Jane Austen

Tea type
Black Tea
Not available
Cooling, Creamy, Marshmallow, Spearmint, Earthy, Mineral, Mint, Musty, Sweet, Woody, Lavender, Vanilla, Cake, Caramel, Cream, Floral, Honey, Malt, Wood
Sold in
Loose Leaf
Edit tea info Last updated by Cameron B.
Average preparation
205 °F / 96 °C 3 min, 30 sec 8 oz / 226 ml

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  • “Advent Day 16 Love the aroma of this tea. It’s such a lovely, subtle creamy vanilla mint. The flavor is also quite subtle, and I wish I was getting more of that creamy mint flavor. The black base...” Read full tasting note
  • “Simpson & Vail Advent Calendar: Day 16 Someone over at S&V must’ve been so pleased to realize that Jane Austen’s birthday is in December! I’m a huge Austen fan and reread the canon every...” Read full tasting note
  • “S&V Advent Day 16! I quite enjoyed this! The floral flavors go super well with the smooth black base, and the mint is an interesting addition. I’m having it room temperature with sugar and...” Read full tasting note
  • “Advent Calendar 2024 – Day 16 Yay, more literary tea! Not sure if it’s just the distribution of ingredients in my sample, but I’m not getting the lavender at all here. I think I could smell it in...” Read full tasting note

From Simpson & Vail

Jane Austen was born on December 16th, 1775. After receiving her primary education at boarding school, Jane returned home where she and her older sister Cassandra would spend long hours in their father’s library reading the classics and writing their own stories. Jane had a close relationship with her father and he encouraged her creativity by supplying her with the paper and writing utensils she desired. In 1811, Jane’s first novel Sense and Sensibility was published and met with immediate success. Jane Austen’s novels illuminate the everyday lives of young women in the early 19th century and blend contemplative pastoral prose with witty banter and intriguing romance plots. Besides writing, she was an avid gardener who tended to her own plants late into her life.

The delicate prose of Jane Austen’s novels is evoked in this blend that combines spearmint with a gentle touch of vanilla. Lavender flowers, which look lovely in both the cup and the gardens around Jane Austen’s estate, add a sweet floral taste that complements the mint and vanilla wonderfully. This blend captures the color and joy of Austen’s characters while taking inspiration from the herbs and flowers she cultivated in her own garden. It brews to a refreshing cup with a cool mint flavor that’s softened by the warm vanilla and the sweet lavender flowers.

Ingredients: Black teas, spearmint, lavender flowers and vanilla flavor.

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9 Tasting Notes

1959 tasting notes

Advent Day 16

Love the aroma of this tea. It’s such a lovely, subtle creamy vanilla mint. The flavor is also quite subtle, and I wish I was getting more of that creamy mint flavor. The black base is quite mild.

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397 tasting notes

Simpson & Vail Advent Calendar: Day 16

Someone over at S&V must’ve been so pleased to realize that Jane Austen’s birthday is in December!

I’m a huge Austen fan and reread the canon every few years, and I was also lucky enough to take an Austen-centric class during undergrad (English major reporting for duty!). Her dry, understated humor and boundless wit always delight me, and I love how keenly (and often mercilessly) she captures the foibles of human nature.

Anyway, I was happy to see this one yesterday, although I only steeped it up this morning (while reading some Ursula K. Le Guin, haha). It’s a pretty sedate black base with bright, cooling spearmint predominating, and then some and creamy, pillowy notes from the vanilla — it’s more marshmallow-y than vanilla-y, in my opinion! I get a smidge of lavender on the back of a sip, but I could honestly do with more.

This is somehow refreshing and cozy, which I appreciate. I might consider purchasing it and adding some additional lavender from my own garden.

Flavors: Cooling, Creamy, Marshmallow, Spearmint

Cameron B.

I am so amused at how often you and I seem to be on the same page regarding this advent ha ha!


Advent twinning!

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2563 tasting notes

S&V Advent Day 16! I quite enjoyed this! The floral flavors go super well with the smooth black base, and the mint is an interesting addition. I’m having it room temperature with sugar and milk, and it’s one I wouldn’t mind having again! That bright hit of mint makes this one stand out to me, and of course I’m a big Jane Austen fan, so I definitely came into this wanting to like it.

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4330 tasting notes

Advent Calendar 2024 – Day 16

Yay, more literary tea! Not sure if it’s just the distribution of ingredients in my sample, but I’m not getting the lavender at all here. I think I could smell it in the packet, but didn’t pay that much attention ha ha. Mostly I taste spearmint and the earthy/woody/musty black tea base. I smell a lot of vanilla, but only taste a little bit, and it’s more of a smoothness/creaminess than specifically vanilla.

Not bad, but I wanted more of everything ha ha. I’m sure this one is in the literary sampler, so hopefully I’ll get around to ordering that one of these days, and then I can try it again. :P

Today’s jam is White Nectarine-Peach Spread. To me, it’s like why even add the peach at all when those two things are so similar ha ha, but I digress. It’s a very tasty stonefruit jam, and delicious with a bit of butter as well. Nectarine is a nice variation on the usual apricot!

