Adagio Custom Blends, Aun-Juli Riddle

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Ah, found this tea entry, finally. This one was a little light, and I wanted to like it more, but I am a fan of the cinnamony flavors with green tea, especially these Hobbity blends from Adagio. I had it with some Trader Joe’s milk & honey biscuits, and poured boiling water on my hand, but it doesn’t hurt.

Today is also lame (migraine day #4 + work + everything), but Sterek gets me out of bed, and a surprise Tyler Hoechlin or Martin Freeman radio show on my iPhone can definitely make my morning bearable. I love imaginary people, and internet people, and fantasy people. Sometimes actors. I just have to make it to lunch, then yoga, then baseball & Hannibal. Think I can make it? IDK, maybe!


Work + migraine = ouch. Best of luck to make it through the day!


Thanks! I am so far so good. Sometimes prescription drugs are awesome :)


Yay for helpful drugs!

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Appropriate for today, because last night I decided to run away from work as fast as possible to go running in the sun, make goat cheese pasta and bleu cheese/potato tarts, & then finish S1 of Hannibal. Good call, I say to myself. Then I got my caramel fix from this tea this morning (I’m trying to save some for Shmiracles, I swear). I’m also trying to convince her to watch Hannibal too, though it’s hard because, TV. Though I was all, Oh look there’s swiggity swag the nightmare stag again… Ooh vomit & body parts…


Oh, body parts. The gift that keeps on giving.


Have to say, have never had cause to seriously consider if it’s possible to regurgitate a human ear before. First time for everything!

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I really wanted to like this tea, since today is all about migraines, disappointment, depression, rain, and Monday… and I got caramel, yay! The caramel and hazelnut overpowers the chocolate and vanilla that I am less fond of, and it’s sweet without being too sweet. So I’m a fan of this tea, thanks, Cavocorax, for sharing! I’m still only halfway through S1, but I get the antlers reference at least.


I read the first sentence and thought on no, she wanted to like it but she’s gonna say she hates it! /0\ But you don’t and that’s cool. Glad you got some chocolate/vanilla from it, AND I’m happy you’re enjoying the show so far. We just finished filming the last episode of S2 so now I’m just waiting to see if NBC is renewing it or not.

Hope today is much better than yesterday!


At least it’s halfway over! Today I mean, not S2 because I have to catch up – before I get spoiled by a fic description or Tumblr in general. Sorry for the fakeout – I’m glad I liked this one too, but if I had read the description I would have known since I like caramel :) I also dropped the bag on the floor (because today sucks) but only lost a teeny tiny bit and still have lots left (WHEW!). I think I would have just gone back to bed at that point haha.


All I have to say is… swiggity swag the nightmare stag. (Oh, tumblr.)


Someone needs to make a tea for that.

Also, bookmark this for the end of Season 1: It’s a pretty awesoe fanvid that NBC is promoting.

Also, if I did that I might have been tempted to just give up too.


I’ll check that out! I love it when networks use fanworks for promos – MTV does this lots but, well, MTV – and I was going to get back to you when I’m all caught up anyway to see if there’s anything else I’m missing. Like, IDEK the nightmare stag had a fandom name ;)


There is SO MUCH stag fanart it’s amazing and awesome.


Ok, but, now I’m pretty certain there’s stag sexytiems fics and I’m getting a little afraid LOL (jk, I’m in a werewolf fandom, for goodness sakes)


Anything is possible? But I don’t read Hannibal fanfic because the well done stuff just creeps me out to no end.


I hope it’s better for you tomorrow!


I wish I had fic recs for you for later, but I have NOTHING. I tried reading a few Hannibal/Sherlock crossovers, but they felt false. And most of the other fics I read are Hannigram and I haven’t read any that were good enough to make me really feel that ‘ship. It’s not difficult to convince me that Hannibal might want Will; it’s harder to convince me that Will is ready to go cannibal just to get with Hannibal. I need something written well enough to make me accept that. :|


Course I haven’t looked in months! Maybe fic based on the newer season will be better written?


I’ve seen a couple recs, but as soon as I saw the tags I was all NOPE and clicked the red X.


Oh, I know what that’s like – some of the best shows don’t have good fics. I don’t ship anyone on the show yet, and I’m not sure I ever will, but while your OTP of course has the best fics ever, it’s typically torture to try to read a pairing you’re not into. Though I giggled a little when you said Hannigram, because I didn’t know the portmanteau :) Right now, I’m trying to remember if I’ve ever read a cannibal fic, and I wanna say yeah maybe? Maybe a hell!Dean fic, back when I read Destiel.


It’s funny that the portmanteau made you laugh when I just saw THIS: ( on tumblr.

It’s a spoiler free set of gifs for possible relationships and their zanyish names.




