White Christmas

Tea type
Herbal White Blend
Ginger Root, Peppermint, White Tea
Ginger, Herbaceous, Musty, Peppermint, Spicy, Earthy, Mint, Smooth, Sweet
Sold in
Loose Leaf, Tea Bag
Not available
Edit tea info Last updated by Arby
Average preparation
190 °F / 87 °C 4 min, 0 sec 11 oz / 335 ml

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58 Tasting Notes View all

  • “(bagged version) I ate too much today, especially corn (polenta for lunch, tamales and corn on the cob for dinner – what was I thinking?) and now I feel stuffed! Needed something to soothe my tummy...” Read full tasting note
  • “Last year this was one of my favorite teas. Now I’m looking in my cup wondering if there’s any actual tea in there. There is a strong mint flavor and then… nothing. I know that a good white tea...” Read full tasting note
  • “This is the bagged variety. And it’s decent. I enjoy the medley of ginger and peppermint; and the bagged variety is perfect when I’m not feeling well and not feeling like messing with an...” Read full tasting note
  • “Bag of undetermined age (gee, I think that may describe me, too ;) … peppermint—-got it; white tea—-maybe; ginger—-not catching it. Not a bad minty afternoon pick-me-up, though.” Read full tasting note

From Stash Tea

“The perfect Christmas tea doesn’t exist”—wait, what? Have a sip of this tea and think again. This holly, jolly blend of white tea, festive ginger root, and Pacific Northwest peppermint comes together to create a minty, warming combination that brings back memories of walking through a winter wonderland.

Brew 1-3 minutes

No matter the weather outside, White Christmas tea can bring you tides of good cheer. The white tea used in this blend can also provide you with a little tea-fueled pick-me-up, making this the perfect drink to accompany you as you order those last minute holiday gifts. And if you’re in the mood to bake dozens of holiday cookies, White Christmas will spur you along with a boost of caffeine. When you’ve finished your to-do list and all that’s left is to sit by a cozy fire and chill… this tea-ngly tea makes for excellent fireside sipping.

White tea, peppermint, ginger root

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58 Tasting Notes

2977 tasting notes

(bagged version)
I ate too much today, especially corn (polenta for lunch, tamales and corn on the cob for dinner – what was I thinking?) and now I feel stuffed! Needed something to soothe my tummy and stimulate digestion. Ginger and peppermint FTW!

205 °F / 96 °C 4 min, 0 sec

You’re supposed to wait for after Thursday (unless you live in Canada or somewhere else outside of the Turkey Zone) and listen to Bing Crosby croon…watching the movie! A Dinner Theatre Group puts on the play here every year that completely copies the movie. Loads of fun if you can find one of these events to go to on a snowy night and dress retro. I did this with the grand-daughters several years ago.


My favorite Christmas crooner is Leon Redbone, and I’ll have to dig, but I think the Christmas Island CD survived our disaster…“Oh, that ol’ Christmas moon…”


That Leon Redbone cd is great! I hope you find it!

Janefan – that is a lot of corn. :)


Oh, Bonnie, I just adore White Christmas film. It’s my holiday favorite. A live show like you described sounds wonderful! We do have a lovely old movie house near me that shows it (and other classic films) on the big screen though.

As for this tea, it’s actually one of my year-round “must have’s” for it’s tummy soothing properties :-)

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1118 tasting notes

Last year this was one of my favorite teas. Now I’m looking in my cup wondering if there’s any actual tea in there. There is a strong mint flavor and then… nothing. I know that a good white tea could easily work with the mint, so I find this really disappointing. Maybe I just know what good high quality tea taste like now, or maybe last years White Christmas was superior to this year’s. Regardless, I will be moving on to other holiday teas.

I dropped the rating to reflect my current opinion of this tea.


I always feel like I have to load up the cup with more than one Stash tea bag in order to get any taste. I haven’t tried this one loose, but I guess it’s one I can avoid. Boo.


Yeah, if I use their tea bags I’ll usually put two in my cup. Even with loose tea I add more. I don’t mind putting a little extra in, but if I’m having tea I want to taste the tea. Le sigh.

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576 tasting notes

This is the bagged variety. And it’s decent. I enjoy the medley of ginger and peppermint; and the bagged variety is perfect when I’m not feeling well and not feeling like messing with an infuser/filter bag. It’s a nice tea and one I’d recommend if it presented itself to you. But I’m still not sold on whether or not you should go out of your way to find it…

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3007 tasting notes

Bag of undetermined age (gee, I think that may describe me, too ;) … peppermint—-got it; white tea—-maybe; ginger—-not catching it.

Not a bad minty afternoon pick-me-up, though.


I have some of this. I don’t recall ever actually trying it (I’ll have to check my notes). I just assumed it was spearmint which I detest. I can’t even stand it in toothpaste. Peppermint I like.


I saw this on the shelf but haven’t bought any yet. Not looking very appealing after reading your review.


I looked through my notes. The tea (rather herbal) I have is Christmas eve and it is spearmint. Christmas morning is a blend of just black teas and last time I had it I thought it was tasty.


Yeah, I’ve had the Christmas Eve and didn’t like it at all, if I remember correctly. Toothpaste indeed. This is OK but I’m not sure it’d be worth hunting down.

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2816 tasting notes

This was the tea of the afternoon. The BF and I had some tea at a cafe en route to the Berkeley Art Museum and the only teas they had were from Stash so I decided to try this.

