95 Tasting Notes

drank Caramel Vanilla Chai by 52teas
95 tasting notes

I swapped with Ashley for this, traded my loved, but not often craved marshmallow genmaicha figuring that I drink black teas much more frequently so it would make sense.

I got the tea and it smelled heavenly. So heavenly, in fact, that I was sad I had just started a new steeping sequence with another tea and would have to wait a day to have this in the morning.

My husband generously shared his cold germs with me and we both ended up staying home yesterday and I thought this chai would be just perfect. I had read Ashley’s note on how fine this tea was so I decided to use my perfect teapot instead of my beehouse as I figured that would help keep all the ground up tea in its place. Waited impatiently for it to steep and then cool down, took a sip and BLEH! ARGH! GROSS!

Frank, I normally love your work but when others say this is “earthy” I didn’t realize they meant it literally tasted like dirt. Maybe I’m just not an assam fan. Maybe mine had too much pepper and ginger mixed in with the assam of which I’m not a fan. Maybe mine actually was dirt covered in grossness. Maybe I shouldn’t have had the first sip right after finishing two chili cheese corn dogs (yes, they do exist!), but after waiting a while to let my palate readjust it didn’t get any better. Hubby hated it too and I’m pretty sure I lost a few points there.

Sorry Frank, this one is going up for swap ASAP. Not for me at all.

200 °F / 93 °C 4 min, 0 sec
Ashley Bain

aghh :( no good. I always add a good splash of cream and brown sugar and the boy and I really enjoy it. did you try that? :/


I always go with the brown sugar splenda but didn’t try the milk. I’m not sure if it’s a certain spice or what, but it makes me a little nervous because I smell the same thing in their new pumpkin cheesecake.

Ashley Bain

I never drink chais without milk/creamer of some sort. I’d say try adding a good splash.


Yea, it was so bad that I really don’t want to waste the water to brew more and then waste the milk.

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drank Cacao Mint Black by Teavana
95 tasting notes

So in my previous review I mentioned how I wanted a stronger chocolate flavor with this one. Well this time I did go ahead and add some of The Tea Guys Chocolate Parfait and created heaven in a mug. Perfect balance, great resteeped. Add a splash of milk, a smidge of brown sugar splenda and hello happy LefTea!

In a word…OM NOM NOM.

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drank Cherry Cosmo by Tea Forte
95 tasting notes

As a child I used to cough into my pillow at night when I had a cold so that my dad wouldn’t hear and insist I take some of the probably long-expired prescription cold meds we had sitting in the medicine cabinet so I’m a bit leery of anything cherry. I do not take cough drops (unless they’re the Ludens ones that are basically just hard candy), I do not drink cough syrup unless I am feel-like-I’m-about-to-die desperate.

So I was super stoked to get this as part of Tea Forte’s generous sample offer. /sarcasm (re the flavor, not the generosity)

But one night last week, it spoke to me and I figured ‘what the hell’ and tried it.

Not bad.
It did smell like cough medicine so that freaked me out at first. But I didn’t hate it. Didn’t love it either, but it hit the spot that night although I had no problem not trying for a second steep like I normally would.


I’ve been on a streak lately of mediocre teas. It seems that it’s been ages since I enjoyed something enough to do a second steep, so I can understand how you felt. Bummer!

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drank Chocolate Delight by Tea Guys
95 tasting notes

Got this from Dark Moon Tea when they closed but I believe it bore a different name from them (it does mention it’s The Tea Guys at the bottom).

Ever since I’ve had Joy’s Teaspoon’s Chocolate Pot du Tea sample I’ve been trying all kinds of chocolate teas trying to find one as good. The bad news is I haven’t found it yet, but the good news is I’ve got to have lots of chocolate tea.

To say that this doesn’t live up to Joy’s chocolate tea is not to say this is bad, just different. The description is right on, it is more aztec than hershey’s. Seems to have more of a dark chocolate taste than milk, which can make it a bit heavy at times. A splash of milk and my standby brown sugar splenda and I’m a happy camper.

But today? Today was very special. After trying Teavana’s cocoa mint and lamenting the shy cocoa flavor I had a brainchild and mixed these two teas together. NOW I get the ‘thin mint in a cup’ taste that so many on Teavana’s website mention. Perfect balance and I love the little mint tingle sensation I get after a sip.

