3268 Tasting Notes

drank April in Paris by Adagio Teas
3268 tasting notes

Yesterday I received two amazing boxes of tea in the mail from our Nichole. Thank you so much!

I am shocked that this tea wasn’t already in the database because I think it is the best tea from Adagio that I have ever had.

The aroma of the dry leaves is fruity and the bergamot and pomegranate are so balanced that you don’t get a snootful of bergamot sharpness but rather a bright and exciting fruity scent.

The steeped tea is rich and the caramel and vanilla come through more here than in the dry leaf aroma.

This isn’t an exact rehash of the popular Paris by Harney and Sons. Instead of blackcurrant we have pomegranate and the bergamot is lighter in this to me.

It is delightful and deserves a place on shelf for breakfasts as well as solitary sipping cups sans food. Would definitely purchase this.

Cameron B.

Pomegranate sounds interesting, I’ll have to remember to try a sample of this one next time. It’s interesting that they obviously copied Paris, down to the black and oolong base, but then swapped blackcurrant for pomegranate.


Indeed, I noted the tea base being the same. It is just different enough that I wouldn’t mind owning both! If I had more I would gladly send it to you to try, but this was a sample pack.

Cameron B.

Oh no worries ha ha! I plan to order some teas from them for fall so I’ll hopefully remember to pick up a sample then. :)

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drank Honeybee by Wild Woods Tea
3268 tasting notes


I have had this hot and cold, and I think I prefer it as an iced tea. It has a bit of tartness but not enough to scare me off. It is a fairly interesting herbal blend.

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drank Sakura & Berry by Lupicia
3268 tasting notes

This was a Mother’s Day gift from Superanna. Many thanks for a new “must have” tea!

On Sunday, I noticed the cherry first and there was an undercurrent of berry with a candy-like note to the berry flavor that I couldn’t pin down. I think it was the raspberry! It was so good I ordered more last night because it is a seasonal tea and I don’t to spend almost a year without it!

I made it again today to see if it was really as magical as we thought or was it the moment?
Today the salted cherry leaf was more noticeable than before, maybe because this time I know it is there and looked for it. But really, it was more prominent and it gives the tea real presence so you can drink it at breakfast even though both Nilgiri and Darjeeling are lighter black teas. This might even be Sakura Premium with flavors added.

Very good, and will probably be gone long before it comes available again.

Cameron B.

Love this one! I don’t think it’s the same as premium, as that one is way more expensive and this has CTC pellets.


Ah yes, you are quite right!

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drank Decaf Muscat by Lupicia
3268 tasting notes


This grape candy goodness is a definite reorder. It just tastes fun, fruity, and festive and once I get rid of some things that I don’t plan to keep on shelf on a regular basis, I will be getting more. Happily this is available year ‘round and isn’t a seasonal tea.

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Super useful for a quick, cold tea for lunch. Cloudy in appearance due to the matcha powder but fresh tasting.

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drank Jardin Sauvage by Lupicia
3268 tasting notes

May 10 – Clean your room day: tidy a tea shelf or box


This gets really mixed reviews but we like it a lot. I think this is our third pouch of it. I had one cup hot and made the rest into a fruity caffeine free sweet tea for evenings this weekend. It is a definite repurchase someday, but right now I have the pineapple version from Disney Tokyo that is sooooo good. Once that it is gone, I will consider replacing this one since Toy Box is a Tokyo Disney exclusive.

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drank Queen Catherine by Harney & Sons
3268 tasting notes


I am a bit shocked, honestly. I didn’t realize this one was so close to a sipdown. It is a shelf staple, but I am going to wait until I have a few more sipdowns to replace it. I drink this alone because Ashman finds it too strong except with milk and sugar and he likes to avoid adding those. He prefers Bai Lin Gong Fu black for straight black tea, or even Darjeelings.

If I am very careful, I might even meet my goal for the year this year!

I would definitely repurchase this. It’s the Queen.

Cameron B.

At least with Harney the shipping is free, so you could restock and not buy anything else (if you could manage it, ha ha…)!


It is a wonder I don’t order once a week with that free shipping…

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May Sipdown Prompt – a floral black tea

This tea was hoarded a little because it felt too fine to drink just any old time. I love most golden teas whether Yunnan or Fujian or elsewhere. The jasmine is well done – not blasting but not too subtle either.

This resteeps well. I used it at first for when I needed a really gentle pot of tea. This morning it was overleafed because there was too little left for a new session. It was well-suited to my breakfast and the extra strength was not bitter or harsh but simply more like a breakfast blend.

Delightful and would definitely repurchase with plans to drink it both ways as the situation and mood dictate.

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A favorite from way, way back, I will miss this one but I am glad it didn’t sit around being hoarded for so long that it lost flavor. Indeed there is no loss of flavor. It was a lovely pot of tea woth breakfast and the last little teaspoon is my afternoon snack accompaniment.

The cherry note is more prominent today than usual. Delightful. This was a gift from Youngest – many thanks!

Au revoir, Coquelicot! Until we meet again!

Cameron B.

One of these days we really need to get a Dammann group order going, so I don’t end up with a kilo of tea every time I buy from them… XD


There is so much good tea there – it would be hard to choose what to order!

Cameron B.

And you get 100g of each! T.T

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drank Lavender Lace by Simpson & Vail
3268 tasting notes

May 4 – Herb Day: drink an herbal tea

I was going to use my lavender syrup made from Harney’s Super Blue Lavender for this prompt, but I was waiting up doing laundry and waiting for Ashman to get the work call he has to stay up for plus wanting to fend off nightmares such as I had last night so I can have a decent morning. Herbal tea it is.

After having lavender syrup, this is mild in comparison. The lavender and mint are pretty equally stacked in this cup and each sip leaves a tingle. I like it, but I am beginning to wonder if I would prefer plain lavender. It is easy enough to find out since I still have a huge jar of plain Harney left to make tea and syrup with…and maybe ice cream….


I need more lavender teas! Also, lavender ice cream sounds like something I’d enjoy.


Leafhopper – I made a black tea with rose ice cream once and it was delicious! I need to try lavender ice cream soon. I need to decide whether to put some plain green or black tea with it for extra flavor.

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I am a music teacher, tutor, and former homeschool mom (25 years!) who started drinking loose leaf tea about fourteen years ago! My daughters and I have tea every day, and we are frequently joined by my students or friends for “tea time.” Now my hubby joins us, too. His tastes have evolved from Tetley with milk and sugar to mostly unadorned greens and oolongs.

We have learned so much history, geography, and culture in this journey.

My avatar is a mole in a teacup! Long story…


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