Chanca Piedra

Tea type
Herbal Tea
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From Sunfood

Chanca Piedra (Phyllanthus niruri) is one of the most important superherbs yet discovered in the entire history of herbalism due to its effect on directly fighting calcium-forming organisms (microscopic coral-like organisms that are currently termed nanobacteria). Nanobacteria have been linked to inflammation and the production of bad calcium in the human body. Nearly every disease condition known to humans, mammals, reptiles, and birds involves calcification (the overproduction of bad calcium due to the growth of nanobacteria).

Chanca Piedra’s name means stone breaker, due to its ability to break up calcium phosphate crystals (bad calcium). This superherbs historical use in achieving excellent gall bladder and kidney health is sizeable and well studied. In South America, this superherb is also known for many other properties including helping: malaria symptoms, fever, flu, alleviating liver stagnation, improving digestion, and even as a mild laxative and pain reliever.

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