Looks into the can
Yummy berries. Good leafs. Is that strawberry? YUM… and that looks like orange.
What’s that?! Is that a… PEARL?!
A jasmine pearl???
Wonder if it’s part of the blend or a mistake. Found four pearl in total. I don’t mind. I love pearls. There is nothing wrong with the tea either. It’s a fine yellow liquid. Bought a kettle so I can boil the water to precise 80 celcius. Good result… The small dusty things are dancing slowly to the bottom. Some of them stand still for a while.
I like that. It’s like matrix.
Smell of heaven. Sweet and flowery.
The taste is sharp but sweet. Can’t taste the berries, can’t taste the pearls, can’t taste the leafs. Why? Because it’s blended into a symphony. Perch does that a lot – I don’t mind.