Banana Tea 'Chocolate Cream'

Tea type
Food Fruit Blend
Banana, Chocolate Bits, Cocoa Kernels, Flavour, Mango, Papaya Pieces
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Loose Leaf
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Edit tea info Last updated by Fjellrev
Average preparation
Boiling 6 min, 30 sec

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20 Tasting Notes View all

  • “Tre finally bought butter, so while my company was over last night we made Banana Pudding sugar Cookies, and I mixed in a whole bunch of the dry bits of this into the dough. I may have even...” Read full tasting note
  • “Thank you for the sample Roswell Strange but this one is most definitely not for me. I had high hopes but this was way too sweet for my liking. Even as a latte I found it cloying for my tastes. I...” Read full tasting note
  • “Received this one from Roswell Strange. The dry mix looks very much like trail mix. Pieces of dried fruit, with surprising large pieces of chocolate, when compared to other chocolate teas. The...” Read full tasting note
  • “It’s about time I visited Tea Desire again. The employee was über chill and honest. She didn’t hesitate to tell me which blends tasted weird to her, and we also talked about all the ones we once...” Read full tasting note

From Tea Desire

Ingredients: Banana bits, cocoa kernels, mango bits, papaya bits, chocolate bits, banana chips, flavour, yogurt granulate.

Contains soya and milk products.

Taste: Sweet Choco Banana

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20 Tasting Notes

16899 tasting notes

Tre finally bought butter, so while my company was over last night we made Banana Pudding sugar Cookies, and I mixed in a whole bunch of the dry bits of this into the dough. I may have even overdone it a little bit because now my reserve of this is severely depleted. Maybe that’s for the better though? I still have tons of other teas and can take a break from this one for a while.

Anyway, the cookies were DELICIOUS! I really liked them, and I think my company did too – although Tre was being a butt and said they didn’t taste cooked enough, but I like when my baking is kinda chewy and he likes when he cookies are pucks and can get dunked in milk and what not.

I just wish I could have saved me from myself, because in the course of three hours I pounded back about 20 sugar cookies and then I felt a little sick all night from over eating (and now there’s no more cookies). Wah.



- A full pouch of instant pudding mix in whatever flavour you’d like (I enjoy banana or pistachio, personally)
- 1 Cup of soft butter
- 1 Cup of Flour (I use whole wheat, but all purpose or white would work too)
- 2 tbsp. of milk
- Approx. 1/2 cup of ‘add ins’ such as raisins (ick), chocolate chips, crushed nuts; this is optional

1. Preheat the oven to 350 degrees
2. Cream the Pudding mix and butter together in a mixing bowl (and your extras if you’ve chosen any)
3. Add in the milk and flour and mix together until a well blended and even consistency
4. On a pan, form tbsp. sized balls of dough and slightly flatten them; they should be spaced about two or three CM apart from the edge of the pan and from each other
5. Bake for 12 to 15 min. or to your own preference

Yeilds approx. two dozen.


Those cookies sound amazing. Do you have a link for them?


Hahaha I do the same thing whenever I bake a treat.

Roswell Strange

It’s a recipe I’ve just sort of “perfected” through experimentation, so I don’t have a link – but I can list it out. I’ll edit it in, just a second :)


Thanks! I have far too many Steepster screenshots for things to try at this point haha!

Roswell Strange

I’m currently looking for a sugar cookie recipe that uses lots of milk (we have a bunch to use up), and I thought it’d be neat to use milk in it that had matcha whisked in. Matcha sugar cookies sound awesome.


That does sound awesome. I’ve only tried matcha waffles so far.


Oh, and I just gave away all my pudding! Haha. Seriously tempting. Pistachio sounds fantastic. :)


Ohh, if you want to use milk and tea, make hot chocolate with it. Or take any recipe for anything that has milk, like cake, and steep the tea in it. I don’t think cookies generally have milk… Try making like a ganache, where you heat the milk and steep the tea in it, and then pour it over chocolate.


(I broke down and made banana chocolate chip cookies.) :)

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6444 tasting notes

Thank you for the sample Roswell Strange but this one is most definitely not for me. I had high hopes but this was way too sweet for my liking. Even as a latte I found it cloying for my tastes. I am glad I tried it though!

Boiling 8 min or more
Roswell Strange

Oh no! I’m sorry you really didn’t like any of the teas I sent you. This is a favourite of mine, but because it’s so sweet. If we do a swap again I’ll have to try really super hard to find something you’ll love.


