Two bags of this followed me home from Sarasota Florida thanks to a Groupon. It kinda irked me that I had a $15 Groupon and everything in that store was $4.79, but that just meant I had to buy more tea.

This smelled soooooo good that I just had to get 2 bags. I’ve been looking for a good coconut tea and was hoping this would be it. Sadly, it’s not, but that’s probably a good thing since I live in IL.

This is a good tea, just not enough coconut flavor for me. It’s there, don’t get me wrong, but it’s a little too subtle for my tastes. What I really want is a good coconut black tea as I tend to find that they’re a little bit bolder. I might try a little higher temp (my kettle has oolong at 190 instead of 195 with the next setting being 200) next time to see if I get more punch from the coconut.

190 °F / 87 °C 3 min, 0 sec
Tea Flea

If you have any of the coconut oolong from the Spice and Tea Exchange left, try brewing some and doing a second steep on it with a longer steeping period. When I did this I got a much stronger coconut flavor and couldn’t taste any bitterness (I think the first brew pulled all the tannin out). Hope it helps! :)


Thanks Tea Flea. I usually do a longer steep the second time around. It’s been a while since I’ve had it so I don’t remember if it helped, but I do often find that the second steep is better than the first.

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Tea Flea

If you have any of the coconut oolong from the Spice and Tea Exchange left, try brewing some and doing a second steep on it with a longer steeping period. When I did this I got a much stronger coconut flavor and couldn’t taste any bitterness (I think the first brew pulled all the tannin out). Hope it helps! :)


Thanks Tea Flea. I usually do a longer steep the second time around. It’s been a while since I’ve had it so I don’t remember if it helped, but I do often find that the second steep is better than the first.

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I’m Amanda, and I’m new to the world of tea. I got sucked in by a sample at Teavana and have been exploring ever since. I prefer loose tea but will slum it with the occasional, high quality bag.

I live just outside Chicago with my husband and our dog.

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