This is my first time drinking this tea but have seen this tea be called Jasmine pearls, Jasmine Dragon Pearls, Buddah tears and it seem like they come in a variety of prices. I would make sure you are getting good quality green tea that is scented with the jasmine flower not chemically scented just something to think about. Now, as for this tea it has a intoxicating aroma and a smooth body. I have not tried other jasmine pearls to really know how this tea compares in quality but from what I can tell seem high quality. I get about 4 good steeps before it’s flavor is gone. Now, I do know most people would say with scented teas you should not steep more than twice but I wanted to see what would happen if I pushed the steeping and amazingly enough it did a good job. This tea is light with a sweetness to it and a nice subtle jasmine flavor in it. I would say this is a good starter tea for a newbie since a lot “not all” new tea drinkers really like the floral teas in my humble opinion. The only con I would say is the price. She is not cheap at about 41.00/ 100 grams at the time of review. Overall, this is a beautiful tea that took time to make and a joy to watch open up in your cup. This type of tea I will always have in my cupboard.