Good Morning Sunshine

Tea type
Fruit Guayusa Blend
Not available
Cream, Lemon, Lemon Zest, Earth, Honey, Plants, Rainforest, Wet Earth, Creamy
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Average preparation
200 °F / 93 °C 6 min, 0 sec 13 oz / 396 ml

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From Butiki Teas

Feel like a zombie in the morning? Then we highly recommend our refreshing Good Morning Sunshine guayusa. The lemon aroma and high caffeine content awaken the spirit. This guayusa has a zesty lemon flavor that is sweet, tart, and creamy.

Ingredients: Organic Guayusa, Meyer Lemon Peel, Lemon Grass, Organic Calendula, Natural Flavoring (vegan)

Recommended Brew Time: 6 minutes
Recommended Amount: 1 1/2 teaspoons of guayusa for 8oz of water
Recommended Temperature: 195 F

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176 Tasting Notes

806 tasting notes

I smell lemon pie! It’s my first guayusa :D It tastes of lemony goodness nice and creamy :D

6 min, 0 sec
Autistic Goblin

Even Mom loves this one! :D


Hi Helena,
I hope you enjoy your teas! My tastes are far less refined!


These are really hood and fresh.


hmmmm maybe another one to add to the list as well heh

Autistic Goblin

It’s a very nice creamy lemon :D


Thanks Helena…added to the list! :) I’m just starting to work through the Persimmon Tree teas that arrived….Wish my Verdant tea order would come sigh

Autistic Goblin

yeah I have two orders from Verdant tea that I’m waiting for :D

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15534 tasting notes

thought this would be nice to sip on for my throat while getting ready for work. Apparently i’m sick because my tastebuds were like um no…what IS this? i drank it anyway because i know it’s a great cup, but i’m clearly not feeling well.


eeep, get better soon!!


Feel better!

Hesper June

I hope you feel better soon!


Oh no, get well!

Butiki Teas

Hope you feel better soon. :)


NOOOOOO! You gotta be able to taste tea tomorrow!


Kittenna… tomorrow might just be a whole lot of me stockimg up samples :( It’s a little better today but not much.

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2201 tasting notes

Still battling the garlic monster. For some reason creamy citrus guayusa sounded like it might fight it reasonably enough. Something about the brightness of the citrusy and the leafiness of the guayusa.

I bought some more of this tea with my last Butiki order because I have definitely enjoyed the guayusas I’ve had from them, and this is probably my favorite. The flavors go very well together and today this seems particularly spring-y to me. Perhaps its the leafy/grassy flavor of the guayusa.

Tangent unrelated to this tea: Can I just say how much I love Steepster, even if the site itself is occasionally wonky? Sometimes I get bored and go trawl through other tea communities like /r/tea and teachat, and always it makes me appreciate the community, forum, and setup of Steepster. Don’t ever disappear, Steepster!

195 °F / 90 °C 6 min, 0 sec

I’ve been doing some trolling myself and there really is nothing that compares to Steepster.


I’ve never tried other sites but everyone here is so nice :)


lol I just went to /r/tea and promptly closed it because it’s all “look what I bought” wow stuff in a box, how fascinating.


Steepster is definitely one-of-a-kind!


Garlic monster (LOL) cute image. Definitely only on Steepster. -

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1271 tasting notes

I’m sailing today! Though, I had a rough day yesterday saying good bye to my bunny Benson, as I had to leave him with the inlaws for babysitting. He’s been a terror the last few days as I think he knows if I’m packing for something. Man I wish I pack the bunny to go with me. He can go attack the salad bar at the buffet and terrorize our room steward.
However, I did pack LOTS of tea with the goal to drink all of it and buy more while in Hawaii.

Now, I’m down to last minute packing and very efficient. I even drank tea while I was straightening my hair. Though, good chance I got therma spray in my cup of GMS. Still tastes fine, I think. I need some high energy tea to keep me going today. Love the citrus flavor of this tea. Gah, now my cup is empty. Let’s go for another round! I’m on vacation after all.

200 °F / 93 °C 6 min, 0 sec
6117 tasting notes

I keep reading about this tea on here, and knew I had a sample from Stacy… so since I need a kick in the butt this morning….!

I’ve learned that I’m not the biggest fan of guayasa. The flavour just isn’t one I particularly enjoy, although I think that the right combination of flavourings could make it quite palatable, if not enjoyable! Therefore, I keep trying!

Although I know this tea is supposed to be all citrusy, I’m really not getting much of that from the aroma. It smells like guayasa. Boo. Hopefully the flavour is better! (Something sure smells good in my room though… but I think it might be the Killers Vanilla, which is next up!)

