I received this bag of tea from a tea swap (well it ended up being a tea swap) on reddit. Between the purple wrapper and the fact that my husband got to haul out his rusty German for the translating, I knew this was going to be fun.
These artificial flavors are really taking me back to my childhood lately. This bag smelled like that 80s and 90s grape flavor that was everywhere until manufacturers started realizing that no one but I liked grape flavored things.
Brewing it up, and it’s red. Red red. I’m pretty sure this is an herbal tea from the smell and color, but my first taste pretty much confirms it. Although there is no cranberry in this tea according to what I looked up, I’m pretty sure I’ve just brewed up a cup of hot Ocean Spray unsweetened cranberry juice, complete with the sour dryness on the back of the palate that you get when you drink unsweetened cranberry juice.
Some sugar fixed me right up, and now I’m happily sipping away at my hot cranberry juice. There aren’t a lot of non-caffeinated teas that I like, but this is surprisingly one of them.
Flavors: Astringent, Cranberry, Fruit Punch, Grapes, Pleasantly Sour