This is one of my favourite teas of all time – there is nothing not to LOVE about it. From the aroma, to the taste, it’s absolutely marvelous. It even looks nice too!

The name says it all in terms of the flavour. This tea creates the aroma of caramel, and has a delicious, nutty taste. As a side note – it’s fun to pick out the chunks of caramel and eat them too.

I used to work at Teaopia, and by the end of it I couldn’t stand the smell of most teas after having to spend the day showing them to customers. Creamy Nut Oolong is one that never got old, and will always be one of my “go to” teas.

I also swear by this one for stomach problems. Though oolongs in general are great for digestion, this one just so happens to help me!

Overall, this is an AWESOME tea for a flavoured oolong, and I highly recommend trying it. Just take a smell of it and you’ll be addicted!

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Tea is one of my greatest passions! If you’re looking for some more basic info on tea, check out my website at www.steepedintea.com

“Better to be deprived of food for three days than of tea for one.” – Chinese Proverb


Toronto, ON



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