First review here! Eeek!
Steep times: Rinse/5/10/15/20/20/25/30/40/60
The dry leaves were so fragrant and sweet. After the initial rinse, the inside of the pot lid smells like a summer day in my childhood backyard after the grass has been mowed. The taste is somewhat (not overly) sweet and not really bitter; mouth dries out after sipping by the second steep but just a little; third steeping tasting a little more grassy and less sweet, dry after taste; 6th steeping is grassier and a little more astringent; 9th steeping is milder with less grassy notes and astringency. Feeling a pleasant little head lightness in these last few steepings. No noticeable huigan.
Flavors: Astringent, Cut Grass, Sweet
Congrats on your first review! :)
Thanks! :)
We have all stood on the same ground. Keep on writing!
Thank you! :)