Chocolate Almond Allure

Tea type
Black Tea
Not available
Chocolate, Cinnamon, Nutty, Almond, Nuts, Roasted Nuts, Caramel
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Edit tea info Last updated by SimplyJenW
Average preparation
Boiling 3 min, 30 sec 14 oz / 414 ml

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38 Tasting Notes View all

  • “I’m not going to lie: I’ve been avoiding Steepster. I’m just not having the fun with it that I used to. There’s a lot of nonfunctionality, and a lot of people complaining about nonfunctionality....” Read full tasting note
  • “OMG! I think I’m in LOVE…or at least great ‘like’!!! This smells totally wonderful! The taste is great too! Its perfectly advertised chocolate almond scent continues being the rock star it is in...” Read full tasting note
  • “sipdown! (191) I’m not focusing on sipdowns during the week but i am happy to take advantage of wanting a particular flavour and being near a sipdown :) This is a pretty tasty tea, although it’s...” Read full tasting note
  • “Tea of the afternoon….. Another long one. If you just want to read about the tea, you are more than welcomed to skip to the end……… In reading reviews of this tea, I knew it was one I wanted to...” Read full tasting note

From Talbott Teas

Product Description: Bit by almond bit, you let the rich flavor overwhelm you. Pieces of cocoa and caramel envelop your senses, and black tea, as you know it, is changed forever.

All natural premium ingredients: Full-leaf black tea, almond pieces, cacao nibs, natural caramel, chocolate and almond flavors.

Price: $12.00

Satisfaction- Guilt Free

Who doesn’t love chocolate? We all love chocolate so much that forecasters predict that the chocolate business in the US will reach 18 billion in sales by the year 2011. So, obviously no one needs convincing to dip into some sort of tasty chocolate treat. No matter how full I am, I can always fit in some chocolate every day. In fact, pairing chocolate with just about anything is gratifying to me.

But, combining tea with chocolate? I wasn’t a believer until I tasted black tea blended with cocoa, and infused with strawberry, almonds, or caramel pieces… WOW! It was the perfect taste without any calories. "That’s what I call “Satisfaction- Guilt Free!”

-Dr. Steven Nakisher

About Talbott Teas View company

Company description not available.

38 Tasting Notes

2201 tasting notes

I’m not going to lie: I’ve been avoiding Steepster. I’m just not having the fun with it that I used to. There’s a lot of nonfunctionality, and a lot of people complaining about nonfunctionality. That and I’m just not as tea-obsessed as I once was. I hardly looked at it over the holidays. Sorry if I missed anything major. I did come back to find that the cupboard sort feature is working again, so that’s awesome.

I did come back because I promised myself that I would do a taste-through of my cupboard from oldest tea to youngest. It helps me assess whether some old teas still have enough flavor to keep around, and also reminds me of everything in my cupboard, some of which I rarely get around to drinking. I am going to log notes on them to keep track. I did this at the beginning of last year, and it was fun (it also took me a really long time). The oldest tea in my cupboard this year is the same as it was last year, though looking back at my notes there are definitely a lot of old ones I sipped down last year.

So here it is, the oldest tea in my cupboard (#106). It’s probably… 3 years old? It’s hard to say. It still smells amazing while it’s brewing. It tastes pretty good. Not as good as it did when it was young, but pretty good. I have a decent amount of this at home still, and I will have to remember to brew it strong with milk and sugar, I think, to really get some flavor out of it. The almond-chocolate-caramel of this was always delicious, although I obviously don’t reach for it as frequently as I should if it was going to be a restock/cupboard staple.

ETA: Now that I think about it, this tea has got to be closer to 4 years old, or at least 3 and a half. I’ve got some ooooold teas.

Boiling 3 min, 0 sec 2 tsp 12 OZ / 354 ML
Cameron B.

This is such a good idea! I know my tastes have changed a lot and I’ve only been around for 7 months.


I find a lot of flavored teas lose flavor after about a year anyway


I admit I am always surprised at how well a lot of flavored blacks hold their flavors for years. Last year, I thought this one was just as good as ever. It’s still not bad or flavorless. I guess maybe 2 years is about the limit for a lot of them.


The people constantly complaining about non-functionality (most of which were problems which I a) didn’t experience or b) didn’t use anyway or c)both of the above) was the main reason I had to stop looking at the discussion boards for a while. There were some for whom I started to wonder if ‘rude’ was their default setting. Always better to take a step back at that point before one actually starts disliking people. Apparently Steepster-Mike has been doing a lot of repairing over Christmas.

