Mandala Phatty Cake II: The Sequel

Tea type
Pu'erh Tea
Pu Erh Tea
Chocolate, Forest Floor, Leather, Peat, Petrichor, Thick, Wood, Mushrooms, Camphor, Cocoa, Earth, Mineral, Smoke, Spices, Sweet, Vanilla, Wet Earth, Wet Rocks, Ash, Cedar, Geosmin, Peppercorn, Rich, Seashell, Spicy, Traditional Chinese Medicine, Woodsy, Campfire, Maple Syrup, Tobacco, Caramel, Clay, Ocean Breeze, Fruity, Dark Chocolate, Molasses, Oak, Fig, Hay, Honey, Plum
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Edit tea info Last updated by eastkyteaguy
Average preparation
Boiling 1 min, 30 sec 5 g 6 oz / 179 ml

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  • “I’ve been a bit absent from Steepster lately. I have a good excuse. I sprained my wrist and typing is a big ol’ pain. To make it even worse, I steam burned the same hand so now I have second degree...” Read full tasting note
  • “sipdown8 I had this in the afternoon since i REALLY need to drink up some of my smaller puerh samples instead of accumulating them all. I still think that while i could live with having most of...” Read full tasting note
  • “I drank this all evening, on & off. I was busy, so I don’t really have any notes to share, but I wanted to drink it, since I drank the original Phatty Cake yesterday. I can’t really give a...” Read full tasting note
  • “I found out I put into my virtual cupboard wrong Phatty Cake, athough it was clearly labeled with II. I am as well not fan of ripe pu-erhs; but I like drinking them during cold days as those hit...” Read full tasting note

From Mandala Tea

The follow up to our very popular Phatty Cake. We used the same material, but added grade 3 leave to the mix which gives a more interesting gongfu experience.

Save money by ordering a tong. Traditional “case” size for pu’er tea is seven cakes (beeng). The hand-tied bamboo sheath wrapper is a beautiful addition to your tea collection. A full tong purchase saves you $35. You’ll be drinking cup after cup of delicious, classy ripe pu’er for under $3 per ounce and gifting cakes to your friends who still think pu’er is that weird, fishy stuff from the Asian market. Score!

About Mandala Tea View company

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41 Tasting Notes

97 tasting notes

I’ve been a bit absent from Steepster lately. I have a good excuse. I sprained my wrist and typing is a big ol’ pain. To make it even worse, I steam burned the same hand so now I have second degree burns and a sprained wrist. I’m not whining, I swear. The only thing that has kept me from being a big baby is tea. So, I guess, there’s that. My form of pain management is drinking copious amounts of tea.

Steep 1- 15 seconds
Kind of mellow. Sweet. A little bit smoky yet creamy. Very interesting in a completely non-aggressive kind of way.

Steep 2-30 seconds
It’s asserting itself a bit more. Still smoky and sweet but where the original Phatty Cake asserted itself in a smoky way, the Sequel is all about the creamyness.

Steep 3-45 seconds
It’s getting a bit nutty…literally. It’s reminiscent of Amaretto. Call me a bit insane but I may even prefer this to the original Phatty Cake.

Steep 4-1 minute
It’s a tiny bit woodsy but it’s kind of reminiscent of vanilla extract without the alcohol kick. It’s vanilla in that sort of woodsy way and not totally pastry-like or sweet.

Steep 5-1.30 seconds
Vanilla bean with a touch of figgy fruitiness. Winner! It’s light but it’s very flavorful.

I’ve been craving some iced tea lately so I decided to stop brewing this hot and try an overnight iced tea steep. Oh my dear tea gods. It was amazing. This is going to sound crazy but it’s like I took a Napoleon, mashed it up in a blender and drank it. It’s vanilla and custard and even a bit pastry-like. I wish I had made more than a glass worth of it.

I am not going to go so far as to say that I love this more than the original Phatty Cake but I love it for different reasons. Since hockey season is getting close, I am going to use a hockey comparison. The original Phatty Cake is the flashy forward. The guy who scores all the goals, gets all the credit and is all “Look at me!!! I’m so talented” but the Phatty Cake Sequel is the hard working third liner. The guy who does everything well but stays out of the way. He’s also the guy that scores the goals when the flashy forward is in one of his cold streaks—-or decides to retire to Russia…I’m bitter. I think on most occasions I’d prefer the more mellow Phatty Cake Sequel to be honest but I think the Sequel with gain some strength with age. Hopefully not too much because I like the gentler aspect of it.

Boiling 0 min, 15 sec

Awesome! Thanks for this grace….love the review :)


Welcome back !


