299 Tasting Notes
Augh, this was incredible. I loved it just plain, but I was having it too late in the day and was going to be up all night visiting the bathroom so I was like: ADD MILK AND BROWN SUGAR, DRINK FASTERRRR and oh, man. Sweet yumminess. This is a keeper. I have 1 more sample here from cavocorax and then I’ll be making a wibbly face and making an order… ;)
So interesting. Had this yesterday, after dinner. Idk, I’d need more to get to know it. But it smells amazing and I think I like it a bunch.
It’s much better than I remembered too!
Apparently if you love-love-love it, you can order buttloads of it really cheap from the site: http://www.davidstea.com/web-specials ($18.75 for 8.8 oz? But that’s A LOT of tea)
Yeah I know! I basically bought that much of Read My Lips because it was $12 and I got all grabby handed when I saw it in store. :P So, I’m NEVER running out of that one.
Oh! Speaking of Cocomint, Jackie T told me that she asked another company to re-create the blend for her. It’s basically identical: http://steepster.com/teas/simpson-and-vail/36741-jaclyns-cocomint-tea
It probably costs a lot to ship to us though. :(
Someone posted a while ago that if you contact simpson and veil directly you can negotiate a cheaper shipping fee. It’s also sometimes cheaper to but s&v’s teas on amazon. The are shipped from S&v.
Whoops, I wandered off while steeping this. No matter, still good.
Hahaha. Did you add anything to it? Not sure if I could drink 8+ min steeped Earl Grey without a bit of milk to tone it down!
no, i thought it was really good
ehehehhe but then, I love earl grey (i ttly just wrote earl GREAT and had to backspace)
hahahah. Earl Great is TOTALLY valid.
I should send you some of the Kenyan Earl Grey I’m sampling from Justea. I swear it was almost lemon custard-y, although I don’t know how I managed that. It was great!
If I had monies, I’d totally contribute to their campaign: http://www.justea.com/#!/mainPage but you might be able to snag a sample if you email them.
I think cavocorax is right – this is spicier than the David’s Tea Pumpkin Chai – but the pumpkin chai is pumpkinier. Squashier? In my memories, anyway.
This tea is excellent. I’m enjoying it with my pumpkin cupcakes which are a bit overdry, so it’s working out wonderfully.
Now I know what to drink next!
Hee! But what about me? Empty cup. :(