Caramel Oolong

Tea type
Oolong Tea
Oolong Tea Leaves
Caramel, Flowers, Heavy, Honey
Sold in
Loose Leaf
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Edit tea info Last updated by Cameron B.
Average preparation
195 °F / 90 °C 1 g 0 oz / 7 ml

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3 Tasting Notes View all

  • “I am grateful for the extra time off that the holiday allows so I can putter with teas that I don’t want to rush through, like this nice fresh oolong, which was tightly vacuum packed and double...” Read full tasting note
  • “Man, it’s already June and the weather in Chicago is still wonky. Seems like we never quite recovered from the brutal -50 F windchills this past winter. It’s supposed to be summer now but here I...” Read full tasting note

From The Jade Leaf

“Caramel” references the medium roast of this oolong tea. You’ve probably never heard of this tea as we’re the only ones to offer this tea outside of Taiwan. This High Mountain oolong is grown at 1600m in Yu Shan by a second generation tea grower. On meeting this young tea farmer we were impressed by his vision for innovation that he seamlessly joins with his reverence for tradition. The medium roasting of this tea creates a toasty, warm, roasted nut aroma and rich flavor. This tea maintains its flavor and aroma over many steepings.
Varietal: Qing Xin Oolong
Season: Spring 2015
Oxidation: Low
Roasting: Medium
Grown: Yu Shan, Taiwan
Elevation: 1600m

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3 Tasting Notes

3005 tasting notes

I am grateful for the extra time off that the holiday allows so I can putter with teas that I don’t want to rush through, like this nice fresh oolong, which was tightly vacuum packed and double bagged to hold in the goodness.

First, wow … talk about expanding leaves … two scant teaspoons unfurled to the point of almost crawling out of the steeping basket of my little tetsubin teapot.

Second, forget your pre-conceived notions of “caramel.” There’s no sticky candy flavor happening here, although after several sampler-sized cups, I’m getting some caramelized scent when I sniff the dregs in the bottom of the cup. You can tell it has been nicely roasted and it’s mildly, toasty sweet (reminds me a little of mown fescue from my farm-kid days) without too many flowers in the mix. Very good quality stuff I would not have tried had it not been a thoughtful gift.

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676 tasting notes

Man, it’s already June and the weather in Chicago is still wonky. Seems like we never quite recovered from the brutal -50 F windchills this past winter. It’s supposed to be summer now but here I am with the furnace on and wearing a sweater. WTH?

The unexpectedly cool weather calls for a roasty tea so I pulled out this sample I received with my recent Jade Leaf teaware order. I grandpa steeped 1.2g in an 8oz glass using 195 F water. The dry leaf had an appetizing smell of chocolate, toffee, and butterscotch. Wet leaf though didn’t have much aroma, kind of had the standard roasted oolong smell.

I got busy with other stuff which gave this a chance to steep good and long. The leaves unfurled to release an incredibly smooth texture and taste of flowers and caramel. Roast was gentle without any char and lent a sweet fruitiness to the tea. It was a tad lighter than I like but that’s likely because I slightly underleafed.

An excellent medium roast oolong, perfectly roasted to give it a nice warmth and sweetness. Eager to try this gongfu next time.

Flavors: Caramel, Flowers, Heavy, Honey

195 °F / 90 °C 1 g 0 OZ / 7 ML

I had the heat going yesterday too (in the Toronto area). It was a cold day for June.


^^Was just going to comment that the weather in southern Ontario is wonky too. I believe I held out without turning on the heat this time, but it’s rare in summer that the temp in the house dips below what I have the air conditioner set to (I believe it was 20 degrees in the house; a/c was at 22 at the time).


I’m obviously including June in summer. Haha.

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