It’s going to be a long afternoon when this runs out.

200 °F / 93 °C 4 min, 0 sec
Ashley Bain

I’m, too, a big fan of Joy’s chocolate tea. That and Florence from Harney have been the only chocolate flavored teas I’ve liked so far.

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drank Cacao Mint Black by Teavana
95 tasting notes

Thin mint in a tea? Yup, this is nearly it. Nearly, being the operative word. The mint came through very strong (my husband said it smelled like a thin mint covered in toothpaste, but he doesn’t like mint) but the chocolate was missing. I’m considering mixing this with some of my chocolate tea, but I’d hate to waste that if the mint will still overpower it.

Perhaps adding some chocolate chips to the tea during steeping would work. I do have most of a Costco-sized bag…that oughta do it…

200 °F / 93 °C 4 min, 0 sec

I mix it with azteca fire, or if I’m looking for caffeine, Javavana Mate.

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Got this in a swap and the sprinkles made my Monday. Tried it over the weekend and, like many others, I was a bit disappointed. Not to say the tea was bad, or even not good, but if you promise me cake, I better taste cake. I liken this to those yogurts that promise to be full of desserty goodness and just taste like yogurt (for the last time yoplait, if you say the yogurt is cake or pie flavored, put a few pieces in there!). Sure they’re good and all, but it’s not like you’re going to fool yourself into thinking you’re having the real thing.

200 °F / 93 °C 4 min, 0 sec

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drank Chai With Chocolate by 52teas
95 tasting notes

Got this in a swap and am so thankful I sent my unloved tea away in exchange for this. Brewed it three teaspoons strong in my perfect teapot at 200 degrees for just over 4 minutes (I was busy packaging up my lunch). Since it was a swap it was only a partial bag and I really should have just dumped the whole thing in since I love my tea STRONG! So my only complaint is that it’s a bit weak for my tastes, but I love the mellow quality to the chai that comes from adding the chocolate. Great balance.

Added a little of my stand-by: brown sugar splenda and I’m a happy camper this morning.

200 °F / 93 °C 4 min, 15 sec

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I got this in a swap with Rumpus Parable so thank you for letting me try it.

I figured today was a good day for margarita tea since it’s Friday and all but sadly, for me, this tea does not live up to it’s name. Then again, I don’t drink much and really prefer fruity margaritas (drinks that don’t generally taste like alcohol, actually). I do get a lime taste from it but it just all goes wrong after that for me.

It’s possible I did something to mess it up – I have a corneal abrasion and am stuck wearing glasses during the day for the first time since I got contacts 18 years ago and these glasses are about 5 years old, with a prescription to match so I am a bit out of sorts. But I’m pretty sure I put water in my kettle this morning (else my husband’s coffee will be off too) and set it to 200 (what he needs for his coffee and hot enough for me for my black teas) but I guess I can’t say for sure since I’ve been running into things left and right (damn edges on my vision).

Sorry to waste one of your favorites Rumpus.

200 °F / 93 °C 3 min, 0 sec

Heh, should have read that description closer before trading. It’s not supposed to taste like a margarita at all!

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I had a $10 coupon to World Market for my birthday and intended on buying more tea tins but then I panicked and couldn’t remember how many I still had room for so I decided to err on the side of caution and get some tea instead. Should have gotten the tins instead.

Not much flavor here, both before and after the addition of sweetener. Maybe I’ll try two bags next time (I did brew it in a mug rather than 6 oz tea cup).

I got this to keep at work in case I wanted something with caffiene or forgot my normal tea (or, like this morning, was running a bit late) so it’ll do for that but I’m not running out to buy more which is sad because it smelled pretty good!

8 min or more

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My first try with matcha at home after falling in love with a matcha latte on vacation. Made it with 8 oz of cold milk, gave it a whirl with my ikea whirlygigamabob and voila! In a word, delish!

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I’m Amanda, and I’m new to the world of tea. I got sucked in by a sample at Teavana and have been exploring ever since. I prefer loose tea but will slum it with the occasional, high quality bag.

I live just outside Chicago with my husband and our dog.

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