Hooray! my 200th tasting note!

I don’t know who this Walter Bishop character is, but this honeybush is darn delicious!

I got this as part of the 52teas order I received yesterday. I was so excited to make a pot of this last night for bedtime that I actually went to bed early. Yeah…sometimes my logic is just plain ridiculous.

Back when I discovered I was a lover of honeybush teas, I was so happy. I have a very limited window of time each day where I can drink anything with caffeine. As a result, I found myself flailing in frustration amongst the various herbal blends, many of which had too much hibiscus for my liking. I picked at the rooibos blends with little enthusiasm for their woody taste. I enjoyed my mint teas, but I could only drink that on occasion before longing for some variety. When I finally tried a few 52teas honeybush blends I was downright ecstatic, and my keenness is still going strong. Honeybush is such a lovely base for all kinds of flavors, from fruity, chocolate/peanut butter, or cinnamon, I have yet to meet a 52 teas honeybush that I don’t like.

This Walter Bishop is probably my favorite strawberry flavored honeybush that I’ve tried so far. I also have the strawberry pie honeybush, and the strawberry rhubarb honeybush, which are also lovely, but I think the strawberry in this one pops a little more against the honeybush base. I’ll have to try them side by side to really make a fair comparison.

I enjoy this one both as a hot or cold tea. Out of curiosity I tried it with a pinch of sugar, but personally I prefer to drink it without adding anything.

Between the heavenly strawberry aroma that fills the room while this brews and the luscious taste reminiscent of a strawberry milkshake – this honeybush is a keeper!


Happy 200th note! I’m almost at that milestone too :D


Not wild about honeybush, but I like Walter. May need to try this. :)


MissLena12 – Thanks – it’s so nice to recognize little milestones like these. It somehow adds a touch of extra-specialness to a day.

@Nicole- If you do decide to give it a try, 52teas is having a 20% off sale right now until Sunday. How do I know? – I just placed another order…I think I can officially call it a 52teas addiction now.


Oh Walter. From Fringe :)



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Happy 200th note! I’m almost at that milestone too :D


Not wild about honeybush, but I like Walter. May need to try this. :)


MissLena12 – Thanks – it’s so nice to recognize little milestones like these. It somehow adds a touch of extra-specialness to a day.

@Nicole- If you do decide to give it a try, 52teas is having a 20% off sale right now until Sunday. How do I know? – I just placed another order…I think I can officially call it a 52teas addiction now.


Oh Walter. From Fringe :)



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That’s my mug! I’ve never really been a huge fan of Winnie the Pooh, but I like the fact that this mug is more or less clear. Plus, I can’t help but giggle when I say “ewww …I have Pooh on my mug” and people in the room gawk in horror before realizing I’m talking about Winnie. Am I easily amused? heck yeah!

A little something about my interests? – In no particular order, I love tea, makeup, paper crafting (card making), home renovations, and gardening.

As a rule, I tend to drink my tea without adding anything, but if that doesn’t work for me, I indulge in the fact that rules are meant to be broken. Yep! I’m such a rebel…sometimes I even color outside the of lines :P



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