Such a Great tea.
A nice smooth somewhat oily soup with a burgundy colour and a very nice and smooth mouthfeel with a hint of astringency in it.
A sandy sort of claylike taste with a minerally metallic sort of astringency that doesn’t quite dry the moth but is rather smooth and is a bit rounded of by a sweetness that increases with steepings.
There is a hint of wood that is both wet like the smell of a carr yet dry like a piece of wood that has floated ashore on a beach and dried in the sun.
Reminds me of sitting and watching the sun set in the eaarly autumn on a cliff near a small lake with a cuneiformous forest in the back, a small sandy beach to the side below the cliff that has some birches growing near a grassy patch with their leaves rustling in the wind.
Flavors: Astringent, Clay, Metallic, Sand, Wood