. I enjoy it, I believe this would fantstic if cold brewed in the spring.

Flavors: Flowers, Green, Pineapple

175 °F / 79 °C 2 min, 0 sec 1 tsp 6 OZ / 177 ML

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Nope, Nope, Nope. This tea is very dusty and the color is off. The flavor is sour and pungent. I believe others would enjoy this but its definitely not my cup of tea.

Flavors: Sour, Vanilla

Boiling 4 min, 0 sec 1 tsp 6 OZ / 177 ML

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I’ll have another Earl Grey for today. The lavender in this brew balances out the bergamont. It causes for an interesting smoothness. I enjoy this brew and I can see it making its way to my Earl Grey list. I always discover new and different Earl Grey mixtures. Its fascinating how many ways you can mix a classic blend. It has a smooth body and soft black tea flavor. The bergamont isn’t that potent. I can mostly hint at the lavender. This is a soothing mixture.

Flavors: Bergamot, Lavender, Smooth

Boiling 4 min, 45 sec 1 tsp 6 OZ / 177 ML

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This is delicious!! I saw the name and I couldn’t wait to try it out. It is very suiting. The actual appearance of this blend is unique. I thought at first that it was just small red clay pebbles. The aroma is incredibly spicy. It takes quite a long time to brew but is well worth it. It has a sugarcane sweetness as the initial taste. This then follows with a zest and cinnamon flavor. The aftertaste is of clove and cinnamon. This is a many faceted brew and very enjoyable. The only part I dont appreciate, is that this leaves a powerful spice taste on your tongue. Otherwise this is a truly one of a kind brew!

Flavors: Cinnamon, Citrus, Cloves, Sugarcane

Boiling 8 min or more 1 tsp 6 OZ / 177 ML

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What a smooth body this brew has! Its malty and very bold but just the right amount. I tastes like an Assam but more calm. The flavor is of a dark wood and slightly roasted. The aftertaste is sweet and robust. I like this brew, basic yet still enjoyable. This would make a great everyday black.

Flavors: Dark Wood, Malt

Boiling 4 min, 0 sec 1 tsp 6 OZ / 177 ML

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brrrr!!! I needed something to warm me up this frigid day, so I picked a nice chai. I opened the package to be greeted with a familiar chai scent. The usual cardamom, cinnamon, and anise. The only difference with this, is there was a sharp scent that I couldn’t quite place. I brewed a generous amount in my mug to hopefully cure my frostbite. The aroma was a thick sweet cinnamon with slight anise. The flavor was somewhat surprising. I assumed the black tea pellets was Assam, but this tea doesn’t have the all well known “malt.” Instead, this brew is very smooth and has a slightly watered down taste. This is a rather weak chai, which is okay. It warmed me right up and showed me a lighter side of the chai world.

Flavors: Anise, Cardamom, Cinnamon, Vanilla

Boiling 7 min, 0 sec 1 tsp 10 OZ / 295 ML

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Young and experienced Tea consumer. I’m continuously learning and developing knowledge about tea. If I have learned anything at all from the world of tea it is that I do not know anything about the world of tea. I enjoy good tea, and I try to acquire the best of the best. I usually brew gongfu but I’ve been known from time to time to resort back to western brewing.

I have an Instagram (haveteawilltravel), and I am proud of my photographs. I use my pictures in my reviews,and I hope that they aid in portraying the beauty of tea and teaware.


Tea Rating System:
I rate my teas based on the category they fall into (Puer, Red, Oolong, Darjeeing, Flushes, Yancha… etc.)
This means that I will rate a Oolong based on how it stands up as a quality Oolong. I try not to compare teas, rather I work to evaluate them on their craftsmanship, harvest, processing, and qi.

I am most strict with Shou and Sheng Puerh, only because of the vast expanse of various experiences, such as; region, vintage, production, processing, etc.


Middle of nowhere, New York

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