Not bad for a rooibos! haha
My first note from my giant Zen Tea order, eep – I used it to help me sleep last night while playing Sims 3 (yay Steam Sale!)

The blend smells like strong rooibos but after steeped it’s a great balance with just a hint of lavender. Very enjoyable!


Hee! I bought that one too! I recreated my family, and the first thing my bf did in-game was hit on pretty girls downtown. Ridiculous. Guess I shouldn’t have made him evil.


Why would you make your bf evil?! LOL!

Daisy Chubb

haha oh no!
It’s okay, I made myself insane because it was too real. I’ve only played for an hour an dmy bf already set the kitchen on fire while trying to make waffles and I freaked the eff out :D

Just like real life!


I love building my old homes from memory. Man, I love the sims. My computer is too slow to run it anymore though. :( I need more power!!

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Hee! I bought that one too! I recreated my family, and the first thing my bf did in-game was hit on pretty girls downtown. Ridiculous. Guess I shouldn’t have made him evil.


Why would you make your bf evil?! LOL!

Daisy Chubb

haha oh no!
It’s okay, I made myself insane because it was too real. I’ve only played for an hour an dmy bf already set the kitchen on fire while trying to make waffles and I freaked the eff out :D

Just like real life!


I love building my old homes from memory. Man, I love the sims. My computer is too slow to run it anymore though. :( I need more power!!

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My favourite tea companies are DavidsTea and Verdant Tea. They please my palette in different ways – and I love them both for it.

I’m back bb!

<3 Daisy


Ottawa, ON [Canada]



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