drank Cotton Candy by DAVIDsTEA
308 tasting notes

I’m in the minority here, and I’m okay with that because it prevents me from having to frantically run out and buy a kilo of this tea. I don’t like this tea. In fact, I really dislike this tea. I’m not a huge fan of rooibos blends to begin with, but this tea tastes nothing like any cotton candy I’ve ever had in my 30-something years. I tried it last year when it was released as part of the carnival collection and gave it another try this year (from the same bag I’d purchased last year, mind you). No dice. It tastes very vaguely of vanilla, but the taste of the rooibos (and its honeyed sweetness) is the prominent flavor on my palate.

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I’m a 30-something Texan and wannabe globetrotter. I like my tea sweet and over ice.

I prefer: tisanes/fruit infusions, breakfast teas, (flavored) black teas, maté blends, dessert teas

Yes: hibiscus, goji berries, sea buckthorn, cantaloupe/rock melon, honeydew melon, berries (particularly cranberry, blackberry, and raspberry), mango, coconut, peach, plum, apricot, citrus, vanilla

No: cherry (on its own), carrot, (overwhelming) warming spices, mint (peppermint, spearmint, etc.), most florals, eucalyptus, sunflower seeds, lapsang


Houston, TX



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