Tea type
Black Tea
Bergamot, Chinese Black Tea
Citrus, Cocoa, Dark Wood, Tannic, Bergamot, Tangy, Tea, Brown Toast, Butterscotch, Caramel, Cream, Malt, Wood, Fruity, Honey, Sweet, Artificial, Burnt, Citrusy, Creamy
Sold in
Loose Leaf, Tea Bag
Not available
Edit tea info Last updated by nicklong
Average preparation
Boiling 4 min, 0 sec 4 g 14 oz / 413 ml

Currently unavailable

We don't know when or if this item will be available.

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41 Tasting Notes View all

  • “(Part 2 of my Ritz-Carlton Story. For Part 1, see English Breakfast by Taylors of Harrogate) I had a lot of time to kill, so I really took my time to savor that breakfast, dipping my asparagus in...” Read full tasting note
  • “Oh sweet morning, made all the sweeter by enjoying Mr. Grey! A beautifully caffeinated china black leaf tea with a nice heafty shot of bergamot. I could’ve had a malty assam, or a light ceylon. ...” Read full tasting note
  • “Early this morning I made some of this to put on ice in the refrigerator. It worked out well. The result is a nice clear iced tea. If I do this again, I will steep for one minute less or add a...” Read full tasting note
  • “This morning’s tea experience was a little bit of a comedy of errors. Except it really wasn’t all that funny. I had to make a larger-than-normal quantity of tea so I pulled out my big tea pot –...” Read full tasting note

From Taylors of Harrogate

Our authentic Earl Grey uses finest quality black China Congou leaf blended with the essential oils of the bergamot fruit, which has a fresh, citrus flavour. This combination creates one of the world’s most elegant and well-known speciality teas.


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41 Tasting Notes

3294 tasting notes

(Part 2 of my Ritz-Carlton Story. For Part 1, see English Breakfast by Taylors of Harrogate)

I had a lot of time to kill, so I really took my time to savor that breakfast, dipping my asparagus in the hollandaise. The food was quite tasty, although the steak could have been a little more rare, but it was tender, none the less.

For dessert, I had a pot of this Earl Grey with stevia added. It is nothing remarkable, but at the moment it felt like a sweet after breakfast treat, and satisfied the desire for something sweet to contrast with the savory meal I had eaten.


great when tea just hits that perfect spot!


Mmmmmm, asparagus in hollandaise!

Terri HarpLady

Oh yeah!
Once in awhile I make Hollandaise (using Earth Balance buttery spread, or occasionally with coconut oil), & we’ll have what I like to call, “Brussels Benedict”. It’s caramelized brussels sprouts, topped with eggs & the sauce.
Optional: Bacon, canadian bacon, ham, prosciutto, fried tofu, or whatever. Sometimes I use broccoli or cauliflower, & sometimes it’s just the sauce & any veggie for dipping. I put dill, garlic granules, & capers in my Hollandaise. Now I want some…


Sounds delish. I like to make copious amounts of very lemony hollandaise, and eat it with asparagus and/or smoked salmon eggs benedict. drools

Terri HarpLady

Oh yeah, smoked salmon is on my list too.
I always like a like of veggies, as I don’t eat gluten or grains

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33 tasting notes

Oh sweet morning, made all the sweeter by enjoying Mr. Grey! A beautifully caffeinated china black leaf tea with a nice heafty shot of bergamot. I could’ve had a malty assam, or a light ceylon. This morning I wanted some astrigency. I wanted to enjoy a delicious statement of flavor. I think some would be shocked at the amount of sugar I use with my half and half. Oh well, to each his/her own. I give this tea a full five minute steeping. I want the color to show a deeply abyssful dark copper.

Tonight I facilitate another spirit circle. I organize a group of folks in Los Angeles who enjoy working on their psychic mediumship abilities. We look forward to communicating with the deceased, and all of the other lovely heartfelt energies that come through. So I guess I could say I have four favorite loves: Music, Paranormal, Tea, and Cooking. Almost done with the Earl now. I highly recommend this tea if you are a fan of caffeine, serious amounts of Bergamot, and enjoy China black tea. This morning bold is better!

Boiling 5 min, 0 sec

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259 tasting notes

Early this morning I made some of this to put on ice in the refrigerator. It worked out well. The result is a nice clear iced tea. If I do this again, I will steep for one minute less or add a pinch less tea. I added two brown sugar ice cubes to the hot tea (it was in a 24 ounce pitcher so it won’t be too sweet). Trumpets did not blare; fireworks did not ignite, but this will make a perfectly serviceable iced tea for frequent summer consumption (for me the year has but two seasons: winter and summer).