Hahahahaha murder husbands. Though I might be willing to read Hannidelia? If I read het. Though Gillian Anderson never really counts re: categories. And some of these characters I have yet to meet. I remember a time before portmanteaus, but once I discovered why ppl were portmanteau-ing all over the place because of Tumblr, I was like OH I GET IT. Reasons.


J^2^ is still the best portmanteau.


AWW. Let me try that again. J 2 is still the best portmanteau.


Cavo – that fanvid is AMAZING! I got the song stuck in my head last night, and the lyrics are so dramatic and perfect. Ravenstag – that sounds like an estate from a gothic novel, no? Something romantic and dark. If Poe and Hemingway had a baby.

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I drank a cup of this today, but I darnk it while watching SPN fanvids and sorta wasn’t paying enough attention. I remember a black tea that was sweet and creamy? It was good?

Sorry I don’t have more. Now it’s Sil’s turn. (190)

And the distracting vids:
The Perks of Being a Winchester (funny summary of the brothers)

Castiel is an Angel With a shotgun (awesome video about BAMF!Castiel, but the music is a little cheezy)

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Steeped up my last bit of this, and was having problems identifying the lingering toasted/charred flavour. Almost like roasted chestnuts, but without the sweet creamy nuttiness that makes the flavour delicious.

Oh. Oolong. But definitely not a green oolong at all.

If it weren’t for this aftertaste, I’d really like the tea. It tastes cake- or pastry- like, and was really good with a little milk.

Thank you for sharing, Shmiracles! :)

(1.5 tsp in 12 oz)

Flavors: Cake, Roasted, Vanilla

195 °F / 90 °C 3 min, 0 sec 1 tsp 12 OZ / 354 ML

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Thanks, Shmiracles!!

Oooh, it tastes like a vanilla chai cake. Yummy!

I’m having it with (surprise) almond milk. It goes well.

Yum yum yum.

(FYI to everyone with my address, I’m going to be moving May 15. Yes, this is lots of warning, I’m doing this on purpose! I just got a surprise package today!)

195 °F / 90 °C 3 min, 0 sec 2 tsp 16 OZ / 473 ML

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I have done so many swaps this month and have so many teas to try. I thought today would be a Schmiracles day!

This one didn’t do it for me. I wasn’t getting a lot of flavour out of it, I couldn’t even tell you what flavour it’s supposed to be if I didn’t already know. And the base wasn’t anything special, not enough to make up for the lack of flavour. It’s not bad, just not something I would care to order myself. I will try this again with milk and agave on a cheat day and see if it improves.

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shmiracles tea fest! another one from that package. This is a nice enough cup of tea, but in this cup there is just too much cinnamon. it’s not that the cinnamon is overpowering or anything, but i feel like it’s hiding all the other wonderful things in this tea…like GINGER! :) i did enjoying drinking this one, but i also felt like there wasn’t much point to the other ingredients since they weren’t coming through like the cinnamon. Ah well, still another happy tea to have tried (and that gets me to 150 at least…10 more to go in 2 days heh)

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yes! this one is a really nice cup of tea. Thank you shmiracles for showing me what adagio can do when they get it right (or maybe i should thank aun -juli) :) This was a really nice cup of fruity, vanilla delicious tea.

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It’s ok. It wasn’t memorable. What a shame.
Maybe Sil and Terri will enjoy it more!

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And another one to pass to Sil (217)

Hmmm… Not my favourite. Sorry. Nope. Ginger and chai are ok together in small doses but I feel like I need to be brave to get to the bottom of this cup.

Sorry Sil for throwing bad tea at good friends. :P

Sami Kelsh

You know me and Doctor Who (you know, the thing I think about with the regularity with which adolescent boys think about sex) but I’m not convinced by the combination of chai and mint. I’ve seen it in a few places, and it’s two things I love that I’m not sure I want to experience at the same time.


I couldn’t even taste the mint! It wasn’t for me, but so many cups are that I’m not disappointed.


i like ginger!


Did I send you some “Did You Miss Me?” That one has hella-ginger!

Terri HarpLady

I love Ginger!


cupboard says no


Ok, well I will send you enough to share with Terri!

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How appropriate!

I’m reviewing this tea while I read the revised script for the last episode of Hannibal S2. (no spoilers – I’m not allowed to say anything, but I WISH I COULD. :O)

I’m in a total Hannibal mood right now – listening to this awesome music video ( inspired by the show. NBC heard the song and asked to collaborate with the artist to make a official music video and the final product is quite lovely and haunting! Some spoilers for Season 1 there. I don’t think anything important from S2 is in it. Just, give it a listen!

Also, I don’t think it’s a spoiler to say that we made a ravenstag at the shop. I helped glue the fur and feathers on. Pretty neat!

