Chocolate Malt

Tea type
Honeybush Tea
Not available
Chocolate, Cream, Malt, Creamy
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Edit tea info Last updated by Janefan
Average preparation
205 °F / 96 °C 6 min, 45 sec 7 g 12 oz / 354 ml

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From 52teas

Continuing with the theme of beverages best shared, here’s our take on the classic chocolate malt honeybush-style. Sweet red honeybush, organic cacao nibs, milk chocolate chips and natural flavors. YUMMMMM!

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At, you will find unique, hand-blended artisan loose leaf teas: a new limited edition creation every week of the year. We pride ourselves on offering truly unique, one-of-a-kind tea blends that you won’t find anywhere else.

50 Tasting Notes

6117 tasting notes

Split a package of this one with Sil, as I had previously had a sample from momo which I absolutely loved (I still have the other half of the sample left; I saved it so I could try it side by side with this batch, since I’ve seen mixed reviews).

Anyhow, unfortunately this tea also had an “off” aroma to it. And no, it’s not my nose or anything, as I can taste smell/everything just fine. It’s just the tea :( Unlike the genmaicha blends, however, it’s more of an alcoholic chocolate aroma, and though somewhat undesirable, considerably less unpleasant than the chloriney aroma I was getting from those blends.

Flavour-wise, this tea is better than I expected (given that I went into this feeling like something was quite off). The tea is somewhat sweet, and I’m kind of getting a bit of malty chocolate flavour… but it does not mesh at all with my recollection of the previous blend of this tea, which tasted like milk chocolate. There is certainly no milk chocolate flavour here.

Anyways, I’ll give this another shot side-by-side with my remaining sample just to make sure I’m not totally crazy, but… I’m pretty unimpressed :( Luckily, my sniffs of the other 52teas’ blends that I picked up around the same time were ok, because this and S’mores Genmaicha (and Browncoat Genmaicha) are pretty huge misses for me.

Letting the rating stand for the moment, but if I were to rate this new blend, it would be about a 35-40.

Boiling 8 min or more



Idk, you guys don’t seem to be picking up on the weird smells as badly as me… I’m pretty frustrated though. Will not be purchasing any more 52teas genmaicha blends, or blends with cacao nibs.


Well to be fair I don’t love the genmaicha blends from franks nearly as much as you guys seem to. Hence the….if you want my old blend go for it lol


There’s just something about that marshmallow/toasted rice combo. I have a bag of genmaicha from… SerendipiTea, via Missy & Dylan, and it must have picked up some vanilla contamination (certainly possible with the mix of teas it has been sitting with), and it was a really tasty combo. I imagine that you’re also less fond of genmaicha in general, partially because it’s a green?


i love verdant’s genmaicha hehe, others are hit or miss depending on the blend.


I wonder if there is just something off with his latest batch. I didn’t like this one because I expected milk chocolate and got more of a tangy wine type flavor with the chocolate.


I’m wondering too. Tangy wine type flavour would certainly mesh with what I tasted, and I can tell you that the last time I had this, I loved it! Absolutely adored it. But… I don’t even want to drink this a second time :S


That is SO SAD!! :(


Hooo boy :’(

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357 tasting notes

The house has been eating all my time lately, so I’ve missed a couple of tealogs again :(

The tea: I’m on my third pouch of this (clearly I’m a big fan), and this is apparently my first log! I usually write my tealogs during breakfast or lunch, and because I drink my honeybush teas at night I rarely log my poor honeybush blends despite relying on them every evening. This one is definitely one of my favorites. I make it a little stronger by adding at least an extra half teaspoon of the dry mix and I just leave it steeping. It gives it an extra oomph, and never seems to get bitter anyways so I figure there is no harm. Chocolaty Malty goodness, this is my night-time go-to drink.

The ramble: When we moved in less than 2 weeks ago, we found that the main floor bathroom smelled funky. We scrubbed it repeatedly to no avail. There was a bubble and rip in the linoleum, so we figured that may indicate the problem. Well, our intended quick fix of changing the linoleum gradually evolved into a slightly bigger powder room reno. My Dad came over and took out the toilet and discovered that the wax seal under the toilet was completely chewed away and even the concrete slab that it was sitting on was starting to crumble around it! We also noticed some staining on the wallpaper, so since the toilet was already out, we thought it was a good time to do the walls as well. But removing the wallpaper meant removing the trim and most of the cabinets…and so it goes. So together with my Dad we’ve ripped off wallpaper, cleaned the walls and started the sanding and mudding in preparation of the eventual painting of the room. It’s an unexpected reno, but once we’re done, it will be so much better than the pee-scented toilet in a stained floral wallpapered room that we started with. I’ll drink to that!