Flavors: Creamy, Earthy, Mineral, Mint, Musty, Spearmint, Sweet, Woody

200 °F / 93 °C 3 min, 0 sec 2 tsp 8 OZ / 236 ML

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247 tasting notes

I’m a huge Austen fan and recently went to a wedding of a friend who shares my love of all things Austen. This tea was one of the reasons I picked up the Literary Collection gift box. I almost sent it to my friend as well and honestly, I might do that for her birthday.

I did have this tea last week but cold season has hit our house and I couldn’t taste anything. Today it tastes much better. I wasn’t sure what I was going to think about the spearmint and lavender combo but it works well together. I’m reminded of a lavender cookie I had once. It’s a nice sip for a quiet afternoon.

Flavors: Lavender, Spearmint, Vanilla

205 °F / 96 °C 3 min, 15 sec 1 tsp 7 OZ / 207 ML

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259 tasting notes

Wow… I really was skeptical about this blend because Spearmint and lavender seems like a strange combo but it was incredible. The vanilla ties everything up in a cozy bow and it’s just so comfy and luscious. The only downside was that online you have to buy 4 oz at a time but it’s still so worth it.

Flavors: Cake, Caramel, Cream, Floral, Honey, Lavender, Malt, Spearmint, Sweet, Vanilla, Wood

Boiling 4 min, 30 sec 2 tsp 8 OZ / 236 ML
Cameron B.

Sounds intriguing! Depending on the strength of the lavender, I may or may not enjoy this one ha ha…

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6444 tasting notes

I was weirdly excited about this and I have no clue why because I don’t love Jane Austen. However, I guess I could sense it was a good tea because this awesome smelling brew came out with lovely notes of spearmint, lavender, and vanilla. All distinctive and yet subtle.

Check out the full review here: http://sororiteasisters.com/2017/10/07/jane-austens-black-tea-blend-from-simpson-and-vail/

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4324 tasting notes

Now, I was never much a fan of Austen, especially when I heard the Brontes were also not much of a fan. I’m a Bronte fan completely. I recently watched ‘To Walk Invisible’ and was wondering what is with all the Branwell screen time? I guess he added drama. I’m much more of a fan of this tea than Austen. The black tea acts as the perfect base (there, yet not too strong) for great flavors. It’s a unique blend of spearmint, lavender and vanilla flavor. Not only do these three flavors go wonderfully well together and complement each other, but they are also equally balanced. This tea almost should have been the Bronte tea and each flavor could have represented each sister (lavender for Emily because she loved the moors, vanilla for Anne because she was the sweet one, and spearmint for the boldness or possibly the freshness of Charlotte’s writing). I read Anne’s ‘Agnes Grey’ last year, and if it wasn’t for her sisters brilliant writing, I think her writing would have been even more well received than it is. So even though some would say Anne didn’t bring much to the table, I disagree! Now I wish I were reading a Bronte book today. This tea would be lovely with reading.

Another one of my kitty buddies had a rough night last night. Fluffy didn’t pass too far behind her brother, who passed away on 2/4 of this year. She seemed fine up to a couple days ago.. she was a scrappy one! Her suffering wasn’t long, but it is very hard to know they are suffering even for a short time. Another hard day in a hard year. Both cats kind of bookended my Dad’s hospital visits this year. Next year HAS to be better.

Flavors: Lavender, Spearmint, Vanilla


So sorry hear about the kitties and Dad. :(


I’m so sorry for your loss.


Thanks very much, Nicole and Arby. Dad is doing better after his stroke and brain hemorrhage in June. He is walking every day, working on his speech for his aphasia every day, and has recently started shoveling too much. So the year COULD have been worse, but it also could have went better.

tea-sipper working on his speech doesn’t just mean talking — he does worksheets, works on tablet apps for aphasia and reads aloud.

So sorry to hear this….


Thanks Dexter


I’m so sorry about your kitties ): my grandad and uncle both suffered strokes, my uncle very recently, and I know how frustrated they were with their aphasia. Both are doing infinitely better now, and I hope the same can soon be said about your dad too.

On a better note, I love the Brontës too! But I also love Jane Austen XD


Thanks, Nattie – it must have been very tough having two of your family members go through aphasia. I can’t imagine how hard it must be for anyone to go through that. But it is definitely something that can improve over time and glad to hear your grandad and uncle are doing better with it!

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54 tasting notes

Full review:

I LOVE being surprised – or better yet – proven wrong – by a tea and Jane Austen’s Black Tea Blend from Simpson & Vail Tea did exactly that! This is just what I needed to start my day on a crazy Monday morning! I just might have to buy this one in bulk and soon! This is a heavy-duty tea that gets a GOLD STAR from me!

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