I see Teavana has free shipping, so I decided to sit down and give RRLM a shot in hot tea mode before I make an order. I’ve done this tea iced a couple times and it is amazing!
STEEPED: Deep red colour, smells tarty raspberry
TASTE: TARRRTT! WARGGGHH! I get the raspberry and lemon, but it’s really tart and strong! I don’t taste the mate as the tartness is pretty high. Okay, tart o meter is an 8 out of 10.
Sweetened, it’s not as tart (phew) and down to a 6 on the tart o meter and more mellow raspberry and lemon. Very nice raspberry flavor coming out here and natural tasting.
WHO WOULD DIG THIS TEA: someone who is not afraid of tart and likes raspberry.
COMMENTS: Yeah, I’ll order more of this tea – iced, holy cow amazing! Hot? ehhhh never unsweetened. Sweetened, not bad, but I rather drink something not that tart.
Now I’m totally buzzing away after all this caffeine, sweeet!
That’s why I sent it to you. I"m not a sour/tart kind of girl. Two Splenda packets later and it’s still too tart for me.