Mastress Alita’s Monthly Sipdown Challenge
May 2022 → A tea that reminds you of yourself
Growing up, I wasn’t ever really interested much in zodiac signs and astrology. In fact, it made me nervous even glancing at the horoscope column in my Seventeen magazine. Growing up as I did in a tiny southern baptist church, these things were frowned upon (to say the least). As an adult, my pastor would be properly appalled at me now with my curiosity about tarot and herbalism. All that to say, I don’t know much about the signs aside from the basics. I know that I am a Scorpio sun, Libra moon, and Libra rising. My birthday falls right on the cusp of Libra and Scorpio, and I tend to think of myself more as a Libra than a Scorpio. Maybe because my moon and rising signs are Libra. But I am sensitive and loyal and private. I also definitely feel the need to control every little detail around me. So it fits, for sure.
This tea is mostly a mix of chocolate and vanilla with a vague fruitiness coming through in the dry blend. It has good flavor, I’m enjoying it. I think this was a sample I received with an Adagio order. I don’t see myself purchasing more of it.
Flavors: Chocolate, Fruity, Vanilla