I was bad and sweetened this one with some rock sugar even before trying it out, which was probably not the best idea, as I don’t know how the tea actually tastes, now! I can taste the vegetal guayasa flavour, and a bit of a hint of lemon… oh, finishing with a creamy citrusy flavour. The citrus is rather difficult to pick out though, until the end of the sip, which I find rather surprising. Although I must say, this creamy lemony lingering taste in my mouth is a little addictive…

I may have to wrangle some more of this one to try without sweetener. I actually am kind of enjoying it sweetened, although for me that sort of thing is not something I’ll allow myself to get used to… although the guayasa is behaving quite well here, and that may be in large part due to the sweetness.

Thanks so much for this sample, Stacy!

ETA: Also re-steeps well enough for a second go-round. I really adore the citrus flavour in this tea, and can definitely see why people love it! Stacy – any chance you could flavour a white tea this same way??

195 °F / 90 °C 6 min, 0 sec
Autistic Goblin

This is awesome! I never add anything to it and I brew usually to the full six minutes for the extra lemony goodness :D


I definitely feel like mine wasn’t as lemony as it should have been. That said, this was a one-cup sample from my first Butiki order, so had been sitting for a few months. Definitely wasn’t contaminated or anything, but could have lost some flavour.

Butiki Teas

I could always do a custom blend for you. This flavor should have no problem working with a white tea.


That is incredibly, incredibly tempting. I’m curious as to how much that would cost?

Butiki Teas

Since that type of blend would require ingredients I have, I could do a minimum of 2oz. Really depends on which tea you choose. I think the Malawi White Peony would be awesome for that since has some light sweet lime notes. Though the tea leaves take up a lot of space.


Ooh, that sounds way too doable… I’m dangerously close to managing to make a $75 order on my own even without this (and I keep forgetting my free ounce of tea, too!) Yikes! Would that work out to ~$25-30? I will get back to you…. O.o

Butiki Teas

Probably about $25, maybe less for the Malawi. Depends on which white tea though. Oh wow, that’s a lot of tea.


I know! I don’t need that much tea! It’s an addiction! I was thinking that if you thought the White Peony would be most appropriate, you would know best. I think I want to try Tangerine Creamsicle once more, but I think I’m addicted to the lemony flavour in GMS

Butiki Teas

GMS is my favorite guayusa. It helps me survive mornings. I think the White Peony would be good. The only issue is that I don’t think the leaves will hold the lemon rind but it would be pretty interesting.

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4843 tasting notes

Oh yum. I wanted to wait to try this one until I had a day when I needed something to wake me… today is that day. My daughter’s wedding was Friday, yesterday I was practically a zombie but I didn’t want much motivation yesterday, I was just kind of enjoying the fact that I didn’t have anything that I had to do. I didn’t have to make cupcakes, bouquets, programs, or anything else. I just pretty much vegged out yesterday, wrote a few reviews but that’s basically it. But today, I need to wake up and get back to the normal routine. So I’m looking for a little Guayusa turbo charge.

Mmm… I love the way that this tastes fresh and citrus-y, but there is enough of a creamy note so I’m not getting that acidic taste of the citrus. Just the sweet, bright flavor of it. This is really quite good, and I can already feel it start to energize me.

It is incredibly smooth and delicious!

Daisy Chubb

Congrats to your daughter!
I hope it was a magical day to remember :)


Yay! Happy for you all!


It was a wonderful day. I am really proud of the young woman she’s become. And she’ll even drink tea now. LOL (There was a time when she rebelled against anything “mom” … including tea)

Butiki Teas

Congratulations on your daughter getting married! :)


Congrats on the wedding and yay for enjoying having nothing you have to do!


She sounds like a wonderful young lady. Joy to your whole family.


Congratulations on surviving the wedding! Glad that you got to recover with a yummy tea :)


Thank you everyone. My daughter was breathtakingly beautiful on her special day (and I’m not just saying that because I’m her mother!) and I don’t think I’ve ever seen her happier. I know that her husband is a good man and will treat her right, he adores her and really, what more can we want for our kids but to find that kind of happiness and joy with the right person? She’s got herself on track with her career (she is a cosmetologist, and she’s loving every minute of it) and she’s on track with her personal life too. And while she’ll always be my baby girl, I am so proud of the young woman she’s become.


You sound like a very proud mother!

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16863 tasting notes

Continuing to whittle down the Butiki teas I don’t plan to restock, such as this one. I’ve forbidden myself from placing another Butiki order until I’ve cleared out this one, Irish Cream Cheesecake, and Traditional Plum Pudding (as well as tried my new Butiki samples from VariaTEA and the impending ones from 221Tea) from my cupboard. There are several I know I love that I plan on restocking, such as Pistachio Ice Cream, Cider Guayusa, and White Rhino and plenty more that I’ve yet to try but really want to but I’m not allowed to do that until I have room!

So this came with in the timolino today. I actually drank it in the evening not the morning Good Evening Sunshine, but shhhh it’s a secret. It feels wrong going against the tea’s name.

There was something off about it and I struggled to place what but suddenly it hit me while sipping at it: it needed honey! Thankfully and coincidentally we received a shipment of honey, jam, and PB to the store today so I just bought one of our bottles of honey, squeezed a little in, shook it around a bit, and continued sipping. With the new addition of honey, all felt right again.


