
Tea type
Fruit Oolong Blend
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Bulk, Loose Leaf
Edit tea info Last updated by Cameron B.
Average preparation
190 °F / 87 °C 3 min, 0 sec 18 oz / 532 ml

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From Simpson & Vail

The Fujian Province of China is the birthplace for the semi-oxidized Oolong teas. Oolong teas, aka wulong or black dragon, are made from large leaves that are produced in the late Spring. Unlike other types of tea that contain the top leaves and the buds of the bush, oolong teas are large well formed leaves that will sometimes also contain the stem of the bush. Oolongs differ from green, black and white teas by the method of processing and are the most labor intensive tea to produce. Each type of Oolong varies in the percentage of oxidation and the method in which it is processed (some are twisted, tippy leaves, some are cut, some are rolled into small balls).

This tea is a delightful blend of Chinese Oolong tea and mango essence, interspersed with golden petals, and steeps to a light ecru cup with long olive-green leaves. The taste is sweet and refreshing, with a light mango flavor.

Brew tea at 195º – steep for 4 minutes. Try multiple infusions (let the tea steep for approximately 15 seconds longer on each subsequent infusion).

Ingredients: China Oolong tea, marigold petals, and mango flavor.

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4 Tasting Notes

4326 tasting notes

Thank you for this one, Nicole! Simpson & Vail have some mighty delightful black teas, but this one isn’t so mighty delightful. It’s good, but not great. The leaves here look like a dark oolong. I think those are my least favorite teas and a green oolong might have been better with a mango flavor anyway. But this particular oolong melds with the mango flavor and isn’t charcoal-like at all. The mango flavor seems to be one of those mystery fruit flavors that can sometimes be confused for peach or something else (I think I’ve had this flavor in others teas before and it may have been supposedly peach flavored.) Not bad! But I think I’ll go check out the Simpson & Vail website….

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4 tasting notes

This tea tasted like drinking a bottle of perfume to me. Cloyingly floral and not at all like mango.

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1758 tasting notes

This is a good tea but I don’t find it to be a fantastic tea. It is however, highly enjoyable, and worth Simpson and Vail’s reasonable price. They don’t get a Butiki price for this tea, I forget what I paid. The mango notes are nice but could be a little stronger. The tea itself is very dark in color but the tea has none of the flavors of a roasted oolong, no roasted barley flavor at all. As I usually don’t like roasted barley flavor all that much this is good.

I picked this tea today by chance. I had planned to drink Happy Kombucha from David’s Tea this morning, a blend I bought the other day. That will probably get returned without me ever having tried it as I have no reason to trust it. I saw on the ingredient list “Gluten Free Wheat Starch” and am waiting for an email response from David’s Tea to prove that the wheat starch is gluten free. If they don’t come back with a report saying they test each batch for gluten I will not drink it. I want to see evidence.

I brewed this once in an 18oz teapot with 3 tsp leaf and 190 degree water for 3 min.

Flavors: Mango

190 °F / 87 °C 3 min, 0 sec 3 tsp 18 OZ / 532 ML

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