Madagascar Vanilla Matcha

Tea type
Matcha Tea
Not available
Vanilla, Cream
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Edit tea info Last updated by Autistic Goblin
Average preparation
160 °F / 71 °C 5 min, 30 sec 13 oz / 394 ml

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41 Tasting Notes View all

  • “Yum yum yum. So I am trying (and often failing) to live a dairy free lifestyle, as dairy wreaks havoc on my system. But around this time of year, a mystical drink is brought out from shrouds of...” Read full tasting note
  • “The only milk we had in our apartment today was Vanilla Almond milk and given the snow storm outside, I did not feel like venturing out to get some regular milk so today I used almond milk to make...” Read full tasting note
  • “Made icing with this Matcha! Madagascar Vanilla Buttercream. I almost wept! There is no bitterness at all when you make this into an icing for a chocolate cupcake. Just saying – if you want to try...” Read full tasting note
  • “Thank you Kittenna for sharing some of this with me! Now all I want to do is place an order with Red Leaf Tea and get some other yummy matchas! I was looking at their site and there were so many...” Read full tasting note

From Matcha Outlet

Our amazing Madagascar Vanilla Matcha Tea combines two wonderful ingredients. With pure vanilla from Madagascar, this Matcha Green Tea tastes fabulous and is all-natural. There is nothing artificial about our vanilla addition. You may not have already known this, but vanilla is healthy for you. Pure vanilla – which we use in our Vanilla Matcha – has antioxidants just like many dark berries do. As you may know, antioxidants kill free radicals roaming around in your body and help create a healthier you. From the vanilla bean, our natural vanilla also helps alleviate anxiety so many of your cares and worries subside.

We have made vanilla just a little bit better too since we have added it to our high-quality Matcha Green Tea. Matcha Tea comes from the highest quality of Green Tea leaves available. It is specially processed to put into powder form. One special thing about our powdered Matcha is that the way it is processed does not affect any of its natural health benefits. What can Green Tea do for you? It helps keep your heart strong, has cancer-fighting properties and also detoxifies the blood. Matcha Green Tea also helps you burn calories so you can stay fit and healthy even while living a busy life.

This tantalizing combination of all-natural vanilla and Matcha Green Tea will keep you coming back for more of it and also for more of our many other amazing Tea combinations. You will be amazed at how many different tea varieties we have and at the options from which you can choose to satisfy your tea drinking needs. You will not find a more comprehensive collection of Matcha Tea or any other tea elsewhere. We have the highest quality of teas that are unmatched by anyone else. Try us and you will never go back to store-bought or any other tea again.

Purchase here:

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41 Tasting Notes

1473 tasting notes

Yum yum yum. So I am trying (and often failing) to live a dairy free lifestyle, as dairy wreaks havoc on my system. But around this time of year, a mystical drink is brought out from shrouds of mystery…the Shamrock Shake. Long have I loved and adored this drink, my mother a huge fan of the creamy green goodness. We’re Scot-Irish, for heaven’s sake, it’s practically in our blood!

But after a few months of at least lessening the amount of dairy that enters my body, I know I cannot handle a milkshake, much less one of the ones from McDonalds. So my wife has been drinking them in secret, coming home with green lips and a minty fresh smile….the harlot!

But then I had a cup of this matcha. The vanilla-ness is right on, creamy, smooth and perfect. Intrigued, I dumped a scoop or two of it in with some soymilk and peppermint extract…oh my goodness. Shamrock Shake, I have missed you. It needs a bit of tweaking, I think I need the mint matcha from Red Leaf Teas to make this complete, the peppermint is too biting. And perhaps vanilla soy milk instead of unflavored…but yes. My quest for a Shamrock Shake has begun and it can only end in happy, happy tears! The matcha gives it the lovely green color and an added burst of energy as I spend my day researching and cooking a mass of dairy free soups. I am very impressed with Red Leaf Teas and their flavored matchas, and look forward to trying more! But I suspect vanilla will be a longstanding favorite.


oh my, this sounds delightful.


It is wonderful. I highly recommend that all matcha fans order from Red Leaf Teas ASAP! They have a program for free matcha, they have free shipping on orders of matcha over 60g, and they have amazing bundle options!


I just saw that free matcha thing! I think I’m going to have to avail myself of it…muahaha


Yup. I’m waiting to hear back from them about whether posting the review to Steepster counts or if it has to be a personal blog, but I already have two reviews ready to go and a wishlist as long as my arm of matchas to try!