Anyway, on to the tea review: I think Aun-Juli nailed it. This is show that takes subject matter that churns the stomach and makes it antithetically pleasing. Never has cannibalism looked this good, right? The show is sophisticated and treats it’s audience intelligently, and turns the victims into art… This tea does the same. (See I was going somewhere with this…)

It takes hibiscus, orange peels and rose hips, ingredients that can very easily ruin a tea, and does something masterful with it. This tea is sweet, and tart. It’s bold, (for an Adagio blend) and the caramel orange swirl together quite nicely.

The video is awesome and so is the song, thanks for sharing :-)


Yay! I’m happy you enjoyed it. :D


last night i spent a minute trying to find season 1 online. then i just ended up watching sad HBO documentaries instead.
but the important thing is that i got close :) hah


That’s infinitely more effort than you used previously! :P
And I wish I knew where you could get Season 1 legally, though I did find it here: (Umm, I’ve never used this site but tumblers mention it. It may be safe? Be warned…)

Of course if you’re just looking for more sad documentaries, check out “Dear Zachary.”


This sounds delicious. As for the show, I just hope that there’s a season 3…and 4 and… :P Same for BBC sherlock.


Me too! I’m hoping to get to work on future seasons because it’s so interesting!


Wow, finally listened to the music video that you posted -love it.


Yay! I can’t stop listening to it… It’s almost like a lullaby…

Roswell Strange

I showed it to my roommate (he’s a huge Hannibal fan) and he loved it. I actually caught him listening to it this morning before school.

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you know. I wanted to really love this tea. I did. But it’s just sort of ok. The pomegranate adds a bit of a fruity feel to this, but the dominant taste is the oriental spice. I was hoping for more of the spice mixing with the cocoa and the caramel but mostly this comes across as a slightly fruit chai sort of spice tea. I don’t hate it..but i wanted more. Thanks for sharing though Cavo! :)


maybe some internal organ flavour? ha ha

Sami Kelsh

Mmm, internal organs. :|

I have yet to find a context in which I’m okay with oriental spice. It just tastes like a mess of cloves in my mouth that just sort of makes everything else less good. I think this is just me, but yep.

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And that’s it for this tea! (231)

I made a giant mug of it so I could get ALL THE FLAVOUR, and then I threw the rest in my new box for Sil. (This one will take longer to fill though since I have nothing coming in…. yet)

It smells interesting! Chai spices make me think warm, by the fire thoughts, while the peppermint is a blast of ice. And this tea is part of the A Song of Ice and Fire fandom – OIC what you did there Aun-Juli!!!

The verdict? I really actually like it. The two contrasting flavours never quite mix – they dance around each other and taste great. The base may be a little weak but the flavours and scent more than make up for it. Let’s see what Sil thinks!

I love that this series of tea are all inspired by the many deaths of Sean Bean. :P I can get behind this. So far they’re great.

ETA I’m thinking if I can reduce my cupboard by July, then I may place a birthday order at Adagio! If I can’t mule it through Sil I may just end up paying the min charge because laslt time I ordered so much that shipping worked out to be buttloads anyway… Yikes. But yay! Time to sip! But after drinking all these Aun-Juli blends I am getting ideas on restocks. It’s great that she lets you buy samples from her website!

200 °F / 93 °C 3 min, 30 sec

Cavo…don’t forget stacy does a birthday sale/bash ‘cause she’s a July birthday girl too!


Oooh. Good point!

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mmm thanks cavocorax! I am a fan of this blend. It’s not an over the top must have in my cupboard sort of tea, but it IS a tasty cup of spices. Somehow everything in this just works together to make a nice cup of delicious. My only complaint, as always is the base that tends to be used in adagio’s blends. It’s just not my favourite, though in this case it doesn’t makes things worse :) Thanks for sharing cavo! (also i love the design for this one..)


I’ve seen a lot of people complain about that base. You’d think they’d change it already, or not use it in as many. Must be cost effective.

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bad steepster! bad! it make me click on the review button a bunch but never popped open the windo to make a note..and then i had to go and delete 1092382109382 blank entries for this tea.

I think i’m a little spzy right now because i saw the name of this tea and the first thing that popped into my head was that song… “comet, it makes your mouth turn green….comet…it tastes like gasoline… comet,…..da da da da…<words i don’t remember> so try comet, and vomit today….”

thankfully this tea? it’s tasty and has a pretty design and cavo gave it to me…so that’s a lot of YES to this tea :)


That’s better than what I had- I sorta lost my note completely? And now I don’t remember if I liked it. :P

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YUMMY! BLUUUUUUUUUE BERRY! I’m taking 5 mins in between my work calls to try and catch up with the teas i had tonight before work decided to be stupid. I want this week to be over damnit! Plus my cupboard was exploded by everyone this week (shmiracles, variaTEA, Keychange, Cavocorax…) so i’m not going to make my goal of 140 this month, but i also did NOT make any purchases this month (so haaard!!!) so i’m still doing well…

i like this tea. id even purchase it again because it’s dr who…and blueberry and tasty. so there.


