Boisahabi Estate Assam SFTGFOP1

Tea type
Black Tea
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Fruity, Malt, Astringent, Brown Sugar, Dried Fruit, Molasses
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Loose Leaf
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Edit tea info Last updated by Cameron B.
Average preparation
205 °F / 96 °C 3 min, 0 sec 10 oz / 295 ml

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8 Tasting Notes View all

From Capital Tea Ltd.

New Lot! Potently aromatic attractive deep brown Assam leaves with plenty of golden tips. These leaves infuse to a very rich, strong and sweetly malty tasting tea liquor with an unusually smooth disposition for a tea with such strength. Highly recommended as a breakfast tea to drink with milk!

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8 Tasting Notes

437 tasting notes

The dried tea smells like malt, or a little bit like feed mix you get for horses, which brings back old memories. The tea has short slightly flattened leaves liberally scattered with saffron yellow golden tips.

The tea brews to a deep orange red after 3.5min.
With malt, citrus, hint of molasses, red fruits, and currant scents.

The first sip brings out bitter cocoa and malt notes mixed with molasses, overlain by a sweet top note that references both fresh and dried stone fruit (plum and cherry) and honey. There is a light floral note. This is a malty, fruity assam. The tea has a thick syrupy body with nice level of caffeine. It is very smooth, and a little tannic, but with no noticeable astringency. Aftertaste reminds me of molasses cookies eaten with a slightly sharp berry juice. A very nice start to the day.

Thanks Capital Tea Ltd for the generous sample!

1 heaping tsp /225 ml/3.5 min.

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1764 tasting notes

I think I prefer this without milk??! an assam without milk, it just feels so wrong!
It’s crisp and fresh, floral and just a little malty. With all those letters attached, it’s no wonder why :)
A la dairy, it’s a little smoky, and I’m not sure I like that.
The kind gent from Capital Teas gifted this to me and I plan to cherish every spoonful. Though I need to indulge a few more cups before deciding on a rating.


I drink assam without milk! It takes some getting used to I think, but I like it that way now.

Terri HarpLady

I also drink mine without milk, although sometimes if it’s particularly tart I’ll add some stevia. I used to add french vanilla soy creamer, sigh…, but I don’t use that now…


heh i don’t think i’ve ever added milk to any assam i’ve had.

Donna A

I don’t add milk, but I add some stevia.


It’s my one guilty pleasure, I looove a malty black tea with milk and sugar! without, I dunno, it’s not as malty, which is the part I adore

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1403 tasting notes

Total plagiarism ahead.

Yum. Fruity malty Assam. :)

Flavors: Fruity, Malt

205 °F / 96 °C 3 min, 0 sec 1 tsp 12 OZ / 354 ML

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4330 tasting notes

Time for Assam! I believe this was another tea that Joel recommended to me. The leaves are a dark grey with some brown, and there are a few golden tips scattered among the leaves. Dry scent is sweet and malty with some haylike notes, I agree with yyz that it reminds me of horse feed a bit.

Hmm… It’s not bad, but it seems perhaps a bit boring compared to the other teas I’ve tried today? Flavor is strong malt with some dark brown sugar and molasses notes. There’s a little bit of dried fruit flavor, but I would prefer more. It started out being just somewhat astringent, but as the cup has cooled a bit more, it’s become a bit too drying for me. It’s a perfectly okay tea, but I would definitely prefer the Dejoo Estate Assam or even the New Vithanakande Ceylon for something with a similar but more profound flavor.

Flavors: Astringent, Brown Sugar, Dried Fruit, Malt, Molasses

200 °F / 93 °C 3 min, 0 sec 1 tsp 8 OZ / 236 ML

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15555 tasting notes

Sample from evol ving ness Floral, malty, fruity assam. this was a lovely cup this afternoon during a few meetings :) also…it’s snowing!! yay!

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