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60 tasting notes

Today was not a very good day. I’m very physically and mentally exhausted and the weather has been so cold and dreary. My arthritis has been acting up and I think driving today seeing the damage in my neighborhood has dragged my mood down a bit. Tonight I went to a viewing of an old best friend. It was very tough. Even though I hadn’t seen him in 10 years, I feel like a chapter of my life has closed and I feel like I had missed out by not reconnecting.

I just needed something to cheer me up and help wake me up so I can catch up on some work. This is definitely my cheer me up guayusa. The smell and the taste of the lemon, creaminess, and earthiness make me smile and the caffeine is helping me make it through this long day and get some work in. Think its time for another cup of Helena’s guayusa.


Lol yes “Helena’s” tea :) that made me smile a lot after hearing about your crappy day. I’m so sorry to hear that things have been a bit of a struggle today. I can’t imagine what it must like to be around the destruction from the storm and a viewing on top of that. A least, there is still some comfort to be found in tea. hug

Butiki Teas

I totally think of this guayusa as “Helena’s guayusa”. Might as well be called, “Good Morning Sunshine, Helena”. There was some novelty to the destruction at first. It was interesting to see things, such as this wooded area that the trees are now leaning all in one direction and about 10% of the trees had fallen and seeing these massive trees completely uprooted and knocked into things. Now its kinda settling in a bit as reality and how lucky we are. The viewing was tough and there were a lot of unresolved issues but I like to think about all good times and positive things. Tea can be very comforting. Thanks, I can use the hugs. :)


You could use Helena’s 100%! I’m sorry for your physical and emotional pain my friend! Memory Eternal for the old best friend. We all have those people who we have let drift a bit. I’ve often thought the only people who would know I’m gone are Steepster’s. So strange. If you ever need a break you are welcome here!

Hesper June

I am sorry for your grey day.
I hope tomorrow brings more sunshine in your cup as well as in the sky.

Terri HarpLady

A big hug for you, Stacey.


Feel better, dear <3

Butiki Teas

Thanks guys. hugs for all you for being sweet.

Geoffrey Norman

Sorry to hear it was a tough day, but kudos on the guayusa. Unlike yerba mate, I think it blends with things very well.


Oh no, I am so incredibly sorry. :(


It’s a new day! Good morning to you, and here’s hoping it’s a much better one than yesterday. I’m sorry for your loss—unresolved stuff sucks. I admire your focus on the positive! Sending you good vibes and keeping you in my thoughts.


What a tough day! May there be sunshine inside and out for you today.

Autistic Goblin

A tough day, and of course the only cure is Good Morning Sunshine!


Wish I could give ya a hug. :(

Butiki Teas

Definitely feeling much better today. There is some sun here and things are looking up. Thanks for all the kind words. :)

Guayusa definitely seems to work great as a base.

Charles Thomas Draper

Yes, I agree it’s been tough in NJ lately. Very


So very sorry to hear this! Sending positive thoughts your way. I hope the clouds open up and you get some sunshine… and I’m not just talking about the weather =)


Big big hugs Stacy… know that your tea cheers me up on a daily basis… Since you’re «the creator» I’m glad it can return the favor to you by giving you comfort :-)

Butiki Teas

I just wanted to say thanks for the comments everyone, they really did cheer me up. :)

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516 tasting notes

Helena’s favourite tea made a blog appearance today! haha

It’s just what I need to try to overcome the gloom and STUDYSTUDYSTUDY my LUSH stuff. I really have to think of it like school, but it’s so much more important than school because I need to prove myself as not-just-a-seasonal-worker.

Man I blather on sometimes.

This tea is lemony goodness!


I love that this is totally HER tea lol


You can do it, Daisy! I say start learning some of the basic EC’s like vanilla, almond, cocoa butter, lavender, etc. It also helps to learn stuff by categories. Like, with the massage bars, break it down by the cocoa butter base, talk about its moisturizing properties, how they eliminate packaging because they’re solid, then from there, you can learn the individual ingredients of each, like Wiccy having the stimulating aduki beans, warming cinnamon, and tingly peppermint, etc.


I live for Lush! Which is bad because I discovered them while I was managing a competitor!

Daisy Chubb

Thanks for your help! I definitely need it, and that totally does give me a hand! yay :)

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1113 tasting notes

I drank a to-go mug of this while I taught my block printing class this afternoon. It helped keep me alert but not jittery and tasted lemony and great! My class went really well but now I’m so tired and kind of have an adrenaline hangover headache, lol. I will feel much more confident if I get to do this again, and way less nervous the next time :)

195 °F / 90 °C 6 min, 30 sec 2 tsp 12 OZ / 354 ML

oh gosh, I know the exact headache you’re talking about. I didn’t know anyone else got those.


I can imagine its so much pressure to teach. I’m sure it will be smoother with each class;)

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