You can bundle the matchas too to get the free shipping, so 3 30g pouches of three different matchas is enough to get the shipping, it doesn’t have to be over 60g of just one!


I need to try this – did you blend it or whisk it in?


I just put it all in my blender.


I tried the matcha promo but they don’t accept reviews on Steepster. It needs to be a specific kind of link you post to the product and Steepster does not allow those types of links because spammers are attracted to sites that allow them.
Try Googling “dofollow” and “nofollow” links. I was pretty disappointed but if you find a way to get the promo let me know! :) I have everything ready to go except for the dofollow link.


Thanks! Fortunately I do have a wordpress blog devoted to tea stuffs, and it looks fairly easy to do a dofollow link there. I will let you know as things progress!


I was scheming up different re-mixes to the shamrock shake but this is far superior than any ideas I had! Thanks for sharing it!!!!


Aisling, I just learned that they removed the need for a dofollow link so posting on Steepster might be ok. Though they seem to want a link within the text of your review. Can you do that on Steepster? I never tried.


Yeah, they just e-mailed me about that too, unfortunately you still can’t do an embedded link on Steepster, boooo. Might be something to talk to Jason about.


Ah well. I still have my personal blog that no one reads. I might make a suggestion to Red Leaf though. Being visible on Steepster will probably help them more than embedded links on blogs with no traffic.


Just ordered this! So beyond excited to try it! Thanks again for the great review!


I’m curious.. I’ve only tried a few matchas. In what way does one taste better than the other?


Well, for one, this one is flavored? >.<


@teaNsympathy YAY!!! I am so falling in love with this green goodness!


@Mercuryhime Okay! So guess who just got her first gift certificate for free matcha? So all I did was e-mail info[at], sent them links to my twitter post about the matcha, told them the name I used for the review on their site, and a link to my post here. 20 minutes later, the gift certificate was sent (and spent). One of the reviews I sent was this one: and they accepted it, so yay! Good luck!


Awesome to hear that worked, aisling! Now I am tempted for free matcha…


Thank you Aisling. I had actually sent them a message encouraging them to accept Steepster reviews even without embedded links and they were prompt to reply and tell me that they would change their expectations. :) I’m glad it worked for you. Now I can write my reviews here instead of at my blog that no one reads. Everyone wins!

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6444 tasting notes

The only milk we had in our apartment today was Vanilla Almond milk and given the snow storm outside, I did not feel like venturing out to get some regular milk so today I used almond milk to make my matcha. Apparently that was the key to finding the vanilla flavoring (granted I am not sure how strong the vanilla flavor is in the plain milk) because this cup is vanilla overload. It is like drinking a creamy, liquefied vanilla bean and I have not determined if that is a good or bad thing in this case. Nonetheless, thank you Sil for sharing this sample with me! I think in the near future I will be placing a Red Leaf Order and getting some French Vanilla so it will be interesting to finally get to compare the two.


Remember to participate in red leafs reviewers thingy too once you place your first order


I am waiting for my teas to arrive so I can review them and start saving. I already bought two so I figure I can review those and put the review discounts toward my next order.

Sil’s like a guaranteed 30% off which is nice


I wonder if I’d qualify with the matcha’s I won?
I’m so lazy though – idk if I’d want to get into all the deets required for the review…

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516 tasting notes

Made icing with this Matcha!
Madagascar Vanilla Buttercream. I almost wept!

There is no bitterness at all when you make this into an icing for a chocolate cupcake. Just saying – if you want to try it, I will high five you.

Here’s the recipe/pictures!!!


wow – looks great!


Sounds fantastic!


Totally droolworthy.

Daisy Chubb

Tasty beyond belief!

Invader Zim

looks absolutely delicious!


I’m super tempted by the flavored matchas from RLT…but the only matcha I’ve had was the stuff in a Starbucks green tea latte & I thought it was a bit too spinachy. Bad experience to gauge by?


So how do you feel about a guest????

Daisy Chubb

@Missy – anyone is welcome to my home for cupcakes – I just need a few hours notice if you do decide to visit ;D

Daisy Chubb

@Owen – that’s a very good question! I’ve had the starbucks latte you speak of, and to be honest, I also found it extremely spinachy in flavour (almost like a characture of a matcha) but I kind of enjoyed that!

I think RLT is more mellow in the flavours you’re describing – and their flavoured matcha is really delicious. The nice thing is, if you’re a bit wary, you can choose how strong you want the added flavour to be! I’m told the higher flavour levels hardly taste like matcha at all, so maybe you could give those a try and wean your way down if you do enjoy it!
Hope that’s helpful! :D


Thanks Daisy! I think I’ll give it a shot then.


