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drank Pomme by Hediard
1403 tasting notes

Came across the last bit of this, about a half spoon’s worth, in my Project Sipdown basket. Ok, one of my Project Sipdown baskets. Added Capital Teas Ltd’s Keemun Classic to make up the spoon. Smooth with the slightest hint of apple and whisper of vanilla.

Perfect. Especially after a day or two of tropical fruit and jasmine tea, I had been looking forward to a cup of simple and no-nonsense tea.

And it’s a sipdown!

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drank Pomme by Hediard
1403 tasting notes

I wasn’t expecting much here given that I am not a huge fan of F?ranch teas AND this one has been hanging around for ages. That said, this one is all apple juice and apple cider and apple crisp. and then there’s that French Je nesais quoi. Really lovely. I must have done something right.

tI think this sample is from Sil from years ago. Thank you, Sil. (Yes, it’s ancient—don’t judge me.)

and it’s a sipdown!


haha yeah it’s from me from aaaaggesss ago

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drank Darjeeling G.F.O.P. Tea by Hediard
1779 tasting notes

I’m no Darjeeling expert, nor am I even very familiar with it, so I’m not sure what makes a good or bad one. This tea is light and malty. It has a descent balance, but is faint. I imagine this is a good type of tea for cream and sugar, but the flavors are so light I worry I might drown them out. Added c&s and it didn’t kill the flavor! It’s alright this way. It is a little drying after each sip. I don’t think it is something I would gravitate to, but who knows. It could grow on me.

205 °F / 96 °C 4 min, 0 sec

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drank Mélange Madeleine by Hediard
1779 tasting notes

Not hitting the spot today. It tastes weak and a little too citrusy. I should have read my previous note and tried it cold steeped.

205 °F / 96 °C 4 min, 0 sec
Maddy Barone

It is hot here in North Dakota today. As it was for the past few days and will be for the next few days. Tuesday will be nicer, only 82. A good cold brew sounds refreshing. I think I’ll go get something steeping.


It’s straight up fall weather here on the coast! I think we got all of about a week of what I’d call real summer weather. Sadly that means no solid iced tea season either.

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drank Mélange Madeleine by Hediard
1779 tasting notes

I found this tea (and several other Hediard teas) at Homegoods of all places, which I have randomly found other good teas at awesome prices like Fachon and Kusmi! If you are a Halloween enthusiast like me (hands down best holiday EVER) then Homegoods is also your spot for great finds. Tea AND Halloween?! How could it get any better?! I failed the test of tea temptation that day and left the store with with several tins at $8 a piece.

Dry, this tea has the aroma of candied orange peel rounded out by vanilla. There is supposed to be lavender as well, but I’m not able to detect it. Once steeped, the flavors lighten up significantly. I can pick out the citrus in the back of the sip and the aftertaste. There is a smoothness in the flavor that I attribute to the vanilla and I think I get some floral hints, but it’s hard to know for sure. I drank most of this cup during my busy morning and am now trying to write a note off the cooled remains of my cup. I think this one is my favorite so far of the Hediard teas I picked up and I look forward to trying it cold like the other reviewer mentioned.

205 °F / 96 °C 3 min, 0 sec

My eldest daughter, Superanna on Steepster, is THE BIGGEST fan of Halloween ever! She has an online countdown going and has already started planning next year’s party. Her birthday is near that time, so she combines the celebration and calls it “Anna-ween”. (Now you all know her real name – bit it is pronounced Ah-nah.)


Anna-ween is an awesome combo! My daughter was supposed to be born on Halloween, but the stubborn girl held on for fifteen more days which allowed me to do an awesome Alien chest-burster costume that year. Only 294 more days until Halloween. I really should figure out what my costume will be this year! Has Anna discovered halloweenforum.com?

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Citrus and green tea. Some like it, some don’t. I do not. Despite that this one isn’t bad, I just don’t like the bitter notes that some citrus fruit bring to green blends. The muscatel notes do a bit to tone the bitterness down but not enough for my taste. Even the grassy notes are overshadowed by the citrus.

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drank Pomme by Hediard
6444 tasting notes

Sipdown (199)

Finishing this off iced tonight. It’s weird because this doesn’t scream apple to me. It’s super sweet and actually makes me think of the candy coating on a candy apple which is basically sugar with the slightest apple flavor to it. That’s what I am getting and though it’s not bad, it’s not the fruity tea I wanted either. Nonetheless, thank you Sil for the share.


haha no worries! sharing is caring!

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drank Pomme by Hediard
6444 tasting notes

This is one thick tea. I had it iced and it all moved as one highly viscous mass. A mass that didn’t really taste like apple. It was like stone fruit and baked goods. Thank you Sil for the share. I think maybe some experimenting is in the future for brew methods with regards to this tea.



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drank Pomme by Hediard
16899 tasting notes

Cold Brew Sipdown (137)!

Back to three sentence long reviews to try and clear some of this backlog…

So the first time I tried this cold brewed I experienced a very weird mint note in the tail end of the sip. However, this time around I don’t taste it which leads me to believe that it must have been some sort of fluke cross contamination type thing. What I do taste is a really nice, custardy apple flavour with subtle warming spice undertones.

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drank Pomme by Hediard
16899 tasting notes

This is a queued tasting note.

Had this one as a cold brew, which was a different preparation style than last time. While I still greatly enjoyed the flavour and simplicity of the tea, I did end noticing different things this time while drinking it. While apple was still the prominent flavour I also picked up notes of cinnamon as well as spearmint, and I can’t exactly put my finger on where that mint note came from.

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drank Pomme by Hediard
16899 tasting notes

This is a queued tasting note.

