This is the first time drinking this tea. I haven’t tried a decaf before. I’m using four tea bags for this tea pot. The tea pot usually give me three cups plus one bag for the pot. I might reuse those teabags later, but I doubt it.

First cup: interesting. I’m not getting a lot of sweetness (just finished a slice of coconut pie) or flavor. Kind of like drinking warm scented water. The tea smells of chamomile.

Second cup: Tea still smells of chamomile. At first taste, it’s a very weak herbal tone, then the finish is a more stringent “tea” taste that was missing from the first cup.

Third cup: Not sure if the lack of taste is because of the decaffeination or if it’s a tea bag. Will definitely save the bags for another brew. Surely, green tea is supposed to have more taste than this.

200 °F / 93 °C 4 min, 0 sec

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Hi, I’m Brandy Hunt. I am a stay at home mom who likes to drink tea and write.





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