ZiQi Puerh GuShu Sheng Cha 2018 Spring

Tea type
Pu'erh Tea
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Astringent, Bitter, Butterscotch, Caramel, Creamy, Floral, Forest Floor, Mineral, Mint, Salt, Stonefruit, Straw, Vegetal, White Chocolate
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  • “Edited life If you’re curious about unnecessary complaining, maybe it’s on the internet archive. So I drink my first tea since Monday. Look out from the front porch of the in-law unit. Beautiful....” Read full tasting note

From kingteamall

Tea Name: ZiQi written as 子期 in Chinese Character which belongs to 2nd one as below:
1) 伯牙 (BoYa),sheng cha
2) 子期 (ZiQi), sheng cha
3) 桐琴 (TongQin),Shou cha.
高山流水遇知音(GaoShanLiuShuiYuZhiYin) is a well known story happened more than 2000 years ago in China. When BoYa was playing zither, occasionally ZiQi came by and attracted by the melody and directly pointed out when the melody was describing towering mountain or babbling stream. So ZhiYin(知音, understanding melody) is used for describing bosom friends from then on.
This tea was made from spring tea materials of GuShu(old tree) from YiWu(易武) as main and sub-materials of BanPen(班盆 where belongs to BanZhang tea area, also called one of five BanZhang villages). YiWu tea is famous for it’s softness and floral tea flavor. Ancient tree absorbs more nutrients via advanced roots and sub-roots deep into soils and rocks and finally these nutrients are sent to tea leaves to make that soft still with tenacity and it can be brewed for more times than younger trees.

Tightly curled tea threads with tenacity and many silver hairs on that.
Tea liquid is rich and softy. Yellow on color. Clean and clear.
Bitterness is stronger than general pure YiWu tea because of mixed BanPen tea from BuLang tea mountains.
Astringency is on medium level.

HuiGan is on high level with unique sweetness from YiWu tea, soft and lingering in mouth even deep into throat.

Saliva producing is good enough and lasts long time.
It has the potentiality of future aging under suitable storage condition. (Personally I recommend R/H is around 75 and below 80. Temperature is around 25 Celsius degrees)
Package: 100g/pcs, 5pcs/tong.
Storage: GuangZhou dry storage.

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1 Tasting Note

1647 tasting notes

Edited life If you’re curious about unnecessary complaining, maybe it’s on the internet archive.

So I drink my first tea since Monday. Look out from the front porch of the in-law unit. Beautiful. Should I ask to rent this place? Solitude and sheep.

It’s a regular stonefruity sheng with forward engaging mineral-astringency. Early cooling in throat. Starts with creamy-juicy feel/taste and waters down intro straw-stonefruit after 5 steeps when some lingering throaty bitterness turns into a hint of butterscotch aftertaste. The warmed leaf aroma is the best part of the tea — strong stonefruit in a pool of warm white chocolate and caramel. If the character of the tea changes enough to warrant an update, I will do so.

These watered-down flavors could all be a water issue though since I’m using bottled Trader Joe’s ‘mountain spring water’ at this place. I should try the well water.

Flavors: Astringent, Bitter, Butterscotch, Caramel, Creamy, Floral, Forest Floor, Mineral, Mint, Salt, Stonefruit, Straw, Vegetal, White Chocolate


Hope you get feeling better.


It sounds like a beautiful setting to recover in, rogue sheep notwithstanding!

Evol Ving Ness

Hope things clear up soonest!


I am feeling better thank you. It’s just frustrating to deal with this like every 3 months. It’s strange how pain effects my brain, any level of thought or concentration goes entirely by the wayside. But, like you said gmathis, I couldn’t ask for a better recovery setting.

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