I had such high hopes but this one was too much for me – which I never thought I would say tbh. I am very happy I tried this though because I would have bought it otherwise and then been unhappy. Also I think the s’mores might have been my fault because I steeped it for a while and I think that caused the black tea to drown out the flavors.

Roswell Strange

Well I’m glad I could save you some money then – it sucks buying something and then not enjoying it (and since this is so heavy 50g buys so little – so I think you need to know if you love it for it to be worth it). Do you have any of the S’mores I sent you left? I’d definitely try it with a shorter steep time. I’m trying to remember what you wrote in your tasting note – but if it tasted like “burnt marshmallows” or that sort of taste to you, then it was probably steeped too long.


You sent me enough that I can make at least one more cup of each tea so I will give them a second try and perhaps they will grow on me.

Roswell Strange

Oh man. Way back at the beginning XD Before we were sending each other 20+ teas at a time.

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871 tasting notes

Received this one from Roswell Strange.

The dry mix looks very much like trail mix. Pieces of dried fruit, with surprising large pieces of chocolate, when compared to other chocolate teas. The chocolate chunks did not even fully melt with the first steep.

To me, this tea tastes like watered down hot chocolate, not so much like tea. I think it would taste less watered down if I had steeped longer. There is definitely a sweet banana but also a fruity taste to the tea. There is a slight creamy taste and feel to the liquor. Overall not too bad, but I wouldn’t really describe it as tea, its a good idea though :)

205 °F / 96 °C 2 min, 0 sec

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1792 tasting notes

It’s about time I visited Tea Desire again. The employee was über chill and honest. She didn’t hesitate to tell me which blends tasted weird to her, and we also talked about all the ones we once really liked but got tired of because we drank the hell out of them (like Irish Cream and Champagne Cassis). She warned me that this one gets super sweet, which I was expecting, and both agreed that perhaps mixing it with a black tea would balance things out.

Here I am sipping things for the first time, and it is indeed very sweet. Kind of reminds me of an even more sugary, yet watered down, rendition of DAVID’s Chocolate Macaroon but with added banana. As this cools, it sweetens up even more, kind of like licorice root-level sweetness.

I’m glad I picked this up, and between experimenting with it further with black bases and the heaviness of the tea itself, I’ll probably go through this rather quickly. But I can already tell that it won’t be a repurchase.


I am so much more likely to buy things if the employee doesn’t sugar coat things. I want their honest opinions – if the new tea sucks, tell me! If there’s a super awesome tea that they think everyone should try – tell me! Haha. Everyone has opinions; if they tell me everything tastes great, they’re lying.


Exactly, it is so refreshing, and makes you want to give them your business.

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15544 tasting notes

Roswell strange sent this one my way and i was a little excited to drink it, especially after she corrected my cupboard to get the right tea in to it… turns out i like this one a lot. while the banana tea from Rivertea is basically liquid banana bread – this one is a little less sweet and slightly less intensely banana. i attribute that to the chocolate. still not a huge fan of the weird looking tea is produces, but i did enjoy this a lot. and in the grand scheme of teas, i’d probably be able to drink this one more often than the river tea one because of the fact that it’s a little more laid back. :)


This is less sweet than Happy Banana?! Now I am afraid of what Happy Banana will taste like because I found this incredibly cloying.


Lmao. Liquid, banana bread.


I hope so.

Roswell Strange

I’m excited for Happy Banana! I really want to compare the two. I love this one, though :) Glad you do too.

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1394 tasting notes

This tea is delightful. There are lots of floating bits, but it’s so tasty I don’t mind. The chocolate is apparent and the banana less so, but still there. I wouldn’t mind having a tin of this around for a herbal option.

Thanks Roswell Strange!

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1598 tasting notes

And this is my evening tea, courtesy of Roswell Strange! :D
It’s chocolate and bananas and it’s really great and relaxing. It looks a little oily on the top but that’s not an issue as the tea itself tastes quite nice. Sweet! Like melted bananas and butter and chocolate – not healthy – so good!


I also enjoyed this one thanks to Roswell Strange :)


mmm, sounds delicious!


Better than lupicias? The same?


I don’t think I’ve had Lupicias? Quick! Let’s place an order so I can find out! Mwahahaha.
(Oh god, no….)


Oh wait. You mean Banana Chocolate. Of course you do. :P Yeah, I like that one more than the Tea Desire one. Both were good, but Lupicia’s isn’t so oily.


Sil, I far preferred Banane Chocolate to this one but then again, I find this one too sweet for me.


Just checking…since I really liked lupicias version.

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