Pêché Mignon

Tea type
Fruit Green Blend
Cornflower Petals, Flavors, Green Tea, Pineapple, Rose Petals
Melon, Astringent, Candy, Fruity, Grass, Peach, Pineapple, Cantaloupe, Creamy, Green Apple, Strawberry, Cream, Sweet
Sold in
Loose Leaf
Edit tea info Last updated by Cameron B.
Average preparation
180 °F / 82 °C 2 min, 45 sec 11 oz / 328 ml

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35 Tasting Notes View all

  • “oh, wow, this is maybe the fruitiest green tea I ever had. It smells amazing though I worried it might be “too much”, like those scented pens or stationery when I was a kid. Brewed up it smells...” Read full tasting note
  • “Feeling like I need something fruity and tasty and mellow, but not weak this afternoon… I went for a black breakfast tea rather than my usual green which was a strange experience, reminded me why I...” Read full tasting note
  • “It’s funny how you can sip a tea and taste one thing, then read the description and totally pick up on other flavors. I was totally tasting peach in this cup. A bright juicy peach. The start of the...” Read full tasting note
  • “Recently I tried this tea cold brewed. After putting it in the fridge I forgot all about it, so it sat there for approximately 1,5 days. This tea turns into a rather nice iced tea. The flavor is a...” Read full tasting note


Allow yourself one ‘Pêché mignon’, a flavored green tea with fruity notes of wild peach and melon.

Don’t think that you are the only one because life would be tasteless if we did not have our little, confessed faults… I mean those shortcomings that don’t have any major consequence, to which I let myself go shamelessly.

This creation of THEODOR house will please your taste buds with ‘delight’, and the only thing you will regret, is that you were not the first one to have given in to it.

MAJOR NOTES: Melon, exotic fruits

INGREDIENTS: Green tea (Origin: China) (89,5%), Pineapple pieces (4%), Flavors (Passion fruit, Melon, Peach, Strawberry), Rose petals, Cornflower petals.

INFUSION TIME: 2 to 3 minutes
TEMPERATURE: 175 °F (80°C)

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35 Tasting Notes

362 tasting notes

oh, wow, this is maybe the fruitiest green tea I ever had. It smells amazing though I worried it might be “too much”, like those scented pens or stationery when I was a kid. Brewed up it smells slightly different and at first sip it´s not cloying, but a very strong taste of peaches and melon.

I had to go check on the Theodor website what were the notes of this – the peach and melon are obvious and far stronger than everything else, though I think in retrospect there is a hint of the passion fruit. The website specifies it is vine peach which vindicates my nose, I did think it was vine peach. The melon is the dominant note here, though interestingly it seems to spread, move to the forefront as it cools – when I poured the hot water the peach was more obvious and also more present at first sip, then it started to get more in the background with each cooler sip. It´s still there on the last lukewarm sips but just as a background.

This is just lovely. I think this would make an excellent (though probably quite expensive) ice tea. And it´s very summery as well, a great tea to have, hot or cold, on a warm day (is spring finally here? cross fingers!). While Mélange de Galice, another peach Theodor tea, was a sort of summer dreaming tea to have in the darkest of winter, Pêché Mignon is a summery tea to have when summer is coming – or maybe that is just me being fancy.

This is going on the to-buy list for sure, though in practical terms, it might not happen anytime soon.

PS – second steep, using a little hotter water, a bit less water and a slightly longer steep also good. But less intense melon and more noticeable peach. Not sure peach is stronger actually, I think it is just that by the melon being more toned down you notice the vine peach more.

185 °F / 85 °C 3 min, 0 sec

I’ve seen vine tomatoes (bought them yesterday, in fact!) but vine peach? I’m very impressed at your nose anyway! :)


where do you buy your Theodor teas in Portugal Teresa ?
I am planning to go to their shop on next month, if you want I’ll let you now what I want to buy.


Hallie, for me peach is large and yellow, and vigne peach is peach as well (not like nectarines which is a different thing) but smaller, softer and more scented and red. I think it is a very french thing to divide peche, peche de vigne (and nectarines) but it is somewhat related to the peaches we grow here, pessego, pessego de roer (peach) and nectarine. It smells different, it does, really, though i can not explain it well – vine peach or peche de vigne smells more and smells wilder though I will confess that m,y favorite variety of peach to eat has not too strong a smell but is the big yellow (rather than white) peach.

Ysaurella, I bought afew Theodor teas in a Lisbon shop which sadly closed in December, but there is a shop in Porto which sells Theodor (though they do not divide by blender brand, whichI kind of respect though it is not helpful. I do hate their diving tea by “origin” which is not sensible at all IMO) http://www.rotadocha.pt/ I have ordered from them before and am planning to order again soon, if only I can decide what i want more!

And if you go their shop, smell everything before choosing! I have been completely seduced by so many of their blends just because of the smell, it´s so well blended – I have not been disappointed with the smells versus the taste!