Aww you are so nice Miss DaisyChubb. :D

Daisy Chubb

Oh no, the pleasure would be all mine!

Daisy Chubb

Awesome Owen, I look forward to seeing your future tasting notes ;D


OMG! How are you so amazing?!


@DaisyChubb- have you ever tried adding your own flavoring to Matcha – for example vanilla extract?

Daisy Chubb

Oh no I haven’t Amy! I have some real vanilla extract from my last holiday so I should try that – I bet it would work

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807 tasting notes

Thank you Kittenna for sharing some of this with me! Now all I want to do is place an order with Red Leaf Tea and get some other yummy matchas! I was looking at their site and there were so many options and I seem to be interested in the white matcha as well. I was seeing how things kept adding up and forced myself to close the site lol.

This is a lovely matcha so I am curious which you chose for the base! Yes you get to choose what grade of matcha you want and SO many flavors to pick from! Wow!

This here is so good its not an “in your face” vanilla but just the right touch to allow the yummy base to shine through. I think I have this whole matcha making thing figured out and now I am needing to purchase some more of this stuff. I can’t though as I do have enough plain matcha already but for some reason THIS matcha just seems better – the base itself seems of a higher quality I suppose.

SIGH okay maybe next month. Fingers crossed.


This was the lowest grade, and the least flavouring. I have now tried the green apple and caramel ones, and like them even more than this one!


thanks for the info! Wow it was really good for least flavoring and lowest grade!

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6119 tasting notes

In spite of the fact that I have drank this delicious matcha at least four times, I have yet to write a proper review for it, so now’s the time!

When I first received this matcha, for some strange reason when I smelled it, all I could think of was strawberry. I don’t know what exactly triggered that, but today when I opened the packet it definitely smelled like vanilla to me, although not quite the vanilla I had expected when ordering the matcha (I had expected more of a strong vanilla extract aroma/flavour, and this isn’t quite like that, although it is clearly vanilla-y). Brewed up, that same vanilla aroma is there, and it translates wonderfully to the flavour, combining beautifully with the vegetal matcha flavour. Although I like this matcha flavoured as is, Red Leaf Tea also offers different strengths of flavouring, and I’m curious to try this one a little bit stronger to see if it can make it any better (is that possible?!)

My favourite way to drink this (and any) matcha is as a cold (not iced) almond milk latte, made by dissolving (or technically, resuspending) the matcha in a bit of hot regular milk, mixing in the matcha, and then topping up the glass with almond milk from the fridge. Hence, a cold but not an iced drink, which is usually what I’m craving, as I have sensitive teeth :D Due to the vanilla flavour, unlike with other straight matchas I’ve tried, I don’t find that it’s necessary to add a ton of additional sweetener since I’m using a slightly sweet version of almond milk (TrueAlmond Original), and that adds enough sweetness. For a treat though, a few squirts of agave nectar make this absolutely decadent.

Another plus of this matcha is that the flavouring helps to mask some of the natural bitterness present in matcha, which is probably another reason I can drink it with less sweetener. That’s not to say there isn’t bitterness here (I tasted a bit of the dry matcha for curiousity… not a good idea!) but it isn’t as prominent as I’ve tasted in the past.

Given the health benefits of matcha, I’m super excited to try more of Red Leaf Tea’s flavoured matchas as I start to drink more cold lattes to beat the summer heat! Anyone curious to try this matcha can purchase it here (and I would highly recommend doing so!)

Iced 8 min or more

Which flavor variety do you get: Delicate, Distinctive,Robust or “There’s Matcha in there?!”


This was my first matcha, so I went with ‘delicate’, just in case the flavouring wasn’t to my liking, so I’d potentially be able to disguise it and not have the matcha go to waste! I like the taste of matcha itself, so I think the strongest option might be a bit silly, but want to try the other two. I think DaisyChubb ordered one of the stronger options for one of hers?


I got a matcha whisk in my steepster select box so now I have an excuse to get some. :)


Holy… I think I drank a little too much of this, or made it a wee bit strong. I am buzzed to the extreme right now! Woah.


Haha, yes, I saw the spoiler about the matcha whisk!! Good luck choosing a flavour… O.o I think their offerings have tripled since I purchased mine!


I have always wanted to purchase from them but have yet to do so.


I loved this one! I sent in my review for the free matcha promotion. Have you had any experience with it? About how long do they take to get back to you?