When I think of Christmas flavors, I guess I think of cookies, eggnog, gingerbread and things of that nature. This is a white tea with ginger and peppermint. It didn’t really remind me of the holidays at all, but it turned out to be a good after lunch tea because I think it helped out with digestion as well as my overall perkiness levels. I do not think I would buy this for myself, but certainly wouldn’t turn down a cup if offered.

205 °F / 96 °C 3 min, 0 sec

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1379 tasting notes

Another Christmas teabag sample to clear from my cupboard. This one sounds interesting, I don’t believe I have had a white tea mixed with either peppermint or ginger before.

It tastes as interesting as it promised but I’m not sure if I’m a fan. The peppermint is nice and the white tea is virtually undetectable but the ginger adds a somewhat savoury edge to the blend. I like my peppermint sweet, having it savoury and herbal tasting is just a little weird. It’s not awful but I don’t think it would be something I would buy or likely drink again.

As for a Christmas tea I think the ginger takes away any festive feelings, it’s just a basic blend. Such a shame, with a name like White Christmas I thought it would be magical.

180 °F / 82 °C 4 min, 0 sec

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111 tasting notes

My morning cup today. I’ve been drinking this tea the last three to four years between Thanksgiving and New Year. I am finishing last years supply, and it is surprisingly still fresh, thanks to foil wrapped teabags. It’s a good Holiday tea.

In the past, it was hard to detect the Ginger-I usually never noticed it. Today I was focussed on the teas qualities, intent on noticing the Ginger if it was there. The white tea is subtle, but noticeable, while the dominant flavor is the peppermint. The description is accurate regarding the ginger. When I swirl the tea in my mouth I detect a hint of ginger. Upon swallowing the ginger hits the back of my throat. The tea-ginger included-stays nicely on my tongue. I guess in the past, I was expecting more kick and intensity from the ginger and it eluded me. The subtlety of the ginger is perfect here. I’m sure the longer steep time brings it out. Overall a really good, satisfying blend I’ve come to enjoy during the Holidays!

Cupped and reviewed: Thursday, December 1, 2011.

205 °F / 96 °C 8 min or more

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127 tasting notes

So, I’ve been in Orlando, FL with my family all week. I’m not going to bother trying to log the tea I drank while I was gone. I took some bags with me (Lupicia and Stash), but nothing that I only had a bag or two of, just stuff that I have plenty of so it’ll get logged at another time.

My Mom also bought me a cute tea ball that she found. Here’s a picture I found online of it: http://www.yourwdwstore.net/Disney-Tea-Ball—Mickey-Mouse_p_8196.html

So, I’m back in the office today, and congested and not feeling well from the travel. This tea sounded like it could help me feel better – peppermint for the headache and ginger for the upset stomach.

I taste peppermint, but not ginger. That’s fine, I wasn’t sure how they would mix. Perhaps there’s a bit of ginger right at the end.

It’s a nice tea, but more something that my husband would drink than me, I think.

190 °F / 87 °C

I hope you feel better! At least brewing with a Mickey ball should make you happier, yes? :)


Heh, I don’t think I’ll actually use the ball. Only the front is open mesh, the back is solid steel (what?). Plus, I don’t like balls anyway because there’s not much room for the tea leaves to expand. When I’m drinking loose teas I’d rather do it in some type of brewer so the leaves have more room.

The ball is DEFINITELY going in the china cabinet though (which is over half tea items and about half alcohol items). It’s TOO CUTE.


Weird on the back being solid. What’s up with that?

I have a tea ball and I used it as a strainer when I use my one pot that doesn’t have an in-spout filter. If I’m making two cups and put them close enough together, I can put one half of the ball in one and the other side in the other cup and it makes it much less messy while pouring (since I tend to pour a little into one cup, a little into the other and back and forth until they are filled). I’m pretty sure I’m a bit of a dork for doing it this way but I’ve that it works well even though I’m sure that’s not how they thought their little tea ball would be used. Hehe!


Oh, that’s a good idea – I’ve never thought of that! I bet Mickey’s ears would work for holding the ball in place just using the ball for straining into one cup. I have an English teapot without a strainer and the Yixing that I’m going to get doesn’t have one either. :-(

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3482 tasting notes

I won’t bother to add this to my cupboard. This note is a backlog from tasting this tea two weeks ago. I served it simply because my guests that day were fans of it. My eldest daughter loves this tea but I am not as big a fan of mint and this just doesn’t float my boat. I have never tasted a great deal of ginger in this, nor is the white tea very noticeable.

I will gladly give it away to a good home where it will be loved.

Sadly, neither Ashman nor myself can taste or smell anything at all at this point, so I guess I won’t be making any notes for a while until sense of taste and smell begin to return. Stupid Covid.


Oh no! Hope you get it back soon!! ):


I hope so, too, Nattie!

I have no idea why that one sentence I typed turned out so tiny. I didn’t do anything special to it. And if Superanna is reading this, yes, you are the new home for my White Christmas!

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1737 tasting notes

I found an old bag of Stash White Christmas in my “maybe someday I’ll drink this” tea chest. It’s basically a peppermint infusion. Very similar in taste to my memory of the Stash Peppermint tisane. The ingredients also list ginger and white tea, but peppermint completely dominates the blend.

This is not very good, but I’ll refrain from rating it, since it might have something to do with the fact that it is a bag “d’un certain âge” of unknown provenance.

205 °F / 96 °C 6 min, 15 sec

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