I also know what you mean about less obsessed lately. I’ve had that as well. Less enthusiastic of all the new things, more appreciative of the things I know well. I post more rarely and read other posts even more rarely.


well we love it when you pop back in for a visit :)


I can definitely relate to your reasons for staying away, but it’s always a treat to see a Dinosara update in my feed. Team Dino 2015!


Thanks guys, it’s nice to feel missed. :) I will be around more since I do want to log all the teas in my cupboard as I go through them.

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6768 tasting notes

OMG! I think I’m in LOVE…or at least great ‘like’!!!

This smells totally wonderful! The taste is great too! Its perfectly advertised chocolate almond scent continues being the rock star it is in taste as well! It’s a flavored black tea so you can still taste the black tea with the chocolate and almond notes added in. I think the almond is more noticeable but it’s still a wonderful treat. Too bad I only had 1 sample…I’m going to have to purchase this at some point!


Free shipping on chocolate tea- gotta love it:)


LOL – I just sent you a note on FB about Talbott Teas…lol…


Nice review was it really have a strong chocolate taste? I really love chocolate and some chocolate teas just don’t wow me .

Peggie Bennett

Chocolate, almond, and tea, three of my favorites. I’m going to have to try this!


I checked out their web page and WOW – all of their flavored teas look fabulous! They are on my to-order list! Thanks for bringing them onto my radar :)


@silvermage2000 – The chocolate scent is more powerful than the taste of chocolate but it’s still present and pleasant

Andrea in New Mexico

I love peoples’ ratings… I’m dying to know what it would take for this tea to get a perfect score from you—what’s costing it those two points?


LOL @ Andrea…it may change…you never know…I upped the Candy Cane Lane after a fashion!

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15544 tasting notes

sipdown! (191) I’m not focusing on sipdowns during the week but i am happy to take advantage of wanting a particular flavour and being near a sipdown :) This is a pretty tasty tea, although it’s not something i need in my cupboard all the time. I like the blend of the chocolate and almond in this one, smoothed out by the caramel taste. thanks dinosara!

Terri HarpLady

I’m jealous of all your sipdowns!

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985 tasting notes

Tea of the afternoon…..

Another long one. If you just want to read about the tea, you are more than welcomed to skip to the end………

In reading reviews of this tea, I knew it was one I wanted to try. I perused Talbott Teas website, and saw this was $12 a 2.25 oz tin. I was not shocked, yet, until shipping calculated out to be about $9 to get to me. Then I started looking for places that sold Talbott’s Teas near me. And I was in luck because Dillard’s (a local-ish department store) sells them. I knew I would be heading to the mall in about a month from that time to help set up for a Girl Scout Mall Overnight, and figured I would check then. (And I need a good perk to get me through this scout activity…the girls love it, but I don’t like the mall much on a normal day….)

I was really lucky! It turns out that this is sold at Dillard’s in a gift set containing a tea spoon, honey sticks, 35 fillable paper filters, and three chocolate teas. Chocolate Almond Allure, Caramel Sundae Escape, and Chocolate Strawberry Temptation are the teas. The retail cost of the set is $40, but it is on clearance. I scored it for $16 and some change. So, being the weakling that I am, I bought 2 sets. (I also scored three awesome LeCreuset Stoneware baking dishes at near 75% off…so incredibly thrilled about them…..almost more than the tea, if that is possible!)

This is really good! Dark chocolate notes with a touch of almond. Really worth what I paid for it, and I can’t wait to try the others! Such a happy tea day!

Usual mug method.

Boiling 4 min, 0 sec

I really hate these places that have such outrageous shipping costs.


I hate spending tons of money on shipping, too. I’d rather get more tea…..


Temptress… but no Dillards down this way. Does make me wonder what brands other department stores carry though. Hadn’t thought of that route yet :)


Our Bloomingdales in San Francisco has Kusmi tea – but only a few varieties. :)


Don’t think they’re close enough either (checks) …nope, they ignore all of Ohio (unlike Dillard who only ignores Columbus, boo to them), but thanks! Kusmi is one with ridiculous shipping too. Nordstrom, Saks, Macys, Penneys/Sears and hmmm oh Von Maur are choices, off top of head, but I’m the weirdo non-mall-loving female, so may be more.


I was at the Dillard’s in Strongsville. How far is that from you, Cheryl? They still had some left!


Ack, it looks like it is still a haul for you. And you are not the only ‘weirdo-non-mall-loving female’ out there. Count me in that club!


