I’ve been curious for awhile about the big wholesaler, Metropolitan Tea Company, so when Culinary Teas — which sources most (all?) of their tea from Met — had free shipping, I sprung for a few samples.

This is my first time trying a Monk’s Blend. I knew it would have grenadine in it, so I guess I was expecting something like liquid maraschino cherries. When I sniffed the bag, it smelled like raspberry candy, and the flavor has a tanginess that strikes me more as raspberry than cherry flavor. There is a light vanilla cream note that, for me, is the highlight of this tea. The base is inoffensive, but definitely unremarkable. I know this tea gets sold both in bagged and loose leaf form. I ordered loose leaf, but no surprise really, the tea still has that standard bagged-quality kind of taste. Something about the blend of flavors reminds me of H&S Paris, but H&S does a far better job on it.

I won’t have any trouble getting this down, but I definitely won’t be going out of my way to get more either, as it’s just pretty run-of-the-mill fare.

Flavors: Raspberry, Vanilla

Boiling 5 min, 0 sec 1 tsp 8 OZ / 236 ML

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Happiness Is:
green tea
black tea
lots and lots of oolong!
vanilla things

Not Really My Style:
spices (except for ginger. ginger rocks)
chai (because, you know, the spices)
rooibos (I don’t get it. Everyone seems psyched for it. Not me).
those smoky teas, like lapsang souchong, though once in a while I’ll need something really strong and then I like them.





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