My dear, I am so glad that you are enjoying this. Given that the steaming/pressing took place so recently, look for some big changes in complexity over the next few months. This was pressed on 4/25/2013… I’ve detected big changes already. I am SO HAPPY you like it already. Thanks for writing this review and providing me with whole new ways of looking at pu’er :)


“Thanks for writing this review and providing me with whole new ways of looking at pu’er :)”
Given Garret’s experience with Pu’er, I imagine he hasn’t given such a compliment to too many people! Way to go!

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15534 tasting notes


I had this in the afternoon since i REALLY need to drink up some of my smaller puerh samples instead of accumulating them all. I still think that while i could live with having most of Mandala’s puerhs in my cupboard, there are a few that i MUST have…and this isnt’ one of them. it’s delicious, but not something that i’ll be wishing for often, now that it’s gone.

The first few steeps were a middle of the road brew that was smooth and delicious, while also not being out of this world. Later steeps brought out hints of woodsy vanilla. I’ll have to see if i can cold brew the rest of this over night just to see how it fares after a number of steeps hot brewed :)

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3294 tasting notes

I drank this all evening, on & off.
I was busy, so I don’t really have any notes to share, but I wanted to drink it, since I drank the original Phatty Cake yesterday. I can’t really give a comparison of the two…but I love them both. I think the original is sweeter, but they are both tasty.
What I can say is this was a wonderful bold & rich contrast to the last couple of steepings of the Huang Zhi Xiang Dancong I was drinking all afternoon. The Dancong had me so dopey & mellow, & the Phatty Cake woke me back up a little. I drank several steepings before dinner, & several more after.
Yesterday I put the leftover leaves in a jar of water in the frig. I added tonight’s leaves to the same jar, as I didn’t really feel like the water had absorbed much flavor. I’ll drink their fusion tomorrow.

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2052 tasting notes

I found out I put into my virtual cupboard wrong Phatty Cake, athough it was clearly labeled with II.
I am as well not fan of ripe pu-erhs; but I like drinking them during cold days as those hit my country and yes, we had the snow already. 90 km (56 mi) from my home:

A tea, received in box from derk and again my assumption it’s from her. So thank you If it is from you, White Antlers, sorry and thank you for it :) — but it is hard to recognize, though there is WA mark on some.

Anyway I was drinking this tea during the lecture of “Statistics and Probability” and there is one task:
There are 5 white balls, 6 black ones, 2 blue ones.
If I take three of them, what is probability I took
A) all blacks
B) every one is different
C) two are blue and one is white?

Ah, tea, right?
As I said before, I never been fan of shu. They were quite all same for me, somehow dark, peat, fishy, smoky… But this one seems different. Although it was certainly peaty when dry, even in first steeps, it was as well quite pleasant. Leather notes, woody, forest floors, mushroomy (but in a good way), I enjoyed the thickness of this tea. There are some notes reminding me chocolate and petrichor (that could be outside though).

I am glad it wasn’t one of those teas which are full of that less favorite smells and flavors and rather those nice ones.

Flavors: Chocolate, Forest Floor, Leather, Peat, Petrichor, Thick, Wood

205 °F / 96 °C 0 min, 30 sec 5 g 3 OZ / 85 ML

Your instructors forgot one option: What is the probability that you will drop the container full of balls because you are clumsy, most of them will roll under your couch, and the cat will chase the rest noisily all over the house?


(That’s what would happen at my house, anyway!)

White Antlers

Ok. I AM jealous! Snow! Stay warm and awake through those lectures, which sound dreadful. : (

Martin Bednář

gmathis: Simple and easy answer. It is 100 per cent probability :D
White Antlers" I am not even look forward to snow. Usually it is just slush, which I really dislike.

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4324 tasting notes

Since the dashboard is slow right now, I’ll post this today instead of tomorrow:
Another lovely sample from Kawaii433! Thanks again. :D I’ve never had this one. And I love trying any ripe pu-erh. I went with a smaller piece of pu-erh for a not-quite-full mug (again to have another steep session on a later day). After the rinse and a three minute steep it seems this pu-erh is hardly unraveled yet, though the brew is already quite deep brown. No unpleasantness in flavors or fragrances here. The most distinctive quality is a starchiness that really lingers well after the sip. Quite sweet and like the best sort of mushroom (I don’t like mushrooms but this flavor is fine.) Somehow, this is a tough pu-erh for me to describe. (Kawaii, you are already amazing at flavor notes. haha. I’m failing at these flavor descriptions lately.) All the steeps were somehow the same flavor, though the first cup had the most starch. I had to physically break apart the leaves before the fourth steep because it was still in a solid piece, despite all that boiling water! This pu-erh is tasty enough, but I usually like when I find distinct flavor notes.
Steep #1 // smaller piece for a not-quite-full mug // 13 minutes after boiling // rinse // 3 minute steep
Steep #2 // 8 minutes after boiling // 3 minute steep
Steep #3 // just boiled // 3 min steep
Steep #4 // just boiled // 10 minute steep
2019 sipdowns: 40 (Lupicia – Cassis & Blueberry)


I was planning on reading tasting notes but it looks like only two new tasting notes on my dashboard within 22 hours. sigh.

