412 Tasting Notes

drank St. Petersburg by Kusmi Tea
412 tasting notes

Oh! I remembered what this reminds me of: Strawberry Zabaglione from 52teas! The flavor here is a little more subtle, a little less cream and more fruit, but the profile is quite similar.

I probably won’t buy a tin of this immediately, but maybe the next time I’m in the mood for a sweet subtle fruity tea.

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I usually like floral, but this is a bit too much. Any black tea is pretty well buried in the flowers, and even the bergamot is a little subdued in comparison. Just too light and tart for me overall. Might be nice iced?

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drank Sweet Love by Kusmi Tea
412 tasting notes

Blech. Tastes like liquorice. There’s some other spicy flavors too, and I think I can taste the guarana? But mostly liquorice, or which I am not a fan.

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Hm. It’s been a little while since I had a non-Chinese breakfast tea, so I’m mostly noticing the Ceylon in this one by contrast. There is a slightly smoky note, but it’s not very strong. There’s something sweet also, maybe malt or honey, but mostly the Celyon. I think the aroma’s being thrown off by it’s having sat next to the Spearmint Green in the sampler box – it smells kind of minty-sweet.

Interesting, and pretty good, but this certainly isn’t making me desperate to buy more. Drinking plain, at the moment, but will add milk shortly and see if that brings out anything new.

ETA: I did like it better with milk, and better plain on the second steep. It might have just been too strong for me at first, somehow, though it wasn’t overly bitter. Peculiar.

200 °F / 93 °C 3 min, 15 sec

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drank 1001 Nights by TeaFrog
412 tasting notes

Drinking some of this hot with honey, chilling some to drink later. The green/black mix is always a little frustrating to steep, but this one is pretty forgiving, and adding sweetener makes it even more so. Might get more of this with my next Teafrog order (which will be soon, since Love just ran out!)

190 °F / 87 °C 3 min, 30 sec

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drank Anastasia by Kusmi Tea
412 tasting notes

I can smell the lime and the orange blossom in the dry leaf and the tea – I’m impressed already. Upon tasting, I’m actually finding the tea to be overwhelmed by the citrus. Maybe that’ll get better as it cools. Ooh, there’s a nice floral aftertaste though.

… Still very fruity as it cools, also floral. Having this with just a bit of honey. Not sure I’d buy a tin of this, it’s pretty distinctive for everyday drinking. I’ll try it with milk next time (how I usually take my EGs)

200 °F / 93 °C 3 min, 0 sec

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drank Caribe by Harney & Sons
412 tasting notes

I have a sore throat, so last night I had the brilliant idea of steeping a pitcher of this to have iced today. This worked wonderfully, especially since I remembered to add a couple spoonfuls of honey while it was still hot.

This is cheating, really, as far as assessing the tea is concerned – I oversteeped it by far, and added enough honey to compensate. That said – it’s really really good! Fruity and flowery and sweet, and I haven’t gotten tired of it after drinking all day (I made about 24 oz). I definitely prefer this iced to hot. I can taste the green and black tea both, I think, but it’s pretty heavy on the guava/strawberry flavor too.

1 heaping tsp for the first 8oz, added 1/4 tsp for each subsequent 8oz, freshly boiled water, irregular steeping times

205 °F / 96 °C 8 min or more

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After using a heaping teaspoon and steeping this a scant three minutes today, when I took my first sip I would’ve sworn I’d added honey to it. But no, that’s just how sweet and flavorful it came out. Not really malty, but very very honeyed. Drinking plain :)

200 °F / 93 °C 3 min, 0 sec

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Some notes on ratings:

I’d have separate rating scales for tea types if that were possible (probably Black, Flavored Black, Darjeeling/Dark Oolong, White/Green/Light Oolong, and Herbal) because the flavors and quality markers are just too different. A flavored black rated 100 isn’t better than every oolong I’ve ever drunk, just delicious for a flavored black.

Ratings are a combination of my enjoyment and the perceived quality – I do often demote teas a few points for artificial flavorings, small quantity of steeps supported, or weakness of flavor (requiring extra leaf).

I pay less attention to the number than the order of my ratings; I don’t necessarily keep a stock of everything rated 80+, but if two breakfast blends are rated 82 and 84 I consistently enjoy the 84 more.

And in case it’s not obvious? I am not an expert. I don’t even know what I like until I taste it sometimes, but I’m ok with that :) I like learning to like new teas, as well as enjoying the comfort of familiar ones.


Boston, MA



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