Sorry to hear about your house ordeals… LOL, «pee-scented toilet in a stained floral wallpapered room», quite a statement!


In all honesty, we’re not so sad that we have to do this unexpected reno. Prior to deciding to rip it out, the hubby and I were discussing what a shame it is that the bathroom that’s in the worst shape wasn’t part of our upcoming planned reno. I think it was just meant to be. So far it’s been a fun little project (somehow makes it feel officially like our home), and I’m excited to see the color we chose on those walls— no more pee flowers – lol!

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6768 tasting notes

This is the last of my sample that LiberTEAs sent over and I am VERY sad to see it go. I am CERTAINLY going to buy some of this within the next month or so. I’m drinking this prior to attending a very important board meeting. Thought I would treat myself! LOL


It will be missed tho! this stuff is like crack in a tea cup!

Southern Boy Teas

Crack in a teacup. LOL.

Did I tell you the story about Mandy and the Pomegranate Black? She loved the Pomegranate Black so much, she came in one day and said, “Frank, you just need to rename this tea: Mandy’s Crack.” The college kid I hired to help me out spit tea out his nose and said, “Yeah, that would go over well: ‘Here, smell Mandy’s Crack.’”


LOL OMG!!!! teahee!!!


LOL! :)


i would love to try this!

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46 tasting notes

Someone just ordered this in the shop as a 16oz iced tea with a tablespoon of sugar, took one sip and exclaimed, “MY GOD! This tastes JUST like a chocolate shake!” Had to pass that on. =)


powdered coffee creamer might even add to that effect:)


When you served iced tea on the spot, do you pour it already prepared or brew it fresh then.. super chill? Haha. I’m interested! I’m going to try making some iced tea from the cinnamon bun tea I received from you guys yesterday :)

Southern Boy Teas

When we had the tea bar, I had a tea machine that brewed single servings. We would brew it right into a cup of ice. But we had to close the tea bar in October 2010.

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818 tasting notes

I was a little wary to try this one because the dry leaf smelled a lot like that cheap wine you buy in a box. I know that sounds terrible…maybe it’s the honeybush? This is only the second honeybush tea I’ve tried. I was so looking forward to a super chocolate shake-like tea that didn’t have caffeine, so I could drink it at night. The taste was better, more chocolate-y, but it still had that sweet wine smell and taste. At the bottom of my cup was a malty chocolate residual, so I know it’s in there. It’s not bad, and I feel like it might grow on me. Sometimes, what you expect a tea to taste like doesn’t mesh with what it actually tastes like, but you get used to the new taste. We’ll see.


Oh weird, but I can see how honeybush would smell sour.


Hmm… I’m having a similar reaction to this. I’m going to make it with some sugar next time to see if I like it any better. Did you find a way that improved the flavor for you? Maybe I just don’t like honeybush…?


Hey TastyBrew. I don’t think it’s the honeybush because I love the strawberry pie honeybush. I added sugar and a splash of soymilk, but it didn’t help. Maybe as a latte? I haven’t done one of those yet.


I’ll try that some time. Something about the flavor just doesn’t work for me. I’ll try the strawberry one tonight. See if I can pick out what exactly honeybush is!

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525 tasting notes

I was so excited when my 52 Teas package arrived! Yay! Tea! The best thing about being home on is getting the tea the moment it lands in your mailbox. And then brewing a cup of new tea right away! Perfect timing since I was feeling cold from walking my doggies in the snow. They were not pleased. They look absolutely adorable in their jackets though. :)

So since I’ve been wanting this particular tea the longest, I ripped it open and dreamt of sweet malty chocolatey tea while it brewed. Unfortunately, what it really tastes like is a vaguely sweet pure honeybush. If I didn’t see the cocoa nibs in there myself, I wouldn’t believe there was any chocolate in there at all. Where’s the malt? Where’s the chocolate?! So much disappointment. :( I’ve read some people saying that a newly flavored tea needs a few weeks to begin tasting the way it’s supposed to. But even if there seems to be no flavor whatsoever? So many good reviews for this tea from the past too… I guess I can only wait a few weeks and try again. I’ll hold off rating until then.


Oh no…. not good! I had a sample of an older batch of this and it was delicious… I was expecting the same.

Southern Boy Teas

Can I ask how much tea you used, how long you steeped it and at what temperature? I would recommend 1.5tsp per 8-10oz cup steeped for really as long as you like, but probably at least 4-5 minutes in boiling (212F) water.