Martin Bednář

I am trying to do my best and write at least one for a day.


Thanks for trying to post one a day, Martin. I’m aiming for one a day too.


I’m making up for my lack of posting today. Haha. But I’m dayyys behind in reading, so I have lots to catch up on!

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16875 tasting notes


Start my morning with a session of this shou to kick off my birthday tradition of drinking only teas with ‘cake’ in their name throughout the day! It’s wild that after nearly a decade of doing this I still only have the one traditional tea that actually applies to; as a result I’ve kind of accidentally also started the sub-tradition of only drinking this shou on my birthday! It’s gotten better every year though; so thick and oily with a full bodied punch of forest flavours. Pine tree resin, leather, rain soaked earth, molasses, and leather. So incredibly camphorous!!

There’ll be many other cake teas throughout the rest of the day, with a roundup post probably tomorrow. In the meantime, I’d love to invite my tea friends from across the world to participate in this yearly tradition with me throughout the rest of the week.

Tea Photos:

Song Pairing:


We’ve got a bunch of March birthdays around here!


Happy Birthday!

Mastress Alita

Happy birthday!

Martin Bednář

Happy Birthday!


Happy birthday from another March baby!


Happy birthday!


Happy belated birthday!

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379 tasting notes

Quick note… This tea is not the type of tea that you can take lightly. I’ve screwed up one or two early steep times due to being busy. I have to redo this on a quiet day. I work from home a lot so my Sundays are sometimes my busiest day.

It’s complex. It’s above my ability. It’s making me want to paint landscapes again. lol I’m thinking colors like umber, mahogany, burnt sienna… Earth colors. It starts off bold, like “Hey, pay attention!”, almost combative but then becomes more subdued, calming, mellow, sweeter.

Interesting experience.

212˚F, 110ml, 12 steeps: 5s rinse, 10s, 15s,???s, 25s, 30s, 35s, 40s, 45s, 50s, 55s, 60s, 1m15s

Update: I didn’t get any fig or fruit as some of the others.

Flavors: Camphor, Chocolate, Cocoa, Earth, Leather, Mineral, Smoke, Spices, Sweet, Vanilla, Wet Earth, Wet Rocks, Wood

Boiling 0 min, 15 sec 5 g 4 OZ / 110 ML

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1647 tasting notes

Six years later I’m finally breaking into the cake I bought after trying a sample and falling hard. Drinking puerh allows me to reflect on the passage of time, to be reminded of all the joys and sorrows that have occurred between one pot and the next. I’m overwhelmed with emotion right now without the words to convey.


Flavors: Ash, Camphor, Cedar, Forest Floor, Geosmin, Leather, Mineral, Peat, Peppercorn, Rich, Seashell, Spicy, Traditional Chinese Medicine, Woodsy

Boiling 5 g 7 OZ / 200 ML

I still have a bit of my first ever sheng and when I see it I remember sending some to K S to try and I miss him being on here with us.


what a beautiful reminder, sending love to the other side of the Earth <3

Martin Bednář

This was an amazing tea. And when a nice reminder hits, it’s maybe even better. I read my notes and indeed it reminded me joys and sorrows between drinking and today.

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53 tasting notes

I thoroughly enjoyed this tea. I steeped it western style with 5g of tea and about 8 ounces of water. After an initial rinse I steeped each infusion for about a minute. The aroma was very reminiscent of warm compost and dirt. The taste is of sweet dirt. The second infusion brought the slightest astringency and bite in the mouth.

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7 tasting notes

Really interesting tea. Received as a sample from Garret with my noble mark purchase. Different flavors arise with each steep. A little bitter here and there, but very enjoyable. Fits perfectly into a nice evening tea for me. Tobacco, leather, earth, and campfire are prominent in almost all of the steeps and picked up a bit of maple syrup(ish) flavor at the 7+ steep mark. Really enjoyed it and picked up a cake!

Flavors: Campfire, Earth, Leather, Maple Syrup, Tobacco

205 °F / 96 °C 0 min, 15 sec 6 g 5 OZ / 150 ML

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