23 Tasting Notes


Sweet, vegetal, mellow, marine sencha. A classic and understated flavor profile with no real fireworks, but it’s nice enough.

Flavors: Grassy, Seaweed, Sweet Corn, Vegetal

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Nuts, cocoa, caramel, dry peppery wood, vanilla leaning on old books, subtle touch of beetroot. Active mouthfeel, leaves a short sweet aftertaste.
A very clean and pleasant liu bao with some complexity and good aftertaste. The material is clearly higher quality than most liu bao I’ve had before and it lacks the musty storage funk of older liu bao. Would be a great introduction to Liu Bao for fans of ripe pu-erh.

Flavors: Beetroot, Caramel, Cocoa, Nuts, Pepper, Vanilla, Woody

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Distinctly herbal, vegetable broth, a little spicy, some lime, some oolongish florality. I’m not usually a big fan of non-Japanese green teas, but this one is excellent. Very distinctive, very unlike any mainland Bi Luo Chun I’ve had, that vivid raw herbal edge is something else. I recommend grandpa-style or pushed hard, it really benefits from strong long brews.

Flavors: Herbal, Lime, Spicy, Vegetable Broth

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Delicious fukamushi. Sweeter and fruitier than most, properly thick and opaque, like a green banana and spinach smoothie. Bitterness is below average.

Flavors: Banana, Fruity, Spinach, Sweet, Umami

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drank Chiran Sencha by O-Cha.com
23 tasting notes

Great value sencha. Really cloudy, might as well be a fukamushi even though it’s stated to be chumushi. Very nice floral and grassy aroma.

Flavors: Floral, Grassy, Umami

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drank 2023 Snoozefest by white2tea
23 tasting notes

An alright daily drinker. Some fruit in the aroma, but the taste is more vegetal and slightly creamy. Decent upfront sweetness, some minerality, leaves a slight vegetal bitterness. Not particularly complex or interesting, but it does deliver a clean modern raw pu-erh with a decent caffeine punch at a good price. Just don’t expect it to taste like a 40$ cake!

Flavors: Creamy, Fruity, Mineral, Sweet, Vegetal

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drank Naka 2022 by Chen Sheng Hao
23 tasting notes

Really great, balanced young raw. It features an excellent aroma of very sweet apricots and flowers that gets better and more pronounced as the brews go on. Starts more vegetal, and becomes more fruity-sweet. Short, sharp medium bitterness, nice minerals, good complex mouthfeel. Leaves a strong refreshing effect in the mouth and throat and good energy.

Flavors: Apricot, Floral, Mineral, Pineapple, Savory, Sweet, Vegetal

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Solid classic dianhong, nice for the price. Robust, chocolaty, malty. Great daily black tea.

Flavors: Cocoa, Malt

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drank Tanyang Gong Fu by TheTea
23 tasting notes

An excellent robust black tea. Intense notes of cocoa, brown sugar and roasted grain. It leaves a great aftertaste of brown sugar, rum and maybe something like roasted coconut?

Flavors: Brown Sugar, Cocoa, Roasted Barley, Rum

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A pretty basic semi-aged raw with not much complexity. The flavor is mostly woody with some prunes or plums, some upfront sweetness, touches of tree resin and minerality. Just a hint of smoke. Tastes a bit flat overall. Aftertaste is drying-astringent. Kinda meh.

Flavors: Astringent, Mineral, Prune, Resin, Woody

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