So as soon as I heard about David’s new mug, purple with a gold elephant on it, I had to have it. I decided the purple elephants on my white David’s mug needed a friend, so I went out and got it on Wednesday after work.
While I was there I bought a few tins, 100g of Cream of earl grey, and 20g of this. I forgot to order Citrus Dream on my last Butiki order so I bought a b it of this to tide me over until my next.
It’s less complex than I remembered, but it has that sweet lemon taste that I remembered so that’s good. Not sure if I need to adjust the parameters or if it’s because of the horrible Thursday I had that’s at fault :( I’ll try this again tonight.
Either way though, this is a pretty good tisane, and is fulfilling the need for an herbal for a little while.