Mangalam Full-Leaf

Tea type
Black Tea
Assam Fine Tippy Golden Flower Orange Pekoe Black Tea
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Bulk, Loose Leaf
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Average preparation
205 °F / 96 °C 4 min, 0 sec

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17 Tasting Notes View all

  • “This seems to be a staff favorite in the morning, but I can’t entirely blame them! The wet leaves are sweet and toasty, almost like morning toast spread with a dark honey. Sipping the tea, we...” Read full tasting note
  • “This is a sample sent by Russel Allyn and Harney and Sons. It was a beautiful morning, a miracle around here really because here it is getting on toward late June and it isn’t muggy and hot already...” Read full tasting note
  • “I’m zipping a long through my Harney tea samples, having finished my first cup of Panyang Congou, a black tea blend from the Fujian province-a delicious tea that I would re-order. Now, I’m on to a...” Read full tasting note
  • “The first time that I tried this sample was for my first cup of tea in the morning. I’ve drank it a few different ways: with milk and sugar, without milk and some sugar and without milk and...” Read full tasting note

From Harney & Sons

This tea was made a little earlier in the Second Flush season than the broken-leaf Mangalam. It is loaded with the special golden tip only found in teas from the Jayshree group. It is an elegant tea with slightly sweet malty flavors.

About Harney & Sons View company

Since 1983 Harney & Sons has been the source for fine teas. We travel the globe to find the best teas and accept only the exceptional. We put our years of experience to work to bring you the best Single-Estate teas, and blends beyond compare.

17 Tasting Notes

168 tasting notes

This seems to be a staff favorite in the morning, but I can’t entirely blame them!

The wet leaves are sweet and toasty, almost like morning toast spread with a dark honey. Sipping the tea, we appreciate the signature brisk, mellow toasted flavor akin to a light molasses.

This Assam is a second flush, which is arguably the best time for Assams to be harvested. The Mangalam tea estate is named after Kumar Mangalam Birla, once the son of the estate’s owners and now one of its managers. The estate is owned by Jayshree Tea & Industries, a large company that incorporated in 1945. Jayshree is heralded in the Orthodox world for its special clones that produce a big golden leaf tip, which no one is able to replicate, making Jayshree Assams easily identifiable.

Opera Tea Maiden

Thanks for the excellent background on this fantastic tea, which has been one of my favorites for over a decade. It is a truly beautiful, high-powered and satisfying tea (especially when fresh).

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3478 tasting notes

This is a sample sent by Russel Allyn and Harney and Sons.

It was a beautiful morning, a miracle around here really because here it is getting on toward late June and it isn’t muggy and hot already at 8 a.m. There is a nice breeze in the mornings and evenings, too. So I had breakfast on a quilt spread under the pecan tree – an Everything Bagel with schmeer and my tea tray.

I noticed that Michael Harney says he drinks this for breakfast most mornings. I can see why. Though this cup has some heft, it isn’t aggressive, and believe me some of my first Assams were not very good quality and with the least bit of age became downright hostile! But this one was smooth enough….prepare yourself….for me to drink WITHOUT MILK OR SUGAR! There are not a lot of Assams I have tried that get that distinction.

And even though it was very smooth, throughout breakfast I found myself thinking that a coffee drinker would easily be able to switch to this and not feel like they are missing anything. Also, it held up flavor wise to an Everything bagel, and that is saying something! This is a nice, somewhat malty morning cup, and I think Assam fans would enjoy it very much!

Thank you, Russel Allyn and Harney and Sons for another great tea sample!


Sounds good! Unless you order online you see almost no Harney and Sons here. One store carries some (very few standard blah boring ones) .


Same here! We can buy some types at Barnes and Noble, and if I drive to Chapel Hill there is a store that sells a little more of their offerings, but nothing like what they have online! I always order for other people, too, so we end up with free shipping and bonus points. Their gift boxes are beautiful and so classic…I even bought myself one once! LOL! I still use the ox to hold my tea in pouches, and the sampler boxes and four ounce tins are perfect for holding your MtG card decks. Lol!

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166 tasting notes

I’m zipping a long through my Harney tea samples, having finished my first cup of Panyang Congou, a black tea blend from the Fujian province-a delicious tea that I would re-order. Now, I’m on to a completely different black, from the Mangalam Tea Plantation in the middle of Assam in India. It is labeled Or. 644 2011. This has a lot of golden tips and the dry leaf has an appealing aroma. It is brisk in a good way, and has a more mellow honeyed flavor than some other Assams I’ve had, along with the maltiness you would expect. It does not require milk and has no bitterness whatsoever. It is still strong enough to make a good morning cup. So far, I’ve been pleased with my Harney selections. They have free shipping ending tonight. Hmmm.

Boiling 4 min, 30 sec

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21 tasting notes

The first time that I tried this sample was for my first cup of tea in the morning. I’ve drank it a few different ways: with milk and sugar, without milk and some sugar and without milk and sugar(that time I ran out of sugar that day).

I brewed the Mangalam to 208 degrees Fahrenheit. I steeped the tea for about 4 minutes. I added approximately one and half to two teaspoons of loose tea.

What I experienced was a smooth yet brisk flavor. It has complex flavors to it; from having a bit of honey to being reminiscent of the experiences that I used to have when I was a coffee drinker( the nice dark and richness in taste).
The liquor was a caramel color(when I drank it with milk) to a deep brownish-red color. The aroma was a mix of fragrance,which included light honey.The body this tea was a medium, fullness.
This in my opinion has the possibility of being an alternate of my much loved English Breakfast blend in the mornings.

Russel from Harney & Sons sent me this tea sample.Thank you once again. :)

4 min, 0 sec

I love Mangalam Assam teas! I buy most of my Assams from H & S. I usually drink mine with no milk or sugar. My water temp is about 195-200F, and I steep for 3:15 to 3:30. I love the aromas and flavors. Sometimes with a longer steep I add a touch of milk. I also enjoyed their 2010 Nahorhabi Assam I reviewed here:

Erika M.

Thanks for the tip! I just read your review on the Nahorhabi Full-Leaf Assam (2010). I’m going to put it on my list of teas to try in the future. I look forward to trying it.

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39 tasting notes

This is plainly a very satisfying first cup of tea. It is extremely smooth with a subtle but declarative scent and a medium-full body taste in the mouth. While I prefer the Nahorhabi 2010, this is a very solid Assam. I have shared this with many coworkers, some of whom drink tea and others who are coffee drinkers, and they all enjoyed it. I suspect this tea will be enjoyed by many, not as an absolute favorite but certainly a reliable cup.

205 °F / 96 °C 4 min, 30 sec

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13 tasting notes

They’ve been out of this at the store for a few weeks. I just got more the other day and am having a huge pot of it this morning on a miserable rainy day. Quite comforing.

Boiling 4 min, 15 sec

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4 tasting notes

Excellent, excellent Assam. Bit dark, and complex, but you won’t have finer.

200 °F / 93 °C 4 min, 0 sec

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1 tasting notes

The way i start most mornings

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