I’ve been drinking Deep Green Embrace more and more – And tonight’s cup was positively delightful. It’s the peppermint that gives the tingle – It actually feels like I’ve washed my mouth with the best mouthwash ever made. This tea is no longer “relatively enjoyable” – it’s positively delightful. I’ve also noticed that drinking raspberry leaf tea really does help with all of those womanly things it’s intended for – So drink up, ladies!! Although the price tag of 9.00/50g is a little steep (especially for an herbal), it’s honestly worthwhile – It’s lighter so you get a larger size bag full, and it tastes unbelievable, if you’re into spice. Previously I said it wasn’t refreshing, but I take it back – I take it all back! It’s light, refreshing and I’ve relaxed myself into a near stupor with tonight’s cup.
8 min or more