This is one that I nabbed from the second GCTTB when it was making rounds; I really liked the idea of a simple apple flavoured black tea that was still primarily tea and not stuffed with ingredients that completely over power the base. Yes, shots fired DAVIDsTEA…

I made this one for the commute to work; this summer I’ve been doing something that is actually really different for me and that’s icing my commute teas. Traditionally I drink my cold brew on the way to work and then have a hot tea during lunch but it’s just been so hot that I’ve wanted my cold brew with lunch. And of course it’s too hot for a hot cuppa on my bus ride, typically. So iced tea has been the solution.

And this was pretty good; I basically did get the simple apple flavoured black tea that I was hoping for so I can’t really argue all that much when my expectations were perfectly met. It was sweet, with buttery apple notes. Think apple pie or crumble, I guess? And the finish had some subtle warming spice tones. I’d have expected cinnamon, but got more of a nutmeg/cardamom vibe. Very pleasant!


what i liked about this one was that it wasn’t apple-cinnamon

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drank Pomme by Hediard
987 tasting notes

GCTTB5 backlog:

Others have said that this tastes like apple and cinnamon, but I didn’t get that much apple OR cinnamon flavour in the dry leaf. Instead, when the tea was brewed, I got a hint of apple plus a hint of toffee – dark, sugary, toasty. Ultimately, this was very smooth going down; good easy drinking. I bet it would have tasted even better with some agave syrup.

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drank Pomme by Hediard
790 tasting notes

Baked apple without cinnamon. Not a terribly fakey apple either. Not overly sweet either. Very nice to have tried! Thanks, Sil!


i am a fan of this one because of the lack of cinnamon….

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Mélange Madeleine is a tea I picked up over the summer at Hédiard’s flagship store on Place de la Madeleine in Paris. It was one of the few teas I squirreled away in my already overstuffed suitcase to bring home and share with my friends. It isn’t the type of tea I would typically consider since I’m not a fan of citrus flavors, but I’m glad I went with the recommendation of the store, it’s a fabulous tea. The black base is mellow, yet full-flavored, and has hints of orange, vanilla, and lavender. While I’ve really enjoyed drinking it hot, it makes an excellent iced tea. In fact, most of my tin was consumed during the later part of the summer when the temperatures soared. I’ll likely finish off what is left before the end of the week. This is one of those rare teas I could drink a lot of and that isn’t something I say often when it comes to things that are heavily citrus flavored.

You can read the rest of the review on my blog:

Flavors: Citrus, Floral, Vanilla

205 °F / 96 °C 3 min, 0 sec 1 tsp 8 OZ / 236 ML

Sounds great! (I may be biased, since my name is Madeline…)

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drank Pomme by Hediard
15544 tasting notes

mmmmm another tasty tea finished up. I finally feel like i’m making headway on some of my older french teas that i don’t necessarily ADORE, but still really like. It’s been far too easy to hoard the teas so i’m trying to make a concentrated effort to finish them off. I like this one because it’s not your traditional apple cinnamon tea imo. The flavouring is subtle though, so that doesn’t appeal to some.

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drank Pomme by Hediard
15544 tasting notes

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drank Pomme by Hediard
15544 tasting notes

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drank Pomme by Hediard
15544 tasting notes

noms. I pulled this one out because it’s a different sort of apple. This isn’t trying to be fresh green apple and thankfully it’s not apple cinnamon. This is just baked apple without the spices. it’s also…yes, that’s right… a BLACK! tea base haha.


I think I’d like this one!


happy to share anytime!

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drank Pomme by Hediard
15544 tasting notes

mmm bumping the rating up on this one a little. this is like baked apple goods, minus the cinnamon and vanilla ice cream. lol I am a fan of this today, especially since the tea i had it with, was in contrast lacking in flavour. :)

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drank Pomme by Hediard
15544 tasting notes

I guess i forgot to write a tasting note on this one the first time i had it. Oopsy! This was one of the teas Ysaurella sent me and it’s a sneaky tea. The front half of the sip of this tea was all like..“Yo! Sil! i got your black base here…gimme some…” and then APPLE jumped out and poked me in the tastebuds. true story. This isn’t a crisp, juicy sort of apple…but this IS baked warm apple without the cinnamon. You hear that people? NO CINNAMON! yes! now…i don’t have anything against cinnamon…and apple crisp is one of my favourite desserts and HAS cinnamon..but after 120398210398 teas that were all a variation on a theme of apple + cinnamon? this. this was a welcome change!
it’s also my first tea from Hediard, and so yeah. goooo me! thanks madam!


Hahahaha, your tea has a lot of attitude it seems.

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drank Pomme by Hediard
1040 tasting notes

This was a bonus sample that Ysaurella added to her swap box, thank you so much.

This might be an example of “be careful what you wish for”. I was whining not that long ago about apple teas always having cinnamon in them. This is a black apple tea, no cinnamon. While I can appreciate the lack of cinnamon, this isn’t my favorite apple flavor. To me, this is baked or cooked apple. I’m craving, tart, crisp fresh apple. This just isn’t it.
I don’t think this is a bad tea, it’s just not to my tastes….


this is a tea my daughter wanted me to purchase…so did I but it is not my favourite apple tea neither

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drank Golden Monkey by Hediard
15544 tasting notes

noms. farewell delicious tea. Finally have a little time this morning to enjoy tea before the rest of the day kicks in. This tea + everything bagel with herb and garlic cream cheese with slices of cucumber. delicious. heh


Mm… everything bagels…

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drank Golden Monkey by Hediard
15544 tasting notes

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drank Golden Monkey by Hediard
15544 tasting notes

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