Recently (as in last week!) Uniq Teas approached us – the SororiTea Sisters – and offered us three blends (one for each of us) … allowing us each to first create our own blend and then sent us our blend to review.
(By the way, in the weeks to come, we will be hosting several giveaways sponsored by Uniq Teas where the winner will be able to create their own blend and receive it!)
This is my Blend! Sweet & Sassy SororiTea … although I don’t know if “sweet” is the right word to describe me, I think that sassy could be, although I think there are other … better … descriptive words that could be used to describe me. But, I chose the name not as a reflection of me but as a reflection of the tea. It is a combination of Caramel, Black Spiced Chai and Almond teas.
(If you’re interested in what the other Sisters created, you can see all the blends that have been crafted in the Uniq Teas Gallery: )
Mmm… this smells so good. The aroma that is wafting out of my teacup. I keep holding up the cup to my nose as I impatiently await it to cool enough so that I can sip it … I guess I could drink it piping hot but I don’t want to burn my tongue. I’d be pretty useless as a tea reviewer with a scalded tongue.
YUM! This tastes just the way I wanted it to when I created the blend. I wanted something creamy and caramel-y, with enough spice to cut through some of the sweetness of the caramel, and just a touch of almond for a little bit of sweet, nutty flavor. Yep, and that’s what I’ve got in my teacup.
The caramel is the strongest note but it isn’t an overwhelming note. It is sweet and creamy without being too much. The almond gives it an almost almond toffee kind of flavor, and then the spices cut through that at just the right point.
I’m loving this, but I’m not going to rate it since I crafted it. Love it … and I’m wondering how it will taste in about three weeks … which is when I will write my full-length review of it. If it’s good now, it will be awesome in three weeks. (Remember … 3 weeks is the magic waiting period for tea blends to mingle)
Sounds like an amazing blend :)
Mine. I must have this.