I just sent in my review, too, and it’s my first one. I think both DaisyChubb and aisling of tea have had more experience with the promotion?


I’m on my fifth I think with them, it usually takes 2-3 days for them to get back to you.

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15555 tasting notes

I’ve had this a couple times now and keep forgetting to write a note. Sadly i just looked at the time and realised i don’t have tie right this second, but i WILL come back to this tonight/tomorrow morning. Especially since this is a sipdown lol

My matcha was composed of the following:
Size : Small
Matcha Quality: Starter (Basic Grade)
Flavor: Distinctive

Now that I have two moments to breath, i really wanted to come back and review the Madagascar vanilla matcha that i finished up last weekend. I’m very partial to the French vanilla flavour from Red Leaf so i wanted to try and see how the two compare. I’ve had this a number of times now, straight, in a smoothie and as a latte. I have to say, my favourite was as a latte but even then, I found myself wishing it were more like French Vanilla. Now to be fair, i have NO clue how their supposed to be different, but i found the Madagascar Vanilla to be less smooth, with a bit of an edge to it, while the french vanilla is on the creamier side. It might be that i need to try this as a Robust flavouring level, but for now I’m leaning towards just sticking with the French vanilla.
What i have to say though, is that honestly, Red Leaf does a pretty bang up job with their more creamy flavours – the ones i would associate with Coffee or with milk. Vanilla, Caramel, Cheesecake, Chocolate…they’re all decent and the customer service is pretty bang on!
Buy it here:


Good to know! I was wondering what the difference would be.

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160 tasting notes

Staying at work until really late at night has made me a bit of a grouch lately… Thankfully I have delicious tea at home to get me smiling again! Today was particularly exciting because my Red Leaf Tea order made it all the way to Ecuador! Yep, the entire box (I made a decently large order) made it! I am finally at home sipping my first cup of matcha and smiling as I type. What a great way to end a stressful day on a positive note!

I have always had a soft spot for vanilla, so this was an evident first choice. When placing my order, this went into my cart automatically. Admittedly it took me a few days to decide everything else I wanted to get, but this was where it all started! Each of the flavors comes in a little golden pouch and a pamphlet is included that explains how to make matcha (just in case you are new to it).

I did a bit of research to find out what the difference between Madagascar Vanilla and French Vanilla is. Apparently Madagascar Vanilla originates from Madagascar and is also known as Bourbon Vanilla and is supposed to be the creamiest of the vanilla beans. French Vanilla refers to a preparation of cream, egg, and vanilla rather than an actual type of vanilla bean. Also, on a side note, I read that vanilla is supposedly proved to increase production of catecholamines (which are naturally produced in your body, for example adrenaline!). It is thought that it may be mildly addictive because of this effect. I don’t think I have ever seen anyone addicted to vanilla… But I must admit that vanilla is my chocolate! I love it!

I opened the little package carefully. I was really curious to find out what exactly Madagascar Vanilla would smell like. It was creamy and smooth. The scent was stronger than I expected. I liked that it was prominent. The color of the powder was a pastel green. I quickly got some into my teacup. I was so afraid to spill something that smelled so delicious!
I added a bit of hot water to froth it up. It was fluffy in seconds after whisking! I added a bit more water to it and took a sip. The first thing I noticed was that it was super smooth. Next I was hit with delicious green tea flavor and rounded off with creamy vanilla. The texture and flavor worked so well together that it felt like drinking a vanilla milk shake with matcha in it! I love it!! I am afraid it will need to be re-ordered very soon…

You can read more about Madacascar Vanilla Matcha and purchase it here:


I think I’m addicted to both vanilla and chocolate! :D


sounds good!

Daisy Chubb

mm delicious! Definitely Vanilla milkshake in matcha form


My Red Leaf Tea flavored matcha wishlist seems to grow every day!


I think I would rather enjoy having a vanilla addiction, actually… It’s one of my favourite flavours these days. So what about Tahitian vanilla then?


Angrboda- Tahitian vanilla comes from a different type of vanilla bean that is darker, thicker and shorter. It is supposedly a bit more floral and fruity. :)

Matcha Outlet

At this time we offer Madagascar Vanilla Matcha and French Vanilla Matcha. If we get enough requests, we may start working on Tahitian Vanilla Matcha. Contact us if you have ideas for other flavors you want to see mixed with our Matcha :-)

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2291 tasting notes

I’m having this in a latte made with a touch of honey, and some unsweetened coconut almond milk.

You see, I’m starting to get a migraine, but I really want to go dancing tonight – I’m even getting in free because I volunteered for a shift.

