Thai Tea

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Black Tea
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  • “My godson is home from college where he is working on his PhD and came for a visit today. He and my daughter went out for Thai food and since he has fallen in love with Thai tea, I asked that they...” Read full tasting note
  • “Sadly, i don’t know what brand this is, but I got it in Philly"s Chinatown from a merchant who was very annoyed that I asked for it. it tastes just like the stuff at my favorite Thai restaurant in...” Read full tasting note

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2 Tasting Notes

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My godson is home from college where he is working on his PhD and came for a visit today. He and my daughter went out for Thai food and since he has fallen in love with Thai tea, I asked that they bring me one back to try as I have never had one.

Wow. This is…orange. This is sweet. Like major, major sweet. They opted to sit outside to dine because the restaurant was so crowded, so I go out to see them and daughter has an orange smile. I stick out my tongue. Orange.

Verdict – it tastes good I guess? Exotic to this Southern bumpkin. If I made it at home I would use less sugar and no food coloring.

Fun to try something I have never had!


Not a fan of the food coloring either but I’ve searched high and low and have yet to find a traditional Thai tea that doesn’t have it. Pantai tea mix will give you the best results…it tastes exactly like what they serve at the restaurants. I make it at home with less sugar and oat milk.


I didn’t realize there was a mix available, that’s handy.

Someone posted not long ago with a more natural version, colored with beets, which intrigued me.


Wow, thank you both! His mom was looking for a good mix since he loves it so much!

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196 tasting notes

Sadly, i don’t know what brand this is, but I got it in Philly"s Chinatown from a merchant who was very annoyed that I asked for it. it tastes just like the stuff at my favorite Thai restaurant in Norristown, PA. Is it really tea? Who knows. Who cares. It is fun to drink but I would never put it in any serious contention for good tea. Let the good times roll!

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