And here’s another example of how the last cup tasted the best! Must seriously be due to the flavour dust left at the bottom of the pouch. Mmm. What a beautiful, natural, healthy dessert tea.

Sip downs are bittersweet since I’m always trying to keep my stash down, yet especially sad when I finish off a Butiki tea for obvious reasons. OBVI.


i probably can send you more of this


Nah, it’s cool, but thanks for thinking of me! It’s great but not one that I would have repurchased anyway, if that makes sense.


yeah heh


I still haven’t tried this properly. I bought an extra bag of it on spec, and think I like it, but I’m not sure! Haha.


Haha yeah I bought it only because it was shiny and new. Maybe my tastebuds are whiny, but I found it really difficult to get the flavours out.

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i probably can send you more of this


Nah, it’s cool, but thanks for thinking of me! It’s great but not one that I would have repurchased anyway, if that makes sense.


yeah heh


I still haven’t tried this properly. I bought an extra bag of it on spec, and think I like it, but I’m not sure! Haha.


Haha yeah I bought it only because it was shiny and new. Maybe my tastebuds are whiny, but I found it really difficult to get the flavours out.

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