So. Caffeine, advil, some muscle relaxants, and a lot of hope. Some dinner would probably help too.

This is from Sil, and it’s distinctive. I have a tiny bit left that I will probably be mixing with the tiny bit of Caramel later this evening.

It’s definitely vanilla-y. I’m not sure which vanilla I like better – I’ll have to review my notes. There’s this, French Vanilla, and Boston Cream (yes, I class that as vanilla! It’s pastry cream, which is essentially amazing vanilla pudding.). Eenie meenie miney moe.


160 °F / 71 °C

You let me know when you decide which one you like the best haha. I’m so hooked on French Vanilla that I don’t know if I’d ever take the “risk” of getting the Madagascar.


I think I like the French Vanilla best as a vanilla one, but the Boston Cream might be a little more versatile for mixing. I like vanilla, but there’s such a thing as Too Much for me. :)

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390 tasting notes

WOW! a BIG thank you to Sil for this sample!!!

i have had two contributors to my matcha experiences….. MissB and Sil. MissB’s were also red leaf, but i tried them hot. not sure why, but i decided to go the opposite way with Sil’s…. and a good call it was!

i’m not sure if it’s an acclimation to matcha, or a normal matcha newbie stage, but i really prefer it cold. this was awesomely smooth, a beautiful vanilla flavour…. not false, not cloying. i will absolutely buy this flavour from red leaf. THANK YOU SIL! as well thank you MissB….. for me matcha seems to be a process of elimination as to how i like it, lol.

maybe i’ll wind up heating it gradually? =0)


french vanilla> this one for me…also i adore them as lattes but not so much straight with water lol


this was like a caffeine injected crazy decadent milkshake. it was great! btw….. i have toffee caramel gathering for you =0)


I love matcha in milkshakes…it’s why I went insane earlier. In ether year…soooo many flavours still to open…


my wife came home for lunch and just eyed my glass suspiciously, lol.

now that i know how i like it i can totally imagine myself going bananas with it, lol. however….. i am also plotting. the o dor. a little. maybe.


…is it sad that if we buy 6+ bags directly from. The o dor, it’s about the same price per bag as 3 from Jin…. Lol

BrewTEAlly Sweet

(Adds to shopping list) aka my dream list ha ha

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639 tasting notes

I’m so confused by this tea. I wanted to fall madly in love like everyone else seems to have. But I’m trying to figure out if I even like matcha, let alone vanilla-flavored matcha. I’ve only had matcha one other time, and it was in a traditional Japanese tea ceremony. It was part of my Japanese Civilization class in college. I think I liked it back then, but that was a long time ago…

Anyway, back to this matcha. It’s good. It’s spinachy and grassy. It’s noticeably vanilla. It’s very naturally flavored. There’s no weird aftertaste or funk. So, why don’t I love it? I tried it straight. I then added a tiny bit of sweetener. Then I tried frothing it in my milk frother. Finally, I added a little splash of skim milk. All of this tweaking helped squelch the grassiness. I’ve never really been of fan of green tea grassiness.

I think I would love this if I used it in cooking/baking. I can imagine amazing vanilla-flavored matcha icing on cupcakes (see DaisyChubb’s killer recipe here: I bet vanilla-flavored matcha scones would be good too. But this matcha by itself? Hmm, I think it’s something I’d have to learn to love. I don’t love it right now. I like it, and it’s definitely interesting. But it took me a good hour of slowly sipping on it to finish the cup.

Big thank you to Ninavampi for sharing her beloved matcha with me! I’m glad I got to try this before investing in a 30g bag. I think I’d enjoy a fruit flavored matcha more. So I’ll probably buy the strawberry one next with the strongest flavoring it comes with, which I believe would be “There’s matcha in there?!” I’ll let y’all know how that turns out, whenever I’m allowed to buy tea again that is. ;)

175 °F / 79 °C

I hear ya! I just use it in a blender to make macha smoothies with fruit!


I have some naked matcha I drink and I would say it’s an acquired taste. It could just be you aren’t big on matcha. I think it’s pretty strange that I like it, because I’m not big on green teas in general. I’m interested in how your next matcha experiment turns out. :D


Thanks, Missy! I’m hopeful that matcha will continue to grow on me. I love all things Japanese, so it’d make me sad if I couldn’t enjoy it. It took a good year or two for sencha to grow on me, and there are still some senchas that I find too grassy. But I’m able to enjoy most of them now! :)


Almond milk latte. I swear by it! I think the fruit one are better though; green apple blew me away!

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