Rooibos Creme Caramel

Tea type
Rooibos Tea
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Caramel, Creamy, Milk, Rooibos, Autumn Leaf Pile, Cream, Frosting
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Edit tea info Last updated by Jillian
Average preparation
Boiling 5 min, 15 sec 4 g 11 oz / 314 ml

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From Teapigs

This tea has it all. On the one hand it’s rich in antioxidants and nutrients, making it a very healthy cuppa. While on the other, the chunks of crème caramel make it a sweet, rich, comforting drink to rival any scrumptious dessert.

Woody, nutty Rooibos balanced with sweet crème caramel for an indulgent, smooth, rich drink.

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18 Tasting Notes

2238 tasting notes

Sipdown! Another sample from the Teapigs box I was given when I left my last job. I’ve had this one before and really enjoyed it, but it works better in a smaller cup than the one I had to hand. Relatively sweet, caramel flavoured loveliness. The rooibos is quite woody, but tones down well with some milk. I can’t believe this weekend is almost over, but there you go! Sherlock tonight!

Boiling 4 min, 0 sec

You Steepsterites makes me want to get into Sherlock…hummmm, it is on Netflix, is it not? Something to think about :-)


Tea fairy- it is WELL worth the time spent watching. And each season only has 3 episodes of 1.5 hours. So they’re like mini movies :)


Ok, you sold me…I think I will start tonight :-)


yay!!! let us know if you like it or not haha

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6768 tasting notes

More Caramelly this time around…the longer the infusion the better with this one. I ended up doing it for 7 to 8 mins

7 min, 0 sec

Lovin’ that there is a company called “teapigs.” :)


This tea sounds so good! I love the name, too. :)

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618 tasting notes

I had this tea again and I realize that I keep coming back to this one. The tea smells buttery, sweet and woodsy. It makes a really enjoyable cup for me at the end of the day. This will definitely be a repurchase unless someone points me in the direction of another good rooibos caramel tea. Delicious cup!

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1379 tasting notes

I’m in the mood for something sweet and also pre bagged for ease as my newly tattoo’d arm is absolutely killing me. Plus I’m rather engrossed into the FA cup football matches as I have placed a cheeky bet for the wholesome sum of £2 and I’m sat here in anticipation with my fingers crossed.

This tea was part of a sampler box I received for Christmas with lots of different flavours, each in a tiny box with two samples per flavour.

The bag looks like normal rooibos and other than a slightly sweeter than average smell it pretty much is the same as original rooibos. Not sure why I wanted to try this since I dislike rooibos at the best of times but I just got the craving for it.

I will be adding a touch of milk (which I don’t usually do). It was nice to see the milk slowly mixing into the red tea :)

Once brewed the tea smells like normal rooibos, the sweetness has vanished. :(

The taste is like your average rooibos too. There is maybe a smidgen of sweetness but I would certainly not say it was sweet enough to be categorised as caramel. I would have to add sweetener into it before it became as sweet as it’s name sake and that would feel like a waste because I shouldn’t have to manually turn something into what it should have been in the first place. Alright I need to calm down it would seem :/

So to sum things up this was rooibos and nothing more. As far as rooibos teas are concerned this was as fresh and tasty as expected but it did not over exceed anything above average. Such a shame… I will just have to pick something sweeter for my next drink to make up for it.

Boiling 3 min, 0 sec

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223 tasting notes

I got a box of this to go with my new Brugo travel mug from TeaPigs, and I must say, I am impressed with both. This rooibos smells waaaay too sweet when dry, but it doesn’t taste so overwhelmingly sickly – the caramel is balanced nicely with the woody rooibos. I even got a second steep out of this – the taste was just as strong and sweet.

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200 tasting notes

I was in a restaurant today and was excited to see that they had a range of Teapigs tea on offer. I was excited and told my friends what a special occasion it was. So I was a little disappointed that the Teapigs range on offer was all tisanes rather than any real tea. The best I could find was this, because rooibos is almost real tea. Almost. But I wasn’t so enthusiastic. I had to get it after showing my initial enthusiasm to my friends, but my expecations were quite low.


I’m impressed! I have had similar drinks before and found one flavour to be dominating. Sometimes you get very creamy textures, sometimes you get rooibos overpowering everything, and sometimes you get something that is so sweet that is horrible.

The flavours are balanced very well, the caramel dominates the smell of it, but I’d prefer that to the smell of rooibos, which I don’t like especially. When you drink it you can taste it all an it is actually very pleasant.

Even more surprising is that this come in a teabag as well as loose leaf. I had mine from a teabag, but it really shouldn’t make much difference because they use whole leaves in both, without costing a fortune like MightyLeaf teabags.

It’s not getting an incredibly high rating, because it’s not my kind of tea, but otherwise it’s great

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50 tasting notes

I wasn’t impressed with my first cup of this tea, but the second was much nicer. Sweet without being too claggy.

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2573 tasting notes

I don’t love the rooibos that Teapigs uses as much as other brands. I’m drinking this one cold, and it’s a bit metallic and plain. I really wouldn’t call this caramel at all. It’s just a simple, not that flavorful rooibos.


We have a few Teapigs varieties at a local Natural Grocers … do you have a favorite?


I like their seasonal gingerbread flavor. They make nice staple flavors like licorice and mint as well, though they’re super overpriced.

Mastress Alita

I love their Snooze blend, but the price for 15 sachets with no other options turns me off from restocking it every time.

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91 tasting notes

The branding for this tea is awesome. The cow is super adorable and the name is definitely attention grabbing. Once brewed, the rooibos and caramel stand out prominently as the main aroma and flavours for this amber coloured tea. The tea has a nice creaminess to it benefiting from the milk ingredients. I still prefer the Cozy Caramel Rooibos tea from Murchie’s but this is a decent alternative.

Flavors: Caramel, Creamy, Milk, Rooibos

205 °F / 96 °C 6 min, 0 sec 5 g 12 OZ / 355 ML

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2 tasting notes

After my bad experience with the tung ting oolong this morning, I went back for a second pick from my TeaPigs sample pack. OH myyyyy this good. The recommendation says to drink it with milk but I didn’t add anything to my tea. The first sip was wonderfully creamy and delicious. The after taste of my first sip was as if I drank cream — my mouth felt a coating of fat. Sounds gross but it was rather nice. As I drink the tea the earthiness gently emerged — I’m new to this so I’m going to look at the suggestions for the flavour I’m tasting. I will definitely be ordering some of this wonderfully delicious tea.

Flavors: Autumn Leaf Pile, Caramel, Cream, Frosting

Boiling 6 min, 0 sec 3 g 8 OZ / 236 ML

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