Golden Strand Black Tea

Tea type
Black Tea
Not available
Bread, Cocoa, Honey, Malt, Wood, Cacao, Cherry, Peanut, Salty, Caramel, Chocolate
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Edit tea info Last updated by graceatblb
Average preparation
Boiling 2 min, 15 sec 10 oz / 283 ml

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32 Tasting Notes View all

  • “Garret included this one in my birthday order as a sample. I was overjoyed because it was on my list before pu’er craziness took over and I added another cake instead. This one was really really...” Read full tasting note
  • “So I had my water boiled and ready to go, and I knew which tea I wanted to drink, and I thought I knew exactly where this particular tea was. Wrong. There are only 5 possible places in my home...” Read full tasting note
  • “A super generous free sample from Mandala with my last order! Woot! What an unexpected tea this is. First cup of the day for me, vaguely remembered it’s unusual because it’s very, well, golden...” Read full tasting note
  • “Another surprise. The aroma convinced me this tea would be a bit too thin and sharp, even tinny, for my tastes. But tasting, while leaving in place those high metallic notes, rounds them out with...” Read full tasting note

From Mandala Tea

High grade Yunnan spring tea buds briefly fermented and carefully controlled to create a radiantly golden looking black tea! Leaves are shiny and still contain the downey hairs of spring. The aroma is sweet, carmel-like. Truly wonderful. Flavor is mild, smooth, and delicate. A stronger cup can be brewed with longer infusions or more leaf.

Basic Brewing Instructions:

Black tea should be given a 10 second rinse with the same temperature water as used for brewing. 208˚ F water temperature. (Just below boiling.) Use 1-2 tsps. per 8oz. depending on the strength desired. Recommended first steeping of 1minute. Add 1 minute for each subsequent steeping up to 5 minutes. Alternately, try one long steeping of 3-5 minutes. Tea brewing is meant to be a joyful exploration. There are no hard and fast rules. Experiment with the quantity of tea that you use, and steeping times. Enjoy discovering what your preferences are. They may change day to day. See Tea Brewing 101 for further instructions.

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32 Tasting Notes

9 tasting notes

Nice big golden leaves that fill your mouth up with caramelie goodness. Leaves a slightly but not unpleasant dry mouth feel afterwards. This tea is not woodsy or grassy at all, but is instead more like dark honey, sour cherry, or a smooth liquor. It tastes as if it should be drunk while wearing a silk robe while sitting in a red leather chair with mahogany wood floors. I’ve always imagined it as a suave, luxury tea.

Flavors: Caramel, Cherry

205 °F / 96 °C 0 min, 45 sec 1 tsp 6 OZ / 177 ML

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1118 tasting notes

(From the Unflavored Traveling Tea Box)

First, the leaves of this tea are so pretty – long and golden, twisted tightly into place. The smell of the dry leaves is very sweet. It reminds me of homemade caramel sauce. After steeping the caramel smell is replaced by the smell of baked bread. Yum.

This tea reminds me of a good grainy bread with honey drizzled on it. There are malty and caramel notes, too, but it’s the biscuity flavor that has me swooning. I can see myself drinking a lot of this tea. Another one added to my shopping list.

205 °F / 96 °C 3 min, 30 sec 1 tsp 6 OZ / 177 ML

love it!


That sounds amazing! I just added it to my wish list


it’s on my wish list now too, hee hee


It’s really good! I’ve never oredered from Mandala before, but my first order is going to be awesome for me and painful to my pocketbook! :)


One of my favorite companies! There are so many good teas. (:


This is one of my absolute favorites from Mandala. I’m coming up on needing to make an order with them, myself. It will only be my second order but all the teas were so good with my first order that I am totally sunk at this point. :)

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157 tasting notes

The dry leaves are gorgeous to look at. I often will pluck a leaf out of the bag and turn it over in my fingers, marveling at the color and the fine golden dust it’s covered with. The color of the tea liquor ranges from a mellow gold to a light amber. It’s definitely malty—but it sits lightly on the tongue. There’s a smooth, silky feel to the tea liquid. Sweetness lies at the end of each sip, like caramel, and lingers soon after. Sort of like a light perfume. It doesn’t coat your tongue, but it definitely builds and leaves this clean, sweet feeling behind. Sooo hard to describe. It’s delicate and complex. I prefer to drink this tea in the evening. It doesn’t really have the punch of a strong black tea I would drink in the morning, or middle of the day. I dare say it’s quickly becoming one of my favorites. Later steeps bring out more honeyed, chocolate notes coupled with a full, juicy freshness. Simply lovely. (:

Flavors: Caramel, Chocolate, Honey, Malt

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790 tasting notes

This is just gorgeous. The leaves almost look waxy in the package. Man, it smells awesome and tastes even better!

Malty, caramely, sweet, smooth, bready perfection. I lurve teas like this. I went with the single prolonged steep and it is a deep reddish brown in color, hefty and luscious. I will definitely be resteeping to see how that turns out but I could see myself zooming through this package and wanting, nay, needing, more very soon.

I am tempted to rate this but since my allergies are going crazy I am going to hold off.

Oh, and let me just say – this was freaky fast shipping. I’d be tempted to say they were an offshoot of Jimmy Johns. :)

Update: Second steep is good, but not as good as the first. Probably my choice of lengthy steeping time impacted the taste of the second steep. It’s a tiny bit bitter and not as smooth. Also a little dustier.

205 °F / 96 °C 4 min, 0 sec 4 tsp 16 OZ / 473 ML

Sounds delicious! Adding it to my wishlist :)


If you like yunnans, and I think I recall several being on your reviews, this is definitely one to get ahold of. :)


Mmm.. yum! Have to try this one!


Ah, this goes on my wishlist! Nicole, you are my Chinese black teas mentor :D


Yahooo!!! Freaky fast shipping… gots to be our new slogan at Mandala Tea!


Awww…ya gonna make me blush! Kat_Maria, you could do so much better for a mentor. I am pretty much in deep smit with most yunnans and fujian blacks. So I’m not too discriminating. I want them all in my cupboard forever! :) That said, I’d be happy to share with you if I have some you want to try.

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615 tasting notes

This looked like a really fluffy delicate golden yunnan, and I’m thrilled that that is exactly what it was! It’s malty with sweet notes of caramel and cocoa that build on your tongue. But it manages to stay delicate and refreshing, with a really clean and crisp finish.

This is pretty much everything I like in a black tea, only lightened and more vibrant. This is something I could see settling into a permanent spot in my cabinet once things get under control.

205 °F / 96 °C 2 min, 0 sec 2 tsp 8 OZ / 236 ML

that sounds tasty!

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