Oh! well, just looked it up, and looks like few hour trip. Remind me to ask you for places to stop, next time I come up by that way (71 to 271 to 90 in route to Rochester NY few times a year or so…probably in Spring next time). For now, will squash the urge but thanks for trying : ) With shopping, I tend to be so task driven, that “browsing” is foreign to me: go in, get what looking for, on to next “task”. Malls are inefficient for that way of shopping … not to mention crowds of slow moving browsers : )


Talbott’s site says that their teas are sold at Von Maur. Never been in there, but was on the fence about making a jaunt down to Columbus tomorrow…hmmm.


You could always call first! Van Maur has such great service. I used to shop at one in IL.


I’m trying to act as if it is not the tea that is prompting me to make 2 hour round trip (whispers)..but yea, great idea : )
Rain tomorrow may squash whole plan, but they aren’t going anywhere. Have to vow to find out where fragrance counter is, so I can enter from opposite side (lol). But I know better than to buy fragrance in dept store.

Oh gosh, I hijacked another of your tealogs, but thanks for being a great helper (enabler) heh.


Cheryl – I’m terrified of the mall! There are a few of us out there :)


I am not terrified of it, I just strongly dislike going there!


I hate the mall…


Awesome score! I’m also very jealous of your Le Creuset score as well. :D

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1112 tasting notes

I used a teaspoon of this, and a teaspoon of Vanilla Comoro to make a “half-caf” type evening tea. It was absolutely delicious – nutty vanilla chocolate! – but oof. I was tossing and turning and tossing some more! When will I EVER learn?

Boiling 5 min, 0 sec

Thanks for that. It’s 7:30 at night and I got a new tea order in the mail this evening and I was contemplating some caffeinated tea, which I never do after about 4.

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421 tasting notes

Thanks Rachel (iHeartTeas) for the sample. I smell the chocolate in this one and it is nice, but the almond in showing through as the big player in this cup. It certainly is a mini alluring moment in my work day.

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20 tasting notes

This is superb. Cocoa and almonds aside, the tea itself is very excellent, now add in the perfect amount of cocoa and almonds. The cocoa is extremely mild and smooth- this doesn’t really taste like chocolate as much as you’d think. The almonds are very subtle and are merely there for miniscule nuances as a high note- nothing more, nothing less.

All in all, the tea leaves are ultra superb, the cocoa and almonds are in excellent ratio- what more can I possibly ask for? Nothing. Instant 100.

Boiling 5 min, 30 sec

One of my all time faves as well!


Yeah I’m by no means a chocolate fan at all, but I really do love this stuff. The only reason I got it was because a three pack of the 2.25oz tins were on sale at Dillards for like $4. Needless to say, I wasn’t expecting much at all, so this was beyond a wonderful surprise!

I do have one complaint though… I always want to drink it at after dinner, but black tea that late is bad news. :[


Steve & Shane over at Talbott Teas are AWESOME!!! :)
Super nice guys! Talbott Teas was featured on Oprah’s Favorite Things this past year and they have some of the neatest marketing brochures! :) Neat company!

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1778 tasting notes

I got up this morning thinking I wanted something chocolatey, something almondy, but what? What almond tea do I have that would blend well with a chocolate tea? I started looking though my teas and remembered the sample of Chocolate Almond Allure that Dinosara sent me. YES, that will do wonderfully!

I was reading over my notes for the chocolate strawberry by Talbot and decided to try steeping this tea at a lower temp and for a shorter period with a little more tea than I normally would because I want it iced. The result was pretty wow! I’m getting a really deep chocolate flavor, like dark chocolate with that bitter edge to it. There is definitely almond flavoring in there, but I can’t pin down exactly what kind. Not roasted. Maybe raw? I don’t know, but I’m spending way too much brain power on trying to suss that out when I should just be enjoying this cup!

I’m thinking it is going to be mandatory to have a chocolate almond tea kept in stock in my cupboard from now on and am hoping my local grocery store will start carrying this flavor!

195 °F / 90 °C 3 min, 0 sec 2 tsp

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1315 tasting notes

Pass the stash ttb. What a delightful tea! It smells wonderful and the flavors balance so nicely. This one is better hot.

2 min, 30 sec 1 tsp

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518 tasting notes

I got a sample of this tea from mj and after having some brownie I decided that I would have this tea.

It’s really deep, dark chocolate in flavor. Not quite enough almondy goodness for me. Ah well. I wonder how this would be with milk, but I don’t have any here at work. I will take the rest of this sample back home and try with milk.


It’s good with milk! Not enough almond for me either though.


It’s another one that smells outstanding. Maybe with a little bit of almond extract and milk. Hmmm……………

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