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911 tasting notes

This morning’s tea experience was a little bit of a comedy of errors. Except it really wasn’t all that funny. I had to make a larger-than-normal quantity of tea so I pulled out my big tea pot – and forgot it had no in-spout strainer about half way through the pouring. Oops. Between pouring the mugs out into the nearest receptacle, finding something to strain the tea with, straining said receptacle and remaining tea, dripping everywhere, using the wrong receptacle and, oh yeah, forgetting to start the timer in the first place, I have no idea how long this tea ended up steeping for. More than 3 minutes. Less than 10. But even with all that going on, this tea wasn’t ruined so I consider that a win.

As for the tea itself… meh. It’s apparently decently forgiving (I did use a little bit of sugar and half & half but less than a tsp for my 12oz) but my unenthusiastic response is really in relation to the flavor. It’s a ‘typical’ Earl Grey. And by that, I mean it is kind of floral and perfumy. I guess I have been a bit spoiled by my recent experiences with Andrews & Dunham’s EG which tastes so fresh and juicy. There was no fresh or juicy with this one.

That’s not to say this is horrible. But it’s nothing special. At least it is pretty forgiving, though.

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18 tasting notes

Where to begin? I have read so many good things about this tea and could not wait to sample it… plus finding it locally was very convenient. On opening the box doubt began to set in. There was no aroma of bergamot whatsoever, which lead me to think they might’ve made a mistake at the packing plant and put straight black tea in my box! As it started to brew I realized it was indeed Earl Grey because a faint hint of bergamot could be detected wafting out of the cup.

Added my usual splash of milk with two sugars and prepared to be amazed. I was not. It was indeed an Earl Grey, but more lemony and not as strong as I thought it would be. The tea color was a bit redder than Twinings brand (which has a stronger and better flavor) and the underlying taste of the tea was smokier than I anticipated…which isn’t a bad thing.

All and all, not a poor Earl Grey but not a great one either.

N.B. This review is for the bagged version.

Boiling 5 min, 0 sec

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1 tasting notes

Taylors Earl Grey Leaf Tea is a solid black tea—leagues above any supermarket black tea. I’ve mostly had it hot, boiled for anywhere between 1 and 8 minutes. Served hot, the tea has robust, tannic notes, typically associated with black teas. The oil of bergamot is rather distinct and overpowers the natural taste of the black tea, especially the more you drink. Depending on your position as a traditionalist or connoisseur, this may not be to your liking. Overall, Taylors Earl Grey Leaf Tea is a solid introductory tea everyone can enjoy.

Flavors: Citrus, Cocoa, Dark Wood, Tannic

Boiling 1 min, 0 sec 1 tsp

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248 tasting notes

Another kid in close contact quarantine and day care is closed for 2 weeks, so I’m drinking tea for my sanity. This is my 3rd cup of the day which is unusual for me at this time. Part of the sampler that was gifted to me at Christmas and I’ve tried most of the sampler.

This is a bagged tea. I’ve recently grown to like EGs now that I’ve found some good ones. I think this is a decent one to serve to others and I don’t need to hide it away for myself. A nice citrus and bergamot taste. I like the smell of this one while steeping.

Flavors: Bergamot, Citrus

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681 tasting notes

One of the teas Jack sent up with my birthday present. I’m surprised by how quickly I’ve gone through them! This is my second to last teabag of the Earl Grey, and I’m finding myself wishing I had more. It’s nothing mind blowing or super unique, but it’s a really nice EG with a good balance between the tea and the bergamot and it goes down well. It’s one of those teas that is just really easy to drink, you know? It’s not bergamot-mad like the Clipper EG I like so much, but it’s also not as weak as most bagged teas. If I were in the market for a quick and easy Earl Grey, I think this would be a top contender. Especially if I get more freebies!


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695 tasting notes

Let’s be honest, you probably know what Earl Grey tastes like.
How does this iteration stack up? Splendidly.

Bagged, 10oz, 5:30 steep time. This particular steep was perfect, with distinct black tea through the sip and a bergamot rushing in to match it.

I used to drink Twining’s Earl Grey by the box. It got me through college when I just didn’t want coffee. So this was my base for all other Earl Greys.
If I’m being honest, my palate is slightly numb. With a poor sense of smell I am used to overpowering my senses with strong cigar smoke, deep black coffee, and dominating cologne.

Earl Grey is not about that, this is a light and refined blend with balance and a little bite on the finish. I learned from good tea to treat it with tact and it will reward with more nuance and enjoyment.

This is a solid cuppa, and I can’t help but heel happy to serve guests a pot when they ask for this timeless classic. At the end of the day when the curtains draw and it is just family/friends/company around, that is what Earl Grey is to me.
Well done Taylor’s, you’ve stood up to the expectations of memory with a great blending of a classic taste.

Flavors: Bergamot, Tangy, Tea

190 °F / 87 °C 5 min, 30 sec 2 g 10 OZ / 295 ML

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1318 tasting notes

Cold brewed because American hotels and hostels suck for the most part at providing hot water for tea. And even when they do at times it tastes like coffee water cause they use the same carafe for coffee! Argh. Anyway, this is quite enjoyable cold. Light and fragrant just like its label says. Perfect black of black tea and bergamot flavor.

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