Southern Boy Teas

Feeling stupid now: I just looked at your tasting note log. You’ve clearly had our honeybush blends before and know how to steep them. Sorry. That is quite odd. It IS a new batch. I was thinking it was going to be even MORE chocolatey with the new roasted cacao nibs too. =(


It’s okay, Frank. I’m sure it will get better with time! You have so many excellent teas that I’d believe my tastebuds are at fault for not tasting the chocolate. I’ve had other chocolate teas from you, and I know you do chocolate very well. I’ll just let it age a bit and try again in a couple of weeks. :) Until then, I also just got a pouch of your Strawberry Pie honeybush, which I am having now, and it is definitely tasty!


I had a similar experience today with the same tea, but I chalked it up to having a stuffy nose. I’ll give the waiting a few weeks a go too. Hopefully my nose will have cleared up by then!


AW! That is the cutest picture ever! I love the fuzzy face in the hoodie.

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902 tasting notes

Another good mail day! My Octavia samples order came (with 4 samples tucked in that I hadn’t ordered!), a wonderful-smelling package from Geoffrey arrived (my whole mailbox smelled like Lapsang Souchong…yum!!), and I got the marshmallow flavoring that I’d ordered ages ago! Having fun stuff in my mailbox has definitely helped me keep my sanity this week!

I have finally gotten around to trying out the sample of this that amandajo sent to me. Love the smell of this honeybush blend! All chocolate and malty…and the taste!! This tea is the one you want to use when trying to convert non-tea drinkers into the fold. Who needs hot chocolate? Oh, nom, nom, nom…

Boiling 8 min or more

Lapsang+ Marshmallow+ this = S’MORES!!!=D

RachanaC (Rachel)-iHeartTeas

Umm off to make S’Mores now, thanks Cofftea


Cofftea, that’s exactly why it was purchased. I’ve got marshmallow and graham cracker flavorings, a big canister of Art of Tea’s LS, and chocolate chips. Oh, yes, I will be experimenting this weekend.


Can’t wait to read about your experimenting!


I just ordered this one the other day!


Kristen, you’re going to love it!

Geoffrey Norman

This has YUM written all over it.

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4843 tasting notes


This is so good. So good, in fact, that it is difficult to be typing about it because, it’s… yeah, it’s that good. I think I even like this better than Chelsea’s Chocolate Banana.

I can’t even talk about it because this is too ridiculously good.

Boiling 8 min or more

I LOVE the choc. banana so um yeah—I’m going to go order some right now!


Ooooh boy – 3 of my weaknesses – Chocolate, malt, and honeybush…


Haha! I hadda laugh @ your 1st line cuz my ex would say that right before exclaiming “Wow! That’s orgasmic!” :)


Oh man, it kills me that this one has dairy in it!


OMG! I am going to have to try it at some point! I’ve heard good things!


@TeaEqualsBliss – I don’t know if I have some of this packaged up for you or not, but if not, I’ll be sure to so that I can add it to the next box.


teehee…thanks! :)

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1220 tasting notes

Another day, another storm. This one sounds less intense so that’s good.

I decided to try to make this cold. I’m still not much of a fan of the taste of honeybush iced. It has a strange aftertaste to me. But since it is chocolate malt, it has to be cold! I did this a bit different. Steeped it double strength, then added coconut milk creamer to it, and a little chocolate syrup.

Honeybush when it’s cold just reminds me of wet wood. I’m hoping if I keep drinking it especially in such tasty ways, I’ll get used to it. Beyond the woody taste, this is so good. It’s like having a chocolate shake minus the heaviness of drinking one!


I do miss this one from my stash… might have to put this one in my cart the next time I need to renew my subscription… sigh like I need to add to my stash…


Is this still available?


I got it in a swap, but I remember seeing it specifically only on the site, but it looks like it’s no longer registered.


Yeah, I felt like it would have been one I’d have picked up for sure if I had seen it.

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15555 tasting notes

No thanks. Ugh. I hope the first incarnation of this was better cause let me tell you about how this is honey bush….with a side of honey bush…..sprinkled with a dash of….weird tasting sweetness. I tried steeping this longer, shorter…it’s just kinda ICK. I think that officially brings me that much closer to being able to say no to 52 teas going forward. Not that it’s been my favourite or anything but there have been some really tasty blends. Unless a few of the others that kittenna and I split, step up their game, I’m just going to go with no thanks going forward unless there’s something that I really really want. And I’d have to REALLY want it. Or unless I hear that frank has changed his tea bases again….


I had a very similar reaction to this. Did not like at all.


It’s honey bush flavoured water. Gross


I always wondered what honeybush tasted like. Now I know!


Thank goodness it wasn’t just me!


Don’t get me wrong…I like honeybush, but WITH other flavours and this was….gross, as in not likely going to waste my time drinking the other bit of it.


Bummer, but good to know


This didn’t even resemble the flavour of the previous incarnation, which I think has quite high ratings.

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