Yay! Glad you liked it. I nearly missed getting it to you, and it was one of the ones I really enjoyed. (If I drink too many Adagio at a time I get them all mixed up in my head…)


i am with you on the mix up with too many drunk at once

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Grrrrrr computer make me mad. I’ll fix this review, but mostly it was a fairly bland cup for me, which made me a sad panda. :(


That first sentence made me chuckle, if only because I’ve (we’ve all) been there sooooo many times.


Slap the ’puter! SLAP IT.


it likes that anna….


also… this eta makes me want someone to make a “brave little toaster” tea at adagio…like a whole series of “things from our childhood” series of blends…


Of course you’d have a pervputer, Sil. Of course.

I think it’s cool that kids today have more of a shared experience and more of a global kid culture – my generation is generally so completely lost when it comes to that. The what toaster? Dr… Xeus? Huh?


don’t for get jem and the holograms… and the misfits…their songs WERE better. it always makes me sad that no one knows captain power and the soldiers of the universe… my dad and i used to watch that every week together before mom woke up…at like 7am on saturdays


…I LOVED Jem!!! I’m the only Swede I know who does, though, it was on some weird cable channel.


I need a Jem-themed party in my near future. The outfits.


oh man…yes!

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Thank you cavo! My internet is having issues driving me nuts. I’ve lost the tasting note on a few things now. This one probably needed to steep a little longer to bring out more of the flavours. Over all still a tasty cup, but not my favourite.

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mmm this was a tasty cup! Thank you Cavo! I quite enjoyed this earlier today. This was a cherry vanilla tea to me, which i guess is good since that’s what it’s trying to be, along with some cinnamon. I didn’t get much in the way of the cinnamon, but the cherry and vanilla left a juicy impression in my mouth that made for an enjoyable cup of tea today!

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thanks cavo! this one was sort of meh for me. The ingredients sort of blended into a cremy non distinct sort of flavour. The apple came out a little more as it cooled off, but hot this was not something i was dying to drink. Also, my poor poor cupboard is so exploded right now….


Yep! Let it go away! :P Sip, sip, sip!

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This blend is odd. So odd.

But the 11th Doctor was quite odd too so I think this is a good fit.

It’s supposed to be black teas, white tea, blueberry and cinnamon but my mouth keeps telling me I’m drinking blueberry gingerbread. Blueberry gingerbread is not a combination I would have immediately thought was amazing, but it does work.

It’s a little bready, the blueberry is light and sweet (and brilliant) and finishes each sip. The cinnamon and nutmeg hold everything together. It’s very comforting.

195 °F / 90 °C 3 min, 0 sec 1 tsp 12 OZ / 354 ML
carol who

I love the name of this tea! It makes me so wistful ;)

I’ve been watching DW (The Hand of Evil, Tom Baker) this afternoon while I do the ironing. Nothing like a Sarah Jane and the Fourth Doctor! But… this is the episode where Sarah Jane leaves… wah, wah.. :( But the tea sounds good and I hope to try it soon.

Sami Kelsh

Oh, the Hand of Feels! hugs everyone

Blueberry gingerbread sounds really confusing to my mind, but on the other hand I made plum and cinnamon jam tonight, so if it’s anything like that is…



I should watch more original who. I came into it with 9, and fell in love then even though a lot of the plotlines with 9 were so cheesy. There’s so much to catch up on that it’s a little overwhelming, but I have a feeling Tom Baker is a good place to start.

And plum and cinnamon jam? Hmm…. interesting?

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Cavocorax graciously offered me some of this in our last swap, and I immediately wanted to try it. Okay, so I’ve yet to watch anything Hannibal, it’s just those darn ingredients (chocolate? hazelnut? I’m sold!) and the specific tea blender that got me excited.

Brewed up, this is surprisingly mellow – for some reason I was expecting a kick, a twist, a…. you expected something different, why would you, of course you did… kind of tea. That’s what I think of when I think of Hannibal – although admittedly I have zero idea as to who Will is. Yes, I will fix this. :)

So, think mild chai with a light caramel/chocolate finish, and maybe the dryness of a nut in there — and you have Save Will. Tasty!

Flavors: Caramel, Chocolate, Cinnamon, Nuts

200 °F / 93 °C 2 min, 0 sec 2 tsp 12 OZ / 354 ML
Sami Kelsh

Ooh, I don’t know the first thing about Hannibal, but that’s a good combo.

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