That does it – I’m going to have to find a way to get to Portugal (during peach season, now)! This is fascinating, thanks for explaining for me!


Ah, but Hallie, peach season is cherry season as well, and nice as peaches are, oh cherries, cherries are the best – you get vans coming down from the cherry regions selling literally “psst, want a box of cherries” our of the back of vans, and those cherries were probably picked 2 days ago and are just sublime. Peaches are nice, but cherry season http://www.flickr.com/photos/cteresa/7164100153/


I just — no, am speechless. That is glorious. We get strawberries sold locally, and they’re very good strawberries, but it’s not cherries. I am DEFINITELY going to have to visit. In June, right?


LOL, you ´d be very welcome. June, leaning towards May. They start to show up mid May and are usually gone by the end of June.

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82 tasting notes

Feeling like I need something fruity and tasty and mellow, but not weak this afternoon… I went for a black breakfast tea rather than my usual green which was a strange experience, reminded me why I always have a green tea first thing. Ah well! On to the tasting.

I have so little of this tea that using it feels like I really need a good excuse and a long time to savour it. The colour in the cup is bright and golden and the aroma is nothing but cantaloupe, whole and delicious. Despite how soft the flavours are this tea is a tad dry and astringent on the tongue, but I can overlook this for the beautifully smooth fruit flavours. It’s like eating a cantaloupe melon and peaches (the peach isn’t as strong as the melon), it’s nothing but delicious. Another high score!

180 °F / 82 °C 2 min, 30 sec

I’ve always wanted trying The O Dor …I should ! but find them a little bit expensive vs a MF. Would you say the quality is equal or under ?


I just checked on their website and, wow, the tins really are expensive ): But their bags seem cheaper, and I’d bought this from a teahouse, it wasn’t too expensive. I’d say it’s about equal, though!

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1778 tasting notes

It’s funny how you can sip a tea and taste one thing, then read the description and totally pick up on other flavors. I was totally tasting peach in this cup. A bright juicy peach. The start of the sip is a little bland with a hint of tart and then it turns into an almost gummi peach flavor. After reading the description, it totally morphs into melon with a bit of pear. It tastes very similar to Lupicia’s Momoko and I wonder if I’d taste melon in that one if I thought about it. Still need to try this cold steeped and after just having bought a bag of this, I’ll have plenty to play around with.

I forgot to mention, google translate says the name means “cute sin”. LOL! Does peach translate to cute?

175 °F / 79 °C 2 min, 0 sec
Cameron B.

LOL! “Pêche” is peach and “Mignon” is cute. I think it’s a play on words, as “Péché Mignon” apparently means indulgence (literally: cute sin).


I think “mignon” translates to cute. This could be a play on “pêche” meaning “peach” and “péché” meaning “sin,” or it could just be Google Translate making a mistake. :D

Also, I wouldn’t get half the flavours I notice in tea without having them pointed out in reviews by other members.


The French seem to really enjoy their play on words, which don’t translate well to English and leave me confused. LOL! I do like the idea of indulgence being a cute sin.

Cameron B.

The best translation for péché mignon seems to be “guilty pleasure”! The name apparently comes from it originally meaning a sin that was too small to be punishable by the church, LOL! Just a cute little sin…


Like others said, mignon is the cute, fluffy, sweet part.
There are two french verbs this could be playing on. Pécher is to sin, but Pêcher is to fish. I think this is more like “fished cutesy” because Pêché with the circunflex accent on the first e really is the past participle of the verb “to fish”, not “to sin”. With no fishy connotations though, more like “to catch” rather than fish as a smelly thing. If this makes any sense.


I’ve been trying to learn French while I sleep by listening to audio lessons all night. This is making me realize the breadth I have yet to go! :)

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59 tasting notes

Recently I tried this tea cold brewed. After putting it in the fridge I forgot all about it, so it sat there for approximately 1,5 days. This tea turns into a rather nice iced tea. The flavor is a bit less potent cold brewed when comparing to hot brewed but very suitable for a hot summer day!

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1324 tasting notes

Resteeped the leaves of this tea from a cup I made for my grandmother. I didn’t want to waste it and it looked like it would resteep well. It definitely did resteep well but I’m not getting peach but that may be because it’s the second steep?
There’s a lot of really nice melon flavor though and it’s very similar to Lupicia’s melon tea flavor.

Flavors: Melon

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1267 tasting notes

French Friday! This sampler came from Dustin, thank you! I figured I wouldn’t have enough time to brew tea before work (as has been the case most Fridays lately) and I’ve gotten so used to just grabbing a water bottle of iced tea out of the fridge in the mornings, that I dumped this into my cold brew bottle and brewed over night. I accidentally left it on the counter instead of putting it into the fridge, though… room temperature brew?

Attempting to shock the tea into ice-cold-without-using-ice this morning, but took a small amount for sampling. Smells very peachy! I feel like I even get an impression of the fuzz from the peach scent of the brew. The… green tea has gone quite bitter on me, so I don’t know if that is on account of me being a derp that didn’t get the cold brew into the fridge, or me being a derp that didn’t measure the leaf and figured I’d use the same amount of water (24 oz.) that I’ve been using for all these samples when made hot. If I wince through it, I can taste a sweet peach and a melon flavor. This would probably have been a wonderful cold brew, if I’d managed to prepare it right. As is, it’s too bitter to drink.

Out of curiosity, grabbed the water bottle I’d filled out of the fridge and it isn’t nearly so bitter/astringent! Perhaps the sample I took from my cold brew bottle, which was at the bottom and could’ve been a stronger concentration of leaf dusties, was the problem. To further combat the astringency I got in this brew I decided to carbonate the tea rather than just drink cold brew… and that helped immensely! Get a nice peach and melon candy flavor, and the edge I was getting from the green tea leaves is gone under the Co2 taste/texture.

Flavors: Astringent, Candy, Fruity, Grass, Melon, Peach

Iced 8 min or more 2 tsp 24 OZ / 709 ML

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2058 tasting notes

A sad sipdown. Thank you Dustin!

I am just glad I have finished another “one last serving” tea. Fruity green tea, a perfect companion to today grey weather.

Flavors: Melon, Peach, Pineapple

185 °F / 85 °C 4 min, 0 sec 10 OZ / 300 ML

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379 tasting notes

I’ve been under the weather the past few days. Fought it off for a while, but it hit me hard. Asthma that lingered is what got annoying. The mucus exacerbates it & had to go to visit the doctor (boo). The only doctor I ever liked was dad, and after he passed, I’ve been stuck with people who either don’t know or don’t care. Left me waiting in a room for 2 hrs (during a severe asthma attack). Hello? I’m dying in here. They finally realized I needed a steroid shot…

I never realized how lucky I was in that respect… To have a dad who took care of all your medical needs (he was also a surgeon so he took my tonsils out, for example.) and no lines to wait in. lol

So, I’ve been quiet here since the cold destroyed the little bit of ability I had to taste anything. lol It’s a good time though, I’m still waiting for my December package(s) from TeaVivre and YS, so I don’t really have anything new… But then, I found another sample from Theodor. hehe I guess they gave me 5 free samples!

With that knowledge, this has a Chinese green tea base with a strong melon flavor, and slight peach, pineapple, passion fruit, strawberry, green apple notes. ^^ It’s a very nice fruity green tea. I normally wouldn’t rate it due to my dislike of strong melon taste but it was more like an exotic slurry of fruits.

175 °F, 3 steeps: 2m, 3m, 4m

Flavors: Cantaloupe, Creamy, Green Apple, Melon, Pineapple, Strawberry

175 °F / 79 °C 2 min, 0 sec 4 OZ / 110 ML

Asthma while sick is terrible. Hope you’re feeling better!


Warm healing hug from the universe sent your way, Kawaii433!

This tea sounds rather lovely for summer, maybe iced. I do need to get around to ordering from The O Dor one of these days. (Needed: more days, and more money)

Mastress Alita

Get well! (You’ve also reminded me I need to make a doctor appt. today, wah!)


Thank you all! <3 Imma trying hehe.
Mastress Alita, good luck with your doctor appontment. I hope you have a better doctor _ than I do.


Feel better!


Thank you tea-sipper!

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836 tasting notes

When decanting this tea, I noticed an overwhelming melon-type aroma. Very nice melon flavour on the sip- reminiscent of the great flavour that I would find in Butiki Teas blends. Slight creaminess to it. Green tea flavour seems to stand out a bit in this blend. This is a rather old sample so it may just be that I need to give this one a try with a fresh batch.

Flavors: Melon

170 °F / 76 °C 2 min, 15 sec 3 tsp 13 OZ / 375 ML

I miss Butiki Teas so much !

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1403 tasting notes

Lovely cantaloupe and melon cream indulgence. Smooth, smooth. The green tea base is barely barely there. Just a lovely tea.

Thank you, Sil. I am really enjoying this one.

Flavors: Cantaloupe, Cream, Melon

185 °F / 85 °C 2 min, 30 sec 1 tsp 12 OZ / 354 ML

This sounds yummy. I do love a good cantaloupe tea.

Evol Ving Ness

Even on the fourth steep, I still have a hint of melon on my lips after each sip.


yay! glad you enjoyed

Evol Ving Ness

And Sil, where have you been? Have you given up drinking tea?


no i’m still drinking just barely have time for anything outside of work and scanning things, trying to stay caught up. not drinking as much though. Mostly overworked again and trying to find a safe place in the storm. We also added a dog to the family last sunday so if i’m not at work, i’m watching her and trying to help her settle in and not poop/pee in the house :) which, she’s only done once for the record, but still needs help learning things…. so yeah.

Evol Ving Ness

Hurray for the new puppy! She sounds like she is doing really well in getting adjusted. I hope you get a bit of a break soon. And